An activity to consolidate inverse functions work after students have learned about them.
Includes variation on similar functions so the answers are not obvious to the students.
Introduces the <, >, =, ≤, ≥ and ≠ to students. Lots of afl for comparing numbers as well as worksheets for students.
Use of WR maths resources and other bits found online as well as my own input.
Two 3D co-ordinate lessons taught to middle set year 10 students. The first build up slowly and includes a powerpoint I found that illustrates 3D co-ordinates with animations effectively.
Worksheets embedded.
Any feedback is appreciated!
This lesson discusses the Arabic numeral system and introduces the students to place value. There is lots of opportunity for discussion on how to represent numbers before introducing a place value table that can help for numbers in any base. Continues onto placing numbers on a number line where you can explore differing intervals.
Adapted using resources from WR maths and my own input.
Two lessons in 1
Lesson 1 looks at rounding to the nearest powers of 10 and appropriate powers to round to.
Lesson 2 looks at upper and lower bounds of rounded numbers
This lesson looks at the commutative and associative laws of addition, different strategies of how to complete additions and subtraction efficiently (partitioning, compensating etc.) as well as fact families for addition and subtraction.
Uses resources from WR maths as well as my own input.
This lesson looks at the place value of decimals, how to write and say them, and placing them on a number line.
Use of WR maths resources, other resources found on line and my own input.
This lesson looks at truncation and its uses as well as significant figures and how to round to significant figures.
Adapted from WR maths resources, other sources found online as well as my own input.
This bundle contains an introduction for rearranging and solving linear equations before moving onto solving equations with brackets, fractions, decimals and indices.
Perfect for a mid set year 10 class or year 11 revision!
Lesson on solving equations that include fractions and decimals including starter that builds on solving 1 and 2 step equations.
Originally taught to a mid-ability year 10 class
Any feedback is appreciated.
Introduction to rearranging formulae. Two notebooks.
Rearranging formulae - intro for low ability, will then be able to move to the second notebook
Rearranging formulae 2 - can be used as an intro for a higher ability group.
Lesson focussing on rearranging equations where the coefficient of x is greater than 1 whilst providing links to solving equations for students to link back to previous lessons.
This full lesson covers solving equations involving brackets and when there is an ‘x’ on both sides.
First taught to a mid-ability year 10 class but can be easily adapted to your classes needs.
Introduction to solving equations with one and two step equations being used.
Builds up slowly and can be used to clear up misconceptions.
Used with a mid-ability year 10 class all taking foundation.
Any feedback apprieciated!
Full lesson that goes through rounding to 1, 2, 3 and 4 d.p. as well as when and how to use rounding effectively. Links to real life situations such as timing at the OIympics