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Hi there! I'm both an English and Geography teacher in London. I am currently working in an Outstanding school which is my second Outstanding school of my career in London after teaching in both Ireland and the Middle East. My resources are both English & Geography resources where I like to give the student an active role in their learning. It is done by many activities such as Q&A sessions, exercises, group/pair-work and many others.




Hi there! I'm both an English and Geography teacher in London. I am currently working in an Outstanding school which is my second Outstanding school of my career in London after teaching in both Ireland and the Middle East. My resources are both English & Geography resources where I like to give the student an active role in their learning. It is done by many activities such as Q&A sessions, exercises, group/pair-work and many others.
Seamus Heaney Poems: Blackberry Picking, Mid Term Break & Early Purges

Seamus Heaney Poems: Blackberry Picking, Mid Term Break & Early Purges

3 Resources
This is a bundle of three of Seamus Heaney’s most famous poems thought at Junior Certificate or can be used for KS3 too-especially Mid Term Break and Blackberry Picking. Each lesson analyses each poem and has a structure. The Mid Term Break lesson was one I created for a successful interview lesson and went down really well with the students.
Of Mice and Men Chapter 1 Lessons

Of Mice and Men Chapter 1 Lessons

7 Resources
I created these lessons as part of a full scheme of work on ‘Of Mice and Men’. The lessons focus on everything from context, characters and also ‘The American Dream’ which sets the tone for the rest of the novel. Each lesson has a similar structure: A ‘Do Now’, ‘Think-Pair-Share’, Information, Main Task and a Plenary. This makes sure that assessment is present throughout the lesson in many forms. This is part of a full SOW that I have in my shop for £20. It includes 20 lessons and also a detailed 40 page SOW.
I Sit and Sew Language and Structure Alice Dunbar Nelson

I Sit and Sew Language and Structure Alice Dunbar Nelson

This lesson is the second from two lessons that I created on Alice Dunbar Nelson’s poem ‘I Sit and Sew’. In this lesson the students will learn about language and structure and how the poet uses structure effectively within this poem. This lesson was used for remote learning but can easily be used in class also.
AFOREST Room 101 Persuasive Writing

AFOREST Room 101 Persuasive Writing

This PowerPoint is a general introduction to AFOREST and how it can be used in Room 101. This lesson can be easily changed for remote learning as it has elements of both remote and classroom learning. The structure is based on a ‘Do Now’ followed by a ‘Think-Pair-Share’ activity. It then allows the teacher to teach AFOREST in the way they wish depending on the groups ability. The PowerPoint then has a quiz that can be altered adhering to the school and a sample paragraph where students are to highlight/underline AFOREST techniques. The lesson ends with an individual writing task, followed by a plenary.
Friendship in War Horse

Friendship in War Horse

This is a PowerPoint that I made for an observation. It has several different tasks including a differentiated ‘Think-Pair-Share’ task. It also has a modelled PEEL paragraph for the students to observe before they try their own PEEL paragraph while following each step.
Great Expectations: Dickens' Portrayal of Fagin Lesson Plan

Great Expectations: Dickens' Portrayal of Fagin Lesson Plan

This is a lesson plan which was used during a recent inspection with a group of Year 9 students while studying Great Expectations (both play and novel). The main task here was to analyse Dickens’ portrayal of Fagin from an extract from the novel. This allowed students to have empathy for Fagin in comparison to their original view of him via his appearance and how he is described by Dickens. This has been edited so that it gives room for you to add student information. Available as part as a whole bundle where the PowerPoints and materials are given.
Friendship in War Horse

Friendship in War Horse

2 Resources
In this bundle you will receive a PowerPoint and also a lesson plan. Both were used in an observation. There are a range of different activities in this lesson including a PEEL model and think-pair-share.
Benjamin Zephaniah Good Hope Inspection Lesson

Benjamin Zephaniah Good Hope Inspection Lesson

Before studying Benjamin Zephaniah’s poem ‘Good Hope’, it is important to get a sense of what the students believe in. In the poem, Zephaniah repeats the phrase ‘I believe’ and this lesson is an opportunity for students to think about what they strongly believe in. This can be part of a wider writing project or as a way of getting students prepared for some of the topics in Zephaniah’s poem. The PowerPoint asks students questions to give them more ideas before they write on a planning sheet for what they believe in entitled ‘I Believe’. This resource includes the PowerPoint, Planning Sheet and Lesson Plan.
Friendship in War Horse Lesson Plan

Friendship in War Horse Lesson Plan

This is a lesson plan I made for an observation for Year 7 with War Horse. This can be used in a SoW or as revision material. The main task for this is for students to attempt their own PEEL paragraph after they have chosen their friendships and quotes from the text. There is also a PowerPoint of this lesson in which I used for an observation also.
Great Expectations: Fagin  Extract Analysis

Great Expectations: Fagin Extract Analysis

This resource is part of a lesson I had for an inspection where we focused on Dickens’ portrayal of Fagin. This extracts focuses on Fagin’s final scene. This exercise can be done in pairs or individually. It is also differentiated to higher and lower to allow all students to access it. Students first read the extract and then answer the questions on the sheet.
English Language A Mock Reflective Booklet

English Language A Mock Reflective Booklet

This resource is used after a mock examination to make students more reflective on what area’s of improvement they need to study. The booklet is 10 pages in total and asks students to rate their confidence in each question out of 10. It then ask a series of questions to make students reflect on their mock and how to improve. Students then rate each Non Fiction text, Section B Text Types and Topics before writing a “To Do List” which promotes independent study. I have used this with both of my Year 10 and Year 11 students after their mock examinations and they found it very beneficial. Exam: IGCSE Pearson EDEXCEL English Language A
English Lang A IGCSE Coursework A RAG Sheet

English Lang A IGCSE Coursework A RAG Sheet

This is a resource I used with my KS4 students on their Coursework A for Pearson IGCSE Edexcel. This was used after students were due to submit their final piece of work. This RAG (Red, Amber, Green) list asks them several questions to make sure they have proofread their essay before submission. The resource is 2 pages and can be glued into their books or placed into their folder.
Observation Lesson: Non-Fiction "Who are You?"

Observation Lesson: Non-Fiction "Who are You?"

This is a full lesson from which I was observed by an inspector. This is a Non-Fiction lesson whereby students have to think about their own lives with the main question being “Who Are You?” This lesson brought a lot of thought provoking questions to students and much intrigue. This is aimed at Year 9 students as they are about to transition into KS3 and it is linked to the ‘Growing Up’ section in their textbooks. In saying that, it can easily be adapted for other KS3 years. What is included: PowerPoint Lesson Plan Success Criteria slip for task Boy and Girl Profiles Reflection Log
Observation Lesson: Non-Fiction: My Future

Observation Lesson: Non-Fiction: My Future

This lesson was for a Year 9 class but can be used for any KS3 class for students to think about their future. The lesson is cross-curricular as it asks students to think of their Option Choices for Year 10 and what job they would like to do in the future. This lesson is after another lesson entitled “Who are You?” and is available too as a bundle. The main task is a small article with a comprehension in relation the the question: What would you like to do when you grow up? Included: -PowerPoint -Lesson Plan -Article cut-out -Success Criteria for students -Plenary (Reflection Log)
Persuasive Writing: AFOREST for Room 101

Persuasive Writing: AFOREST for Room 101

2 Resources
This bundle has a PowerPoint lesson and also a detailed lesson plan. The lesson is an introduction to AFOREST and how it can be used within a persuasive writing piece. The sturucture of the lesson is in stages so that assessment is ongoing throughout.
Non-Fiction: 'Me, Myself & I' Lesson Observations

Non-Fiction: 'Me, Myself & I' Lesson Observations

2 Resources
This bundle gives you two whole lessons and everything needed for an observation/inspection. The first lesson is getting students to think who they are which is important for students then to write about their future. Catered for KS3 students and can be easily adapted. These were for Year 9 students who were choosing Options at the time.
Dulce et Decorum est by Wilfred Owen

Dulce et Decorum est by Wilfred Owen

A PowerPoint resource for the poem Dulce et Decorum est by Wilfred Owen. It starts with a small bio to uncover the context of the poem. The poem is broken into smaller stanzas so the students can engage with the poem. Many key words are underlined and a description of the poems meaning given. Questions are posed to promote class discussion.
Post-Mock Feedback Sheet (Recording Device or Typing)

Post-Mock Feedback Sheet (Recording Device or Typing)

This is a very good resource that I gave to my examination students who are using recording devices or typing their examination answers. The questions within the feedback sheet were given after their mocks but can be also used for in-class preparation. The answers will give you knowledge of what the student hopes to focus on so you can plan what improvements need to be targeted.
Boy by Roald Dahl Observation Lesson

Boy by Roald Dahl Observation Lesson

This is a PowerPoint that I used with a mixed ability Year 7 group. This could also be used with a year 6 group in Primary. This is a lesson where students really enjoyed the mixture of many activities that get the best from students and is student-led. Included in PowerPoint: -Learning Outcomes -Starter -Reading -Q&A Session Matching Activity Plenary (1) Main Activity Plenary (2) Included in Bundle: -PowerPoint -Matching Activity (Extracts & Images)
Banquo's Ghost Scene

Banquo's Ghost Scene

Banquo’s Ghost scene is one of the key scenes within Macbeth. This lesson allows students to imagine they are 1) Banquo’s Ghost and 2) The Attendants at the Banquet. This is done by a visual aspect via a video where it allows the students feel as if they are present. They also have to highlight Lady Macbeth’s role in this scene before close analysis of the scene in pairs.