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Numbers 0-20 in words
Numbers 0-20 in words to be used for provision activities such as matching.
Can be used for reading and writing numbers 0-20 in words handwriting practice.

Days of the week
Days of the week activity.
Support children in learning how to read and write the days of the week through these simple activities.

Spring caption writing
Learning about Seasons? The perfect provision writing activity for EYFS or Year 1!
Spring writing template to encourage children to write descriptively and identify signs of Spring. Children can write short simple sentences to identify what they can see.

Umbrella experiment (waterproof materials)
Testing waterproof and absorbent materials.
For the experiment you will need:

Measuring capacity
Using these mats, children can measure capacity by filling each of the containers accordingly.
Use a variety of resources such as buttons, pom poms, sequins etc that they can use to fill the containers.
Alternatively, this can be used as a worksheet to demonstrate understanding of capacity.

Carnivore, Herbivore & Omnivore Guess Who?
Guess who cards:
Children are to read out the description of the animals listed on the cards to a partner, whilst their partner has to guess what the animal is and whether they are a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore.

Phonics sound ''air'' real and nonsense words
Perfect activity for getting children to read real and nonsense words in provision when teaching the ‘‘air’’ sound. Each of the words include sound buttons.

Fair & Unfair Worksheet
Lesson objectives:
Give a simple explanation of what is meant by fairness and unfairness
Identify a fair and an unfair situation.
Recommend how to make an unfair situation fair.
Illustrate different points of view of an event.

Number line to 100 - Missing Numbers
Children to fill in the missing numbers on a number line to 100.

Animal Writing Stimulus
Simple sentences template for children to write about animals. Word prompts available.

Word Matching - Split Digraph Sounds
Children to read and match the words to the correct picture. Phase 5 split digraph sounds.

Year 1: Adding Suffixes
Adding suffixes worksheet. Focusing on writing words with the suffixes ‘ing’ ‘est’ ‘er’ and ‘ed’.

Navigating Challenges In Continuous Provision CPD
Topics covered:
-What is continuous provision?
Effective provision should…
Play/ Learning opportunities relationship
Purpose/relevance/ accessibility
Enabling/dis-enabling activities
Challenge in provision
Strategies to implement challenge
How do I plan my continuous provision?
Incorporating challenge

Lost Property Poster
Linked to the ‘‘Lost Property Office’’ book by Emily Rand.
Children to create their own lost property poster about an item they may have lost.
Creative writing stimulus/ continuous provision activity.