Level 3 teacher with 20 years of classroom teaching experience. Masters in Education (learning disabilities and difficulties). Creating resources to assist with differentiation. Fun early childhood resources to inspire.
Level 3 teacher with 20 years of classroom teaching experience. Masters in Education (learning disabilities and difficulties). Creating resources to assist with differentiation. Fun early childhood resources to inspire.
Where-is-Samoa - A 55 slide PowerPoint Lesson on Samoa. Made in consultation with proud Samoan woman, Crystal Sio. Appropriate for pre-Primary to Middle Primary students. Includes essential information. Great when teaching about other countries, places, islands and cultures.
Where Samoa is located
55 slides (includes cover pages)
Photographs and clipart
Colour PowerPoint
Engaging and on point
Go to my podcast on spotify to learn more about ways to include other cultures in your classroom:
anzac-activities A 64 page printable craft activity and worksheet pack for K-6 students. Covers ANZAC Day (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) held on the 25th April every year.
anzac-activitie includes;
cloze activity
sentence completion (because…)
anzac colour in pages - varied in complexity
true or false (two pages and answers provided)
find the word (two options for difficulty - answers provided)
writing prompts (e.g. describe, explain, persuade, letter, narrative)
anzac acrynym
anzac biscuit recipe and writing pages
craft activities - poppy flowers for wreath or pin creation, wrist band
lesson plan for anzac day
answers for all activities
differentiated to suit a variety of year levels (choose what suits your students!)
64 pages - includes cover pages
This covers all of your planning for the week leading up to ANZAC. Meaningful activities for your students.
noise posters - Have a noisy class? This visual noise chart can be used as a reminder for when to use each level of sound and has examples for each level provided. 31 page printable pdf.
noise posters includes;
Two sets of Australian animals to choose from
One page compilation posters with all sound levels (from silent to loudest) and examples of when to use each voice level
Single page example posters
One page compilation posters with just the animal and name of sound
Two editable compilation poster options
Two blank compilation poster options to use for a classroom brainstorm
How to use this product and an example of how to organise a lesson for this resource is provided
31 pages includes cover pages
Colour product
Landscape format - A4 but you can enlarge to A3
Beautiful watercolour illustrations of animals
Please check your printer settings prior to printing (e.g. fit to page, print in printable area, etc.).
topics-for-science-writing - A PLANT themed writing task activity pack. Includes 72 pdf pages, 3 editable templates and black and white or colour versions.
topics-for-science-writing - includes:
writing tasks - labels, descriptions, comparing (using venn diagrams) and basic report page
differentiated tasks - pages are scaffolded to suit different writing abilities
black and white or colour
3 editable pages (report, description and venn)
english and american spelling pages - colour or color
integration is easy with this pack - integrate science with writing!
please check your printer settings prior to printing (fit to page)
very cute clipart
easy to follow instructions
answer key included for most pages
Thanks for your support.
potato-man-game Do you need a game that is educational, fun and students will stay focused? A really cute printable potato man, woman and person game. Encourages a variety of skills such as; subitising to 6, addition of dice, matching and reading words. 45 pages.
potato-man-game includes;
game boards
game pieces to print, laminate and use
dice boards
dice tokens
word cards
so much fun
Matches well with a potato unit. Just plain fun too!
Please check your printer settings prior to printing (e.g. fit to page or print in printable area). Thank you.
Chance-Worksheets-Year-One - This is appropriate for Pre-Primary to Year Two. A 78 page PDF printable document. Differentiated levels of the same task!
‘Chance-Worksheets-Year-One’ includes;
answer key included
vocabulary sorting (and printable for class displays)
situation sort (using pictures) - coloured
deciding which chance word is appropriate
sentence re-write
drawing pictures to match the chance vocabulary
writing synonyms for chance words (yes/no/maybe)
writing own sentences to suit the given chance word
cute clipart
Please check your printer settings prior to printing.
anzac-day-lessons Grab this prepared ANZAC PowerPoint lesson. Covers the topic of ANZAC history in a simplified manner for primary school students. Includes photographs. 75 slides.
anzac-day-lessons includes;
learning intentions
success criteria
tune in
lesson content
real photographs
background knowledge
current ways to acknowledge anzacs
checking for understanding questions
thinking points to consider
please note: when you press the mouse click, space or enter bar, some letters or words will appear (use in slideshow mode)
choose the amount of slides you wish to cover with your class prior to the lesson
75 slides includes cover pages
I hope you find this useful.
the-life-of-a-potato Do you need a PowerPoint lesson that teaches the potato lifecycle for you? It’s all done, just play and read! 45 slides. For K-3 students. Photographs and clipart used.
potato-growth-stages includes;
lesson outcomes
success criteria
discussion prompts
each lifecycle explained
lifecycle shown on one slide (compilation)
photographs and clipart used
what the potato plant needs to grow and stay alive
check for understanding questions at the end
when you press the mouse or space bar, the answers will appear
Play in slideshow mode
ways-to-cook-potatoes PowerPoint lesson - Your students will love this topic! This links in nicely to many different themes such as farming, lifecycles, cooking, potatoes (as a unit) and food. 62 slides.
ways-to-cook-potatoes includes;
learning intentions
success criteria
discussion points
information about potatoes
different ways to eat potatoes (hot or cold)
checking for understanding questions
when you press the space or mouse button, the answer will appear
photography that is beautiful and engaging
cute clipart
two activity follow up discussion/activity suggestions
links nicely to the potato lifecycle powerpoint lesson
62 pages includes cover pages.
ways-to-cook-potatoes A PowerPoint lesson. Your kids will love this topic. This links in nicely to many different themes such as farming, lifecycles, cooking, potatoes (as a unit) and food. 62 slides.
ways-to-cook-potatoes includes;
learning intentions
success criteria
discussion points
information about potatoes
different ways to eat potatoes (hot or cold)
checking for understanding questions
when you press the space or mouse button, the answer will appear
photography that is beautiful and engaging
cute clipart
two activity follow up discussion/activity suggestions
links nicely to the potato lifecycle powerpoint lesson
62 pages includes cover pages.
potato-life-cycle-worksheet Need an activity pack and follow up worksheets to cover the topic of potato lifecycles? 84 page printable product. A science-based unit that incorporates literacy skills. For grades K-3.
potato-life-cycle-worksheet includes;
learning outcomes
lifecycle sequencing tasks
pictures for sequencing the lifecycle of the potato (or to use directly into student workbooks - you choose!)
some colour lifecycle pictures
mostly black and white worksheets
writing tasks - differentiated
sentence stem writing
question pages to check for understanding
creative thinking
drawing pages
same and different tasks
description template
labelling task
venn diagram for same and different
84 pages includes cover pages
please check your printer settings prior to printing (e.g. fit to page or print in printable area)
lifecycle of the potato explained in brief terms for you!
This unit can be continued over many weeks or be as short as you want it to be! It goes nicely with my comprehension pack for the story ‘The Potato People’ by Pamela Allen.
ways-to-eat-potato poster set Are you teaching cooking, home economics or doing a fun potato-themed unit? These posters will engage your students, prompt learning and provide information on the ways to eat potatoes, cooking methods and prompt creative thinking skills. 45 page printable poster/word card set.
ways-to-eat-potato includes;
32 A4 posters in colour
9 pages of word cards (mostly black and white)
ways to eat potatoes (e.g. fries, wedges, mash, hash browns, salad, roast and more)
ways to cook potatoes (e.g. oven bake, fry in oil, boil in water and toast)
cooking poster words (e.g. peel, chop)
activity posters (e.g how do you like potatoes, students who like crinkle cut potatoes, students who like flat potatoes and so forth). Laminate these posters and simply write the students names on when doing a taste test activity. You can also get students to write their names onto small post it notes and attach to the poster. These posters can be enlarged to an A3 size if that suits you better.
45 pages includes cover pages
nicely bordered
please check your printer settings prior to printing (e.g. fit to page or print in printable area)
These go nicely with the ‘Ways to eat potatoes’ powerpoint and the lifecycle of potatoes powerpoint lessons!
potato-man-game Looking for a game that is educational, fun and students will stay focused? A really cute printable potato man, woman and person game. Encourages a variety of skills such as; subitising to 6, addition of dice, matching and reading words. 45 pages.
printable-potato-man-game includes;
game boards
game pieces to print, laminate and use
dice boards
dice tokens
word cards
so much fun
Matches well with a potato unit. Just plain fun too!
Please check your printer settings prior to printing (e.g. fit to page or print in printable area). Thank you.
Christmas Themed Writing prompts - This product is appropriate for Kindergarten to Year 4. Includes 83 pages Printable PDF document. Colour Posters to decorate your room and use as teaching prompts for text types. Black and white worksheets to complete.
‘Christmas Themed Writing prompts’ includes:
Colour Posters to decorate your room or use as teaching prompts
Black and white writing templates
Text types: persuasive text, description, letters, recipes (2x), lists, acrostic poem, A-Z list,
7x pages of smaller task cards - writing prompts (use as a lucky dip)
Blank lined paper for your own choice
Cute clip art
stages-of-potato-growth-pictures Need some visuals for your classroom science area? Here is a 24 page poster pack that includes full page posters, flashcards, word cards and thinking prompts!
stages-of-potato-growth-pictures includes;
A4 page posters showing the 5 stages
A4 page posters showing individual stages
word cards
thinking prompt posters & word cards
clipart images only
24 pages includes cover pages
very cute and engaging images
easy to read fonts
goes well with ‘The potato people’ comprehension pack and potato lifecycle worksheets!
Please check your printer settings prior to printing (e.g. fit to page or print in printable area).
Enjoy and thanks!
Skip Counting by fives - Halloween theme - want to teach skip counting by fives but want to link it to your Halloween theme?
WALT - what we are learning to do
Direct Instruction format lesson
Count by fives to 20, 50 & 100
Count by fives on: number line, 100s chart, fingers (on hands), picture quantities, tallies.
Extension slides provided
Halloween clipart (not scary)
Checking for understanding
Just read the lesson and go
Please go through this PowerPOint lesson prior to using it with your children. Some numbers will appear when you press the tab/enter/arrow or mouse click and your font size/style may be different on your computer.
This power point explains the benefit of skip counting by fives. It also shows the collection of five objects with each skip count.
direct instruction style lesson
WALT - we are learning to (lesson outcomes)
differentiated: count to 20, 50 and 100 by fives.
number lines
ten frames (showing five)
hundreds chart are shown to represent counting by five in different ways.
tally marks
picture quantities
Fingers (on hands)
Easter eggs are shown in the beginning slides for a fun way to inspire counting!
Extension slides included
Checking for understanding
*55 slides (includes cover pages)
beautiful clipart used
Please go through this slide first. Some numbers may appear when you press the enter/space or arrow key on your keyboard. Fonts may differ on different computers.
Thank you.
Halloween Colour in pages - do you want a quick and easy Halloween activity? Grab these Halloween cuties. There are no scary images! Massive value-pack - 54 page PDF printable document (includes cover pages)
Kind regards,
Counting Activities - 71 page PDF printable product. Differentiated pack for Kindergarten to Year two.
71 pages (includes cover pages)
some editable pages
teacher checklist for counting skills (includes an editable checklist)
counting quantities
think boards (includes place value, tallies, number stories, number sentences)
so many uses
includes number flashcards to 120 (two sets of different sized cards)
Print to A4 or A3 (I used A3 in my classroom). Check your printer settings prior to printing.
Short e spelling alternatives PowerPoint Lesson - 217 slide lesson covering the graphemes for the short /e/ sound including; e, ea, ie, ai, eo, ei, ay, u and a. A step by step differentiated lesson that does all the hard work for you. For grades 1-3.
Short e spelling alternatives PowerPoint Lesson includes;
word and sentence level reading
phonic dictation
word building
word sorting
syllable level reading (syllables underlined for you)
editing sentences with short e graphemes
checking for understanding questions (e.g. which word is spelt correctly, write each phoneme into a sound box and more)
learning intentions and success criteria
very engaging and interactive
helpful whether you are unsure how to teach phonics or a seasoned pro
217 slides includes cover pages
answers included
when you click the mouse or enter key, letters or images will appear
notes in many slides included
digital product (download, save to your computer and display)
use in slideshow mode (except for the word building and word sorting - these must be used outside of slideshow mode)
Use over 1-2 weeks and then again as a warm-up lesson to revise these concepts!