Welcome! I've been teaching Science for 10 years and have taught across the full key stage range (2-5). I take great pride in producing high quality and outstanding lesson resources that are fully differentiated and engaging for students. All my lesson resources cover the Activate KS3 Science course, AQA Approved Activate Science course, and the new Oxford SMART Activate Science course. I also produce GCSE Science bundles.
For any questions contact me via email: ychebbout@yahoo.co.uk.
Welcome! I've been teaching Science for 10 years and have taught across the full key stage range (2-5). I take great pride in producing high quality and outstanding lesson resources that are fully differentiated and engaging for students. All my lesson resources cover the Activate KS3 Science course, AQA Approved Activate Science course, and the new Oxford SMART Activate Science course. I also produce GCSE Science bundles.
For any questions contact me via email: ychebbout@yahoo.co.uk.
Perfect lesson resource for KS3 Chemistry! A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that assists students in learning about how how the rock cycle links the formation of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks. Students will describe the processes that interconvert the three types of rocks, construct a labelled diagram to illustrate the processes of rock formation, and use the rock cycle to explain how the material in rocks is recycled.
The resource includes a detailed and engaging lesson PowerPoint with differentiated activities, worksheets and quizzes for students to complete.
This resource is part of The Earth topic and has been created for the delivery of the Activate KS3 Science course. Also great for KS2 Science.
24 slides in total for the lesson PPT
Perfect lesson resource for KS3 Chemistry! A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that assists students in learning about how carbon is recycled. Students will describe the processes that recycle carbon naturally, identify carbon sinks and use the carbon cycle to explain how carbon is recycled.
The resource includes a detailed and engaging lesson PowerPoint with differentiated activities, worksheets and quizzes for students to complete.
This resource is part of The Earth topic and has been created for the delivery of the Activate KS3 Science course. Also great for GCSE Science.
16 slides in total for the lesson PPT
Perfect lesson resource for KS3 Chemistry! A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that assists students in learning about the structure of the Earth. Students will compare the properties and composition of the layers of the Earth.
The resource includes a detailed and engaging lesson PowerPoint with differentiated activities, worksheets, fact sheets and quizzes for students to complete.
This resource is part of The Earth topic and has been created for the delivery of the Activate KS3 Science course. Also great for KS2 Science.
19 slides in total for the lesson PPT
Perfect lesson resource for KS3 Chemistry! A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that assists students in learning about what happens when fuels burn. Students will state the meanings of combustion and oxidation, write word equations for oxidation reactions, and predict the products of the combustion of fuels.
The resource includes a detailed and engaging lesson PowerPoint with differentiated activities, worksheet, quizzes and a class practical activity for students to complete. This resource is part of the Reactions topic and has been created for the delivery of the Activate KS3 Science course. Also great for GCSE Science.
21 slides in total for the lesson PPT
Class practical worksheet and teacher notes. *
Perfect lesson resource for KS3 Chemistry! A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that assists students in learning about how igneous and metamorphic rocks are made. Students will describe the properties of igneous and metamorphic rocks and the stages of formation of both types of rock.
The resource includes a detailed and engaging lesson PowerPoint with differentiated activities, worksheets and quizzes for students to complete. Also included is a class practical that involves the students investigating crystal sizes in igneous rocks.
This resource is part of The Earth topic and has been created for the delivery of the Activate KS3 Science course. Also great for KS2 Science.
23 slides in total for the lesson PPT
Perfect for KS3 Physics! This bundle has been created using the Activate 1 KS3 Science and the new AQA Approved Activate Science course. It comes complete with the following fully differentiated and resourced lessons:
The night sky
The Solar System
The Earth
The Moon
Perfect for KS3 Physics and can easily be adapted for KS2 Science if needed. This bundle includes engaging and detailed PowerPoint Presentations with differentiated activities, quizzes, worksheets and fun homework projects to complete!
Enjoy the resource and feel free to leave a comment. Thank you.
Perfect lesson resource for KS3 Chemistry! A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that assists students in learning about how sedimentary rocks are made. Students will describe the properties of sedimentary rocks and the stages of formation of sedimentary rocks.
The resource includes a detailed and engaging lesson PowerPoint with differentiated activities, worksheets and quizzes for students to complete.
This resource is part of The Earth topic and has been created for the delivery of the Activate KS3 Science course. Also great for KS2 Science.
20 slides in total for the lesson PPT
Perfect lesson resource for KS3 Chemistry! A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that assists students in learning about the impacts of climate change. Students will describe how human activities affect the carbon cycle, the impacts of global warming, and explain the greenhouse effect.
The resource includes a detailed and engaging lesson PowerPoint with differentiated activities, worksheet and quizzes for students to complete.
This resource is part of The Earth topic and has been created for the delivery of the Activate KS3 Science course. Also great for GCSE Science.
20 slides in total for the lesson PPT
Perfect for KS3 Chemistry! This bundle has been created for the new Oxford SMART Activate 2 KS3 Science course. It comes complete with the following fully differentiated and resourced lessons:
4.1 The Earth and its atmosphere
4.2 Sedimentary rocks
4.3 Igneous and metamorphic rocks
4.4 The rock cycle
4.5 The carbon cycle
4.6-4.7 Global heating and climate change
4.8 Recycling
Perfect for KS3 Chemistry and lessons can easily be adapted for GCSE Science if needed. This bundle includes engaging and detailed PowerPoint Presentations with differentiated activities, worksheets, class practical activities and quizzes for students to complete.
Enjoy the resource and feel free to leave a review. Thank you.
Perfect for KS3 Physics! Created for the AQA Activate 1 topic 7: Earth. This bundle comes complete with fully differentiated and resourced lessons from the topic. This includes:
7.2.1 The night sky
7.2.2 The Solar System
7.2.3 The Earth
7.2.4 The Moon and changing ideas
This bundle comes complete with engaging and detailed PowerPoint Presentations, differentiated activities, quizzes and worksheets. Perfect for KS3 Physics and lessons can easily be adapted for KS2 Science if required.
Enjoy the resource and feel free to leave a comment. Thank you.
Perfect for KS3 Chemistry! This bundle has been created for the new Oxford SMART Activate 1 KS3 Science course. It comes complete with the following fully differentiated and resourced lessons:
3.1 Chemical reactions
3.2 Word equations
3.3 Oxidation reactions
3.4 Decomposition reactions
3.5 Using ratios
3.6 Conservation of mass
3.7 Exothermic and endothermic
Perfect for KS3 Chemistry and lessons can easily be adapted for GCSE Science if needed. This bundle includes engaging and detailed PowerPoint Presentations with differentiated activities, worksheets, class practical activities and quizzes for students to complete.
Enjoy the resource and feel free to leave a review. Thank you.
Perfect lesson resource for KS3 Physics! A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that assists students in learning about why different places on Earth experience different daylight hours and seasons. Students will explain the motion of the Sun, stars, and Moon across the sky. In addition, students will explain why seasonal changes happen.
The resource includes a detailed and engaging lesson PowerPoint with differentiated activities, worksheets and quizzes for students to complete.
This resource is part of the Space topic and has been created for the delivery of the Activate KS3 Science course. Also great for KS2 Science.
30 slides in total for the lesson PPT
Perfect for KS3 Chemistry! This bundle has been created using the Activate 2 KS3 Science and the new AQA Approved Activate Science course. It comes complete with the following fully differentiated and resourced lessons:
The Earth and its atmosphere
Sedimentary rocks
Igneous and metamorphic rocks
The rock cycle
The carbon cycle
Climate change and global warming
Perfect for KS3 Chemistry and can easily be adapted for KS2 Science if needed. This bundle includes engaging and detailed PowerPoint Presentations with differentiated activities, quizzes, worksheets and fun homework projects to complete!
Enjoy the resource and feel free to leave a comment. Thank you.
The ultimate KS3 Physics bundle! This bundle has been created for the new Oxford SMART Activate 1 KS3 Science course. It comes complete with the following fully differentiated and resourced lessons from the Activate 1 Physics chapters:
Chapter 1: Forces
1.1: Introduction to forces
1.2: Squashing and stretching
1.3: Drag forces and friction
1.4: Forces at a distance
1.5: Balanced and unbalanced
Chapter 2: Sound
2.1: Waves
2.2: Sound
2.3: Loudness and pitch
2.4: Detecting sound
2.5: Echoes and ultrasound
Chapter 3: Light
3.1: Light
3.2: Reflection
3.3: Refraction
3.4: The eye and the camera
3.5: Colour
Chapter 4: Space
4.1: The night sky
4.2: The Solar System
4.3: The Earth
4.4: The Moon
Perfect for KS3 Physics and lessons can easily be adapted for GCSE Science if needed. This bundle includes engaging and detailed PowerPoint Presentations with differentiated activities, worksheets, class practical activities and quizzes for students to complete.
Enjoy the resource and feel free to leave a review. Thank you.
The ultimate KS3 Physics bundle! Created for the Activate 1 KS3 Science and the new AQA Approved Activate Science course. It comes complete with fully differentiated and resourced lessons from the following Activate 1 chapters:
Chapter 1: Forces
Chapter 2: Sound
Chapter 3: Light
Chapter 4: Space
Perfect for KS3 Physics and can easily be adapted for GCSE Science or even KS2 Science lessons if needed. This bundle includes engaging and detailed PowerPoint Presentations with differentiated activities, worksheets, quizzes and class practical/demo activities for students to complete.
Enjoy the resource and feel free to leave a comment. Thank you.
The ultimate KS3 Chemistry bundle! This bundle has been created for the new Oxford SMART Activate 1 KS3 Science course. It comes complete with the following fully differentiated and resourced lessons from the Activate 1 Chemistry chapters:
Chapter 1: Particles and their behaviour
1.1: The particle model
1.2: States of matter
1.3: Density
1.4: Melting and freezing
1.5: Boiling
1.6: More changes of state
1.7: Diffusion
Chapter 2: Elements, atoms, and compounds
2.1: Elements
2.2: Atoms
2.3: Compounds 2.4: Chemical formulae
Chapter 3: Reactions
3.1: Chemical reaction
3.2: Word equations
3.3: Oxidation reactions
3.4: Decomposition reactions
3.5: Using ratios
3.6: Conservation of mass
3.7: Exothermic and endothermic
Chapter 4: Acids and alkalis
4.1: Acids and alkalis
4.2: Indicators and pH
4.3: Neutralisation
4.4: Making salts
Perfect for KS3 Chemistry and lessons can easily be adapted for GCSE Science if needed. This bundle includes engaging and detailed PowerPoint Presentations with differentiated activities, worksheets, class practical activities and quizzes for students to complete.
Enjoy the resource and feel free to leave a review. Thank you.
The perfect space topic bundle! Specially designed for KS2 /KS3 Science lessons. This bundle has been created to captivate students curiosity by providing fun and interactive ways for students to learn about Space!
This bundle comes complete with three fully differentiated and resourced lessons:
Lesson 1: The Solar System - Discover our solar system and what’s beyond! Students will describe the model of the Solar System, similarities and differences between the planets, and the structure of the Universe.
Lesson 2: The Earth - explore what causes day and night, and why do we have different seasons? Students will explain the motion of the Sun, stars, and Moon across the sky.
Lesson 3: The Moon and Eclipses- encounter the mysteries of the Moon, why does it change shape in the night sky? How are eclipses formed? Students will describe the phases of the moon and explain why eclipses happen.
This bundle includes an engaging and detailed topic PowerPoint Presentation with differentiated activities, worksheets, quizzes, homework and fun projects for students to complete. Enjoy the resource and feel free to leave a comment. Thank you.
108 slides in total for the Topic PowerPoint Presentation (3 lessons)
8 Worksheets
The perfect rocks topic bundle! Specially designed for KS2 /KS3 Science lessons. This bundle has been created to captivate students curiosity by providing fun and interactive ways for students to learn about rocks!
This bundle comes complete with three fully differentiated and resourced lessons:
Lesson 1: Sedimentary rocks
A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that assists students in learning about how sedimentary rocks are made. Students will describe the properties of sedimentary rocks and the stages of formation of sedimentary rocks.
Lesson 2: Igneous and metamorphic rocks
A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that assists students in learning about how igneous and metamorphic rocks are made. Students will describe the properties of igneous and metamorphic rocks and the stages of formation of both types of rock.
Lesson 3: The rock cycle
A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that assists students in learning about how how the rock cycle links the formation of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks. Students will describe the processes that interconvert the three types of rocks, construct a labelled diagram to illustrate the processes of rock formation, and use the rock cycle to explain how the material in rocks is recycled.
This bundle includes an engaging and detailed topic PowerPoint Presentation with differentiated activities, worksheets and quizzes for students to complete. Enjoy the resource and feel free to leave a comment. Thank you.
Perfect lesson resource for KS3 Chemistry! A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that assists students in learning about the structure of the Earth and the composition of the atmosphere. Students will compare the layers of the Earth and describe the composition of the atmopshere.
The resource includes a detailed and engaging lesson PowerPoint with differentiated activities, worksheets and quizzes for students to complete.
This resource is part of The Earth topic and has been created for the delivery of the Activate KS3 Science course. Also great for KS2 Science.
17 slides in total for the lesson PPT
2 Worksheets + Fact Sheets
Perfect lesson resource for KS3 Chemistry! A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that assists students in learning about why recycling materials is important. Students will describe how Earth’s resources are recycled, and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of recycling.
The resource includes a detailed and engaging lesson PowerPoint with differentiated activities and worksheets for students to complete.
This resource is part of The Earth topic and has been created for the delivery of the Activate KS3 Science course. Also great for KS2 Science.
14 slides in total for the lesson PPT