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Differentiated Worksheets on PLANNING an informal letter - Year 3

Differentiated Worksheets on PLANNING an informal letter - Year 3

After hours of searching for differentiated worksheets for children in Year 3 to plan an informal letter in role of a character, I ended up making my own. The worksheets are all differentiated for HA, MA, LA and SEN and have differentiated Success Criteria at the top of the worksheet. HA have to include; Feelings, questions, contractions as well as plan all the key features, including the three main paragraphs. MA have to include; Feelings and questions as well as plan all the key features, including the three main paragraphs. LA have to include; Feelings and questions as well as plan all the key features, including the three main paragraphs. For this group the Address was already written. SEN have to include; Feelings as well as plan some the key features, including a main paragraph. I hope this saves you lots of time!
Repeated addition worksheets for Year 1 - LA, MA & HA

Repeated addition worksheets for Year 1 - LA, MA & HA

These are differentiated worksheets for year one on repeated addition. They all have the LO and SC on the worksheets. Made in word so can be edited. These worksheets go with the smart notebook slide. Will save loads of time! Enjoy.
Prehistoric Timeline for children to complete Year 3 - Stone Age / Iron Age

Prehistoric Timeline for children to complete Year 3 - Stone Age / Iron Age

This is a timeline to use with Year three when teaching the topic of the Stone Age / Iron Age. The children can either write the answers into the boxes or cut and stick them into the boxes. The order is; Ice Age, Britain became an island, Stone Age , Iron Age and Birth of Christ. Can easily be edited and will save time!
Year 2 Dictation sentences and some Year 1 dictation sentences. Success criteria.

Year 2 Dictation sentences and some Year 1 dictation sentences. Success criteria.

This includes the success criteria for the lesson. There are 8 simple sentences for the Year two children, common exception words are highlighted in yellow. There are 5 simple sentences for the children working at year 1 level - again year 1 common exception words are highlighted in yellow. You could even copy the Success Criteria table onto another sheet and cut out and stick into their books which will make it easier to mark!
Identify the key features of an informal letter - Year 3

Identify the key features of an informal letter - Year 3

This is a short informal letter for you to get the chn to either independently or in groups (blown up to A3) to highlight and annotate the key features. Can easily be edited :) LO & Success Criteria included at top of worksheet for chn to read and refer to.
Understanding Advent Worksheet RE Christmas

Understanding Advent Worksheet RE Christmas

This is a worksheet where the children have to show you that they understand Advent. Firstly the chn have to annotate around the the wreath. They should explain what Advent is and what the candles symbolise and then label each candle (JOY, HOPE, LOVE, PEACE & CHRIST). There is a deepening question asking how they will prepare for Christmas. LO & SC at the top of the worksheet ready for you to highlight how successful they were. I have also included a page with the advent wreaths on that you can cut up and stick in their books to annotate what they already know about advent before you teach to show clear progress in your books! Works a treat and saves time!
Venn diagram - sorting numbers - even / more than ten

Venn diagram - sorting numbers - even / more than ten

This is a worksheet for chn to sort numbers on a Venn diagram. They have to sort the venn diagram through criteria 'even numbers' and 'numbers more than 10'. The numbers are given along the top of the sheet which they can cross off one by one so they don't miss any out. LO and SC are written on the sheet. Will save loads of time and is made in a word document and so can be edited.
Medium Term Plan on Animals Early Years Foundation Stage

Medium Term Plan on Animals Early Years Foundation Stage

This is a medium term plan on Animals that outlines what will be taught over six weeks. It has been made in word so that it can be edited to suit your school. The three main stories we covered for this topic was; Six dinner Sid Rumble in the jungle Hooray for fish / Emperor Penguin
Circle the given numbers which are more than and less than ten

Circle the given numbers which are more than and less than ten

This is a very handy worksheet for assessment and maths lessons. It asks the children to read the given numbers and to circle the numbers which are more than / less than 10. The worksheet has the LO and SC at the top of the page, ready for the teacher / aunt to highlight which they have achieved. Word document and so it can be edited to higher / lower numbers. Will save loads of time!
Labelling the Seasons and writing a caption. Filling in the missing blanks.

Labelling the Seasons and writing a caption. Filling in the missing blanks.

These are differentiated worksheets for children to complete regarding the four Seasons. HA - to label the four seasons and to write a caption for each Season MA - are given the names of the four Seasons to fill in and are then to write a caption for each LA - are to use the words bank to complete the sentence about each of the four seasons
Information Sheets on Crocodiles Year 3 (Differentiated worksheets)

Information Sheets on Crocodiles Year 3 (Differentiated worksheets)

These are worksheets that I have made for the chn in Year 3 to write an information sheet about crocodiles. They are differentiated by; HA - To write a title, think of and write three sub-headings & text, a caption to go with the photograph and a did you know fact box. MA Higher - To write a title, to write facts for the given sub-headings, to think of and write a sub-heading & text of their choice, a caption to go with the photograph and a did you know fact box. MA - To write a title, to write facts for the given sub-headings, a caption to go with the photograph and to label parts of a crocodile SEN / LA - To write a title, to write facts for the given sub-headings and to label parts of a crocodile. ENJOY! This will save you loads of time :) - you can also buy the LO & SC to go with it
Year 2 KS1 SATs style questions on a smart notebook (mostly arithmetic)

Year 2 KS1 SATs style questions on a smart notebook (mostly arithmetic)

This is a smart notebook slide I have created to work through with my current year 2 class. I have created the questions to look like those given in the SATs. The questions are mostly arithmetic and I will try and find some time to do a reasoning one in due course. (There are over 40 questions) The questions can be edited to suit your requirements which will save a lot of time. I hope this helps in some way :)
Find 1 more / 1 less than a given number (0-100) Year 1

Find 1 more / 1 less than a given number (0-100) Year 1

These worksheets are differentiated for HA/MA/LA. The children have to look at the given number in red and they have to write one more and one less. Can be edited. LO and Success Criteria are given at the top of the worksheets to make marking easier.
Associative Law Worksheet -(missing number multiplication) and brief lesson Plan Y3

Associative Law Worksheet -(missing number multiplication) and brief lesson Plan Y3

This is a worksheet I made after introducing Associative Law to Y3. I couldn't find any questions online to help with delivering this to Y3 and so I made them up. The chn enjoyed these and it also helped my to assess their recall of multiplication tables, 3,4, and 8! The worksheet ha the LO & SC and there is a brief plan for the lesson which I have also attached. Will save time! I hope it helps.
Collecting and interpreting data on favourite biscuit - Year 3

Collecting and interpreting data on favourite biscuit - Year 3

This is a worksheet where the chn have to discuss what the tally chart is about. LO and SC are included on the worksheet. Then the chn have to write the headings above the columns on the chart. Next the chn have to collect the data themselves, asking their peers which biscuit is their favourite and record it in tallies on the chart. Chn have to complete the chart and then discuss what they have found. Finally I asked the chn to draw a bar graph and then analyse the data in their books.
RE Hinduism Year 2 - To understand how Karma makes Hindus behave. Sorting activity.

RE Hinduism Year 2 - To understand how Karma makes Hindus behave. Sorting activity.

This is an activity where the children have to organise the actions of Hindus into 'would do' and 'wouldn't do'. There are two red sorting circles and a sheet of images for them to cut out. The LO is also included. At the end of this activity I asked two questions to further their learning....What does the word ' Karma' mean? (action) and Do you believe in Karma? Why? the children wrote these in their books and answered them. I hope this helps and saves time!
What have you learned about the Torah

What have you learned about the Torah

This is a worksheet for the Children to complete at the end of a unit. They have to write all the things that they know about the Torah. There is also a second sheet with arrows (4) for the LA.