Let’s learn about Computers!
This worksheet includes 20 pages with a large variety of activities and exercises about computers. The materials have informative exercises about many different computer related topics such as computer games, viruses, cyber-crime, hardware components, supercomputers and many other things! Crosswords, word searches, puzzles and other kinds of activities are included to make it a fun and interesting class.
Page 1-3: Computers (puzzles and exercises)
Page 4: History of computers
Page 5: Pioneers
Page 6-7: Hardware components
Page 8: Games Consoles
Page 9-10: Viruses
Page 11-12: Cyberbullying
Page 13-14: Cyber-crime
Page 15: Computer Brands
Page 16-17: Supercomputers
Page 18-19: Common Terms
Page 20: Reflection
**Extra: **Puzzles in various levels
The answers and an answer sheet are included.
The following questions are a few of the topics handled in this worksheet:
What is the difference between hardware and software?
What is a computer virus?
What is cyber-crime?
What are the functions of hardware components?
How can I protect my computer?
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Internet (FREE!)
e-mail, computers, PC, desktop, laptop, gadget, wi-fi, processor (CPU), apple, virus, software, hardware, download, operating system, programmer, RAM, motherboard, Tetris, World of Warcraft, cyber-crime, hacker, google, facebook, USB, Bill Gates, Steve Job, Charles Babbage.
Let’s learn about Cryptocurrency!
This worksheet includes a wide variety of activities and exercises about cryptocurrency. The materials have informative exercises about aspects that are related to cryptocurrency, such as the Bitcoin, Blockchain, mining, altcoins, cryptography, Satoshi Nakamoto, and many other things! Crosswords, word searches, puzzles and other kinds of activities are included to make it a fun and interesting class.
Page 1-2: Introduction of cryptocurrency
Page 3-4: Blockchain
Page 5-6: Transactions
Page 7-9: Mining
Page 10-11: History of cryptocurrency
Page 12-14: Types of cryptocurrency
Page 15: Trading
Page 16-17: Controversy
Page 18-19: Fun Facts
Page 20: Your thoughts
Page 21: Reflection
Page 22: Glossary
The answers and an answer sheet are included.
Cryptocurrency, crypto coin, alt coins, tokens, cryptography, hash, key, miners, bitcoin mining, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoins, distributed ledger, database.
Let’s learn about Facebook!
This worksheet includes 13 pages with a great variety of activities and exercises about Facebook. The students will learn how to make a profile, why privacy is important, who Mark Zuckerberg is, important 'Facebook words', apps & games, and many other things! All kinds of exercises, such as a word search, true & false statements, MC questions and word chops are included to make it a fun and informative lesson.
Page 1: Introduction
Page 2: Make your own profile
Page 3: Facebook Vocabulary
Page 4: Places
Page 5: Wall (post & comment)
Page 6: Privacy
Page 7: Mark Zuckerberg
Page 8: Apps & Games
Page 9: Messages
Page 10: Quiz (are you addicted to Facebook?)
Page 11: Revision
Page 12: Answers
Page 13: Credits
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Internet (FREE!)
Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, Notifications, Wall, Status Update, Privacy, Like, Social Media, Messages, Timeline, Viral, Apps & Games, Comment, Profile, News Feed.
Let’s learn about Facebook!
This worksheet includes 13 pages with a great variety of activities and exercises about Facebook. The students will learn how to make a profile, why privacy is important, who Mark Zuckerberg is, important 'Facebook words', apps & games, and many other things! All kinds of exercises, such as a word search, true & false statements, MC questions and word chops are included to make it a fun and informative lesson.
Page 1: Introduction
Page 2: Make your own profile
Page 3: Facebook Vocabulary
Page 4: Places
Page 5: Wall (post & comment)
Page 6: Privacy
Page 7: Mark Zuckerberg
Page 8: Apps & Games
Page 9: Messages
Page 10: Quiz (are you addicted to Facebook?)
Page 11: Revision
Page 12: Answers
Page 13: Credits
You might also like these worksheets:
Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, Notifications, Wall, Status Update, Privacy, Like, Social Media, Messages, Timeline, Viral, Apps & Games, Comment, Profile, News Feed.
Let’s learn about Computers!
This worksheet includes 20 pages with a large variety of activities and exercises about computers. The materials have informative exercises about many different computer related topics such as computer games, viruses, cyber-crime, hardware components, supercomputers and many other things! Crosswords, word searches, puzzles and other kinds of activities are included to make it a fun and interesting class.
Page 1-3: Computers (puzzles and exercises)
Page 4: History of computers
Page 5: Pioneers
Page 6-7: Hardware components
Page 8: Games Consoles
Page 9-10: Viruses
Page 11-12: Cyberbullying
Page 13-14: Cyber-crime
Page 15: Computer Brands
Page 16-17: Supercomputers
Page 18-19: Common Terms
Page 20: Reflection
**Extra: **Puzzles in various levels
The answers and an answer sheet are included.
The following questions are a few of the topics handled in this worksheet:
What is the difference between hardware and software?
What is a computer virus?
What is cyber-crime?
What are the functions of hardware components?
How can I protect my computer?
You might also like these worksheets:
Internet (FREE!)
e-mail, computers, PC, desktop, laptop, gadget, wi-fi, processor (CPU), apple, virus, software, hardware, download, operating system, programmer, RAM, motherboard, Tetris, World of Warcraft, cyber-crime, hacker, google, facebook, USB, Bill Gates, Steve Job, Charles Babbage.
Let’s learn about the Internet!
This worksheet includes 14 pages with a wide variety of activities and exercises about the Internet. The materials include various informative exercises about topics such as cybercrime, Internet terms, Internet brands, and many other things! Crosswords, word searches, puzzles and other kinds of activities are included to make it a fun and interesting class.
The answers and an answer sheet are included.
Page 1-2: Introduction
Page 3-6: Internet Terms
Page 7: Internet Brands
Page 8: Chat Acronyms
Page 9-10: Cybercrime
Page 11-12: Cyberbullying
Page 13: Are you addicted to the Internet?
Page 14: Reflection
Extra puzzles in different levels included!
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YouTube, download, upload, password, email, firewall, website, twitter, modem, router, google, MP3, virus, spyware, server, chat, hacker, skype, online, spam, blog, internet, www, world wide web, the net.