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Science teacher.
Investigating how cooling rate affects the size of crystals

Investigating how cooling rate affects the size of crystals

In this activity, you are going use a substance to model molten rock. When it cools it forms crystals, in a similar way to cooling rock but over much shorter timescales. Students explore the purpose of the experiment to see if there is a link between rate of cooling and crystal size formed. Using ideas, example results tables and writing frames students can use scientific method to work through the practical write up.
Alkali metals

Alkali metals

An overview of alkali metals, their properties and reactions. Can be used as a lesson, with practical or using suggested link. Reviews alkali metals and equations.
Germination of seeds practical

Germination of seeds practical

An investigation to determine the effect of heat on the germination of native and introduced seeds. This is a 2 part lesson where students spend 1 lesson planning and conduct the experiment. The second lesson (5 days after) is where they make observations, record their results, analysis the data and make conclusions. They can get class results and work out germination rates as a percentage. Example calculations included :)
Obtaining metals from ores

Obtaining metals from ores

Students in Yr10 learn about extracting metals from their ores. This powerpoint reminds students about rocks, minerals, ores and extraction of metals. It reviews methods of extraction based on the reactivity of a metal and some key metals, with their uses.