I have created many GCSE resources in French German and Spanish specifically designed for the AQA exam.
I am a current examiner for GCSE and Alevel for AQA.
Some A level and KS3 resources - I am working on building these up.
Resources tried and tested on pupils!
Please contact me through TES to ask for a resource you want.
I have created many GCSE resources in French German and Spanish specifically designed for the AQA exam.
I am a current examiner for GCSE and Alevel for AQA.
Some A level and KS3 resources - I am working on building these up.
Resources tried and tested on pupils!
Please contact me through TES to ask for a resource you want.
This is a set of translation sentences for each Theme and subsection for foundation level.
They are modelled on the Sample and 2018 papers translation sentence.
This resource can be used for revision, homework, intervention, support or consolidation
There are 10 sentences per sub-theme, and there are answers for self checking at the end.
The focus is on tenses and simple structures. - because is translated using “denn”
Theme 1 - Free time, music, sport, family/friends/relations, festivals, technology
Theme 2 - holidays, global problems (environment), social problems (poverty, charity work etc), healthy living, home, town/region
Theme 3 - Career and future plans , school life, my studies and post 16 education
Useful worksheet for intervention and revision of these 2 tenses that students can confuse easily as the endings are the same
Tense structure is explained and then exercise at the end.
This worksheet contains a list of all the verbs from the AQA specification for the different topics for theme 2.
there is then a series of exercises to practise these verbs in tenses.
it is excellent for reinforcement and revision
Worksheet which starts with a short exercise correcting common errors,
Second exercises are translation sentences on negatives in main tenses. - common negatives (e.g. pas, jamais) and less common (e.g. guère)
Topic social problems - unemployment, homelessness, charity work = grade 8/9 work
There are 2 Higher Writing *150 word questions with model answers
These answers are packed with a wide variety of structures, suitable for grade 8/9 - including subjunctive, pluperfect, relative clauses, ce qui, après ètre , infinitive constructions, and a passive .
They can be broken down with highilighters to answer the speaking questions on the same topics on the sheet.
Students can note the structures to help prepare for the speaking and try to construct their own answers orally as pair work
perhaps using cards with the questions and 1/2 key structures
These are 4 photocard exercises with 5 questions each - 4 for foundation and 4 for higher using the same pictures.
They are presented 2 to a page of A4 and can be displayed on the whiteboard, used on computers or
The photos are in colour, but can be printed b/w, of course!
They can be used for KS3 or 4 revision, or as lesson starters.
Themes - social media & internet, free time, school/ future education.
to practise a question type which is notoriously difficult - focus on meaning and gender for each gap. Vocab on 2014 spec and also on 2016 spec. Mainly higher level questions.
short questions with three words per gap. To practise this notoriously hard question type. Gaps can be filled using meaning and or grammar, especially adjective endings and word gender/ verb tense. Mainly higher level - vocab on 2014 spec and also on 2016 spec.
verb 'ser' and 'tener' to go with people description in module 4 viva 1 - simple worksheet including bastante and other qualifiers - including he / she /we
to practise reading gap fill questions which are notoriously hard for pupils, with three possible answers per question - for the 2014 spec but all vocabulary is on the 2016 spec too.
the first questions students have to identify the topic, then the rest they fill in the gap with a word from underneath.
translation into Spanish on Evo Morales and border between Bolivia and Argentina. Contains vocab from new Spec (2016+) specimen papers and past paper.
For A level students.
practices skill of taking phrases/words from a text.
vocabulary grid changing noun - verb - adjective/adverb in preparation for the exercise following where students have to do the same with this vocab,.
practices skills of changing noun-verb etc as well as the translation.
focuses on the vocabulary and structures for the new A level June 2018 paper translation in a different context. for A level students
using as a basis the transcript from a Kerboodle listening activity
for Yr 12 but good revision for Yr 13 vocab.
worksheet with three translation exercises
1 x Sp to Eng
2 x Eng to Sp - using AQA technique of adapting text using vocabulary.
With mark-schemes broken down into below sentence level sections. - focus on accuracy of punctuation, vocabulary, register
and also grammar such as prepositions, tenses, singular to plural, use of statistics phrases, articles
Some tips given for checking Sp-Eng. translation
Differentiated with easier and harder (passive and subjunctive) translation into Sp.
Alternative translations suggested and rejections given.
Written by experienced examiner for AQA
Using the 2018 paper overlap questions - 90 words. There are 2 examples of a “foundation” performance, with many mistakes for pupils to identify, They can also grade the paper using the markscheme if required.
Pupils can then work in pairs or individually to improve the versions done to get higher Content and Language marks using more connectives and more accurate grammar.
These are some German into English translation cards which have the essential tenses with key verbs for GCSE and KS3.
Students can use them as a sheet then check their answers, they can be cut up and bundled into 10s with clips for regular revision practice. Students can self-check against the answers. They can work in pairs - groups with these cards.
ideal as starter or plenary for grammar lesson.
My students have found them very useful in practising key verbs in both KS3 and 4
A condensed worksheet to revise and practise the future and the conditional tenses including möchte and könnte.
the tenses are set out with an exercise next to them - translation into German of phrases that are useful for the GCSE exam.
The extensions are in brackets which involve changing word order and adding extras into the sentence such as Time or place phrases, or subordinate clauses.
Wenn + möchte phrases and könnte phrases for higher level.
Can be set as a homework or in class as revision.
quick time-saver - revision of using seit + present tense for the role play / PC section of GCSE
also - revision of the most common prepositional phrases eg with my family for accuracy
revision of my - in masc. fem, neut, accusative dative and nominative forms - in context.
print out sheets and reuse.