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A Level Politics - Sources/Principles UK Constitution

A Level Politics - Sources/Principles UK Constitution

A lesson on the sources and principles of the UK Constitution, madea as part of a series of lessons on the Constution topic for Edexcel A Level Government and Politics. Also includes a homework written in to research 1997-2010 Constitutional reform. NOTE - Will require a textbook if you want students to work independently OR can print slides for them to work from.
A Level Politics - The Role of Back Benchers

A Level Politics - The Role of Back Benchers

Fully resourced lesson on the role and power of Back Benchers. Including recent examples of how Back Benchers have outed two PMs. Includes sheet to fill as an overview, sheet to annotate on how well they help parliament fulfill its roles, such as in legislation and scrutiny. Can be used as part of my series of lessons for Edexcel Paper 2 Topic 2 Parliament.
A Level Politics - Conservative Reforms 2010 - 2022

A Level Politics - Conservative Reforms 2010 - 2022

A lesson on Constitutional reform under the Coalition, May and Johnson, made as part of a series of lessons on the Constution topic for Edexcel A Level Government and Politics. Requires students to do some independent research, but what they should have found is written into the slides. Provides opportunity for lots of disussion on how far these reforms have been a success. Also includes a homework to prepare for an essay question on constitutional reform. Fits well with my previous lesson on my TES on Labout reform from 1997.
Industrial Revolution - Why did people move to cities?

Industrial Revolution - Why did people move to cities?

A lesson covering the increase in population, changes to farming, the introduction of the factory system and overall factors as to why there was a mass movement of people to cities . Can be used as a stand alone lesson to the topic or as part of my scheme of work on the Industrial Revolution.
Edexcel Politics - Ideologies: Key Thinkers Bundle

Edexcel Politics - Ideologies: Key Thinkers Bundle

2 Resources
Detailed, chunked, bolded, dual coded sheets covering the key ideas, works and quotes of Edexcel Key Thinkers for Socialism and Conservatism. Students find these very accessible and it covers interpretations of core values and ideas on Human Nature, Society, State and Economy, to keep it all in one place and to prep them for use in assessments and exams.
Segregation in America and Brown V BOE

Segregation in America and Brown V BOE

A lesson on the segregation of American based on race under the ‘Jim Crow’ laws. I use the lesson as an introduction to a scheme of work on the Civil Rights movement. The lesson contains a case study of Brown V The Board of Education to exemplify how the African American community challenged the laws on segregation.
GCSE Social Change in Weimar Germany - Women

GCSE Social Change in Weimar Germany - Women

A GCSE resource used for an observation lesson by the head (very good feedback!) on how far the lives of women changes in Weimar Germany during the Stressemann/Golden Years. With primary sources, historiography and challenge activities.
Battle of Stamford Bridge

Battle of Stamford Bridge

KS3 lesson from Harold’s coronation to the Battle of Stamford bridge. Varied activities, discussion, timeline, video clips, well resourced.
A Level Politics - Recruiting Ministers

A Level Politics - Recruiting Ministers

Resourced lesson on the importance of Parliament’s ability to recruit and maintain ministers. Includes an activity to research the political careers of PMs to see how experienced they were before becoming PM and an article on the issue of Conservative MPs not standing for election. Can be used as part of my series of lessons on Edexcel Paper 2 Topic 2 Parliament.
A Level Politics - New Labour Reforms 1997-2010

A Level Politics - New Labour Reforms 1997-2010

A lesson on Constitutional reform under Blair and Brown, made as part of a series of lessons on the Constution topic for Edexcel A Level Government and Politics. Requires students to do some independent research, but what they should have found is written into the slides. Provides opportunity for lots of disussion on how far these reforms have been a success. Also includes a homework written in to research 2010 - 2022 Constitutional reform.
Should the UK have a codified constitution?

Should the UK have a codified constitution?

Edexcel Politics lesson for topic 1 - Constitution covering the issue of whether we should have a codified constitution. This lesson preps students to for the past paper source question on this debate and includes an article to set them for homework in preparation; a ‘how to’ writing guide for source questions and an exemplar written answer to use for feedback with colour code to talk students through top level answers.
Edexcel Government UK Rule of Law

Edexcel Government UK Rule of Law

Fully resources lesson for Edexcel Constitution topic on the Rule of Law. Included a table and info sheets to fill, as well as lots of real political examples and links to useful articles on the slides. Great for discussion on how well the government is currently holding up the Rule of Law. Homework written into the lesson. Works well as part of my scheme of lessons on Constitution topic.
Why do we celebrate Pride?

Why do we celebrate Pride?

A lesson on pride from a historical perspective; considering why the Pride Movement emerged and what movements and organisations were doing and asking for. Also covers responses to their actions and the issues around Aids.
Why didn't Legal Equality make Women Equal?

Why didn't Legal Equality make Women Equal?

A lesson considering why legislation alone did not make women equal. It looks at the issues facing women in the 20th century onwards and covers case study movements to improve attitudes towards women, to fix some of the problems and to get closet to equality.
The Greensboro Sit-In

The Greensboro Sit-In

A lesson on the Greensboro sit-in, covering the causes, the events and the consequences of the protest. As well as putting its significance into the wider context of the Civil Rights movement.
Modern Medicine and the Discovery of Penicillin

Modern Medicine and the Discovery of Penicillin

Lesson on the discovery and development of Penicillin. Covering the actions of Fleming, Florey and Chain. There are videos to and plenty of text on the slides to help students make a judgement on which individual was most important and which other factors were at play in the discovery. Fully resourced and can be used as part of my series of lessons on Modern Medicine for Edexcel GCSE Medicine Through Time.