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CVC words (a)
This download consists of 3 cvc worksheets related to ‘a’ words
pupils will be encouraged to develop fine motor skills by cutting out the pictures and words and matching them accordingly
Cutting and sticking activity

CVC e words
This worksheet includes four CVC words. The purpose of the worksheet is to encourage pupils to develop their recognition of cvc words that incorporate the letter e.
Pupils will develop fine motor skills as they will be asked to cut the pictures, words and then to match them accordingly.
This can be used as reinforcement activities in class and or homework activity.

CVC i words
This download consists of 3 cvc worksheets related to ‘a’ words
pupils will be encouraged to develop fine motor skills by cutting out the pictures and words and matching them accordingly
Cutting and sticking activity

Christmas Counting Recognition
Pupils will have the opportunity to develop the ability to recognise groups of numbers.
Developing their fine motor skills the pupils will use pegs which will be placed on the correct answer
Christmas Theme
Cut out each box and laminate

Perimeter and Area Formula's
Visual aid to help students remember the formula’s when calculating the perimeter and area of shapes…

2 Times Tables - Visual
Visual to help those finding the concept of times tables difficult.
Aimed at questions they may receive in word format in activities.
Breaking up the concept into sets .

Fruit and Vegetable Colour Match
Colour Sorting activity
4 fruit
4 vegetable to be matched to the correct colour
Developing language and literacy
Fine motor skills - pre-writing - drawing lines
Learning the names of fruits and vegetable

Special Ed - Eating Passport
Eating Passport for Special Education
Passport to provide information that is consistent to those who are working along with the individual pupil.
Providing them with details of how they eat and what they like or dislike.
Place available to write additional information including how their food is cut up etc.

Contractions - Understanding Contractions and Worksheets
Information used to explain to your pupil what a contraction is.
A bring down of how the words are shortened
A table of positive and negative contractions
Two worksheets
Finding the two words that are combined
Rewrite the sentence using the correct contraction

Shadow Matching
Pupils will have the opportunity to match pictures with their shadows.
There are six pages that incorporate different themes including animals, zoo animals, fruit, vegetables and transport.

All About Me
Designed to assist working with pupils with Special Educational Needs - making it easier for them to participate in activities especially those with Severe Learning Difficulties -beautiful bright booklet - add your pictures and handprints to this booklet for a keep sake for parents.

CVC 'at' words
CVC ‘at’ word resources - created for use with pupils with educational needs, however, will suit P1 pupils learning phonics and CVC words, providing 3 different activities.
CVC words and matching pictures. Matching activity pick a picture and find the corresponding word (vice-versa)
Matching jigsaw puzzles
CVC writing activity

Shape Pictures
A set of 5 shape pictures for the pupils in your class to work through, providing them with the opportunity to recreate shape pictures.
Opportunities to revise the names and properties of 2D shapes
Opportunities for fine motor skills - cutting and sticking
There is a range of difficulty within the packet.

Scavenger Hunt 6 times tables
Scavenger Hunt to revise 6 times tables
An interactive activity, which can be played indoor or outdoors, providing a more enjoyable learning activity in a range of environments.
Providing a more exciting learning opportunity and removing the pencil and paper activities behind a desk.
This resource can be used as a challenge within groups or individuals.
Print, cut and laminate and you will have this resources to add to your library for years to come.
Self correcting activity which can help with teacher assessment on pupils knowledge.
This resource can also be used in after school clubs and home schooling for parents.

Autumn Activities for SEN, EYFS, Teacch system
An autumn based activity pack, which provides opportunities to develop numeracy, literacy and pre-writing skills.
This pack provides pupils the opportunity to develop early number recognition.
Develops visual discrimination - matching pictures to their shadows.
This pack can be used for Early Years and Foundation Stage 3-5 year olds, suitable for SPiM classes in Northern Ireland.
This pack can be used repeatedly, as a number of the sheets can be laminated and stored in your resource library for each year. Therefore suitable for homeschooling or activities for stay at home parents.

Multiplication Scavenger Hunt x6
Interactive and practical resource, to assist teaching or revising multiplication of the 6 times tables.
Self checking scavenger hunt - that can be placed within the classroom environment or which can have cross-curricular links including physical education - the hunt could be done within the outside school environment.
Revision of 6 times tables but in a more fun and interactive method
Classes can be split into teams or can be completed individual as a motivator to assist with reward charts.

Busy Book -Early Years
Busy Book
Can be used for pupils age 3+
Activities can be separated and incorporated into daily routine for pupils with Special Educational Needs. This can be part of TEACCH system incorporated in the school or home environment.
Activities incorporate early literacy and numeracy experiences.
Worksheets can be downloaded and 2 copies printed, enabling a matching activity.
Activities can be completely independently or part of an assessment for children’s knowledge and understanding.
Colour Matching
Farm animals

Christmas Matching/ Counting 1-10 for EYFS, SEN, Homeschooling, Autism
A Christmas themed counting activity, providing opportunities to develop numeracy and number recognition.
This digitial download has two levels, one where the children will have a number to match and once they develop the ability to count the pictures and recognise numbers another with no numeral.
This pack provides pupils the opportunity to develop early number recognition.
This pack can be used for Early Years and Foundation Stage 3-5 year olds, suitable for SPiM classes in Northern Ireland.
This pack can be used repeatedly, as a number of the sheets can be laminated and stored in your resource library for each year. Therefore suitable for homeschooling or activities for stay at home parents.
Provides opportunities for a range of ability including SEN including Autism, SEBD, MLD and SLD