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Brazil Knowledge Organiser KS2
This knowledge organiser provides information on the country Brazil. This topic was taught within the Geography curriculum in KS2. The document includes key facts and vocabulary to support children with their learning of this topic. PDF document.
Adding and Subtracting up to 20 (Differentiated)
This resource allows children to work out calculations up to 20 using different mathematical strategies and representations. The worksheets are differentiated for Lower, Middle and Higher. PDF format.
Representing numbers on a number line (Differentiated)
The worksheets are differentiated by lower, middle, higher and support children in learning where numbers are placed on a number line. PDF format.
Adding numbers using a number line (Differentiated)
Worksheets on adding numbers using a number line. Differentiated by lower, middle and higher. PDF format.
Subtracting numbers using a number line (Differentiated)
Differentiated worksheets on subtracting numbers using a number line. PDF format.
Animals Fact Sorting Activity
Children should read the fact sheets and find key information about the different animals before answering the questions on the sorting activity. PDF and editable Word Document included.
Meet The Teacher Poster for Parents
This resource is great for sharing new class and teacher information with parents and children. This resource was originally created for Year 3 children, but it can be amended to use for different year groups. Editable Word Document attached.
Maths Number and Place Value Knowledge Organiser Year 3
A knowledge organiser to support children with their understanding of number and place value. This is aimed at Year 3 and covers the national curriculum. However, it can be used for other year groups as well.
PDF format.
Lower Key Stage 2 Home Learning Pack
This homework pack can be used to send home for children who do not have access to online resources during home learning periods. The work included is aimed at children in Year 3 and lower key stage 2. PDF format.
Virtual Reward System/Chart
During the period of online learning, this is a great resource to motivate engagement and encourage children. This comes in ppt format and can be exported onto Google Slides. Editable format. All digital stickers have been created by myself.
Grouping Arrays Worksheet
Worksheet with visuals to support with grouping arrays. PDF format.
Animal Facts Sorting Activity
This activity requires the children to work in groups to research the different animals, with the support of the fact sheet and then answer the questions based on their research. PDF format.
Wanted Poster Planning Resource
This worksheet can be used to plan before creating a wanted poster. The character used here is the big bad wolf from Little Red Riding Hood. PDF and Word Document included.
Role Play Question Cards for Fictional Character
These questions are aimed at the character Jack from the fictional story Jack and the Beanstalk. They can be edited and amended to suit other characters. Editable Word Document included.
Writing Frame for Autobiography Report
Can be used to plan a report about self. PDF included.