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Average Rating3.06
(based on 51 reviews)

Outstanding resources available -AQA chemistry, biology and physics lessons. -Differentiated science worksheets compatible with all exam boards. -Brilliant splat AfL powerpoints. -Engaging 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire' themed AfL science quizzes.




Outstanding resources available -AQA chemistry, biology and physics lessons. -Differentiated science worksheets compatible with all exam boards. -Brilliant splat AfL powerpoints. -Engaging 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire' themed AfL science quizzes.
B1 Revision Mats | 4.3 Infection & Response | AQA | With Answers

B1 Revision Mats | 4.3 Infection & Response | AQA | With Answers

Complete set of 3 revision mat worksheets which covers the AQA B1 4.3 unit. Includes the following content: -4.3.1 Communicable diseases Communicable (infectious) diseases Viral diseases Bacterial diseases Fungal diseases Protist diseases Human defence systems Vaccination Antibiotics and painkillers Discovery and development of drugs -4.3.2 Monoclonal antibodies Producing monoclonal antibodies Uses of monoclonal antibodies -4.3.3 Plant Disease Detection and identification of plant diseases Plant defence responses Knowledge organiser #Knowledge map # Mind map
B1 Revision Mats | 4.2 Organisation | AQA | With Answers

B1 Revision Mats | 4.2 Organisation | AQA | With Answers

Complete set of 5 revision mat worksheets which covers the AQA B1 4.2 unit. Includes the following content: -4.2.1 Principles of organisation -4.2.2 Animal tissues, organs and organ systems The human digestive system The heart and blood vessels Blood Coronary heart disease: a non-communicable disease Health issues The effect of lifestyle on some non-communicable diseases Cancer -4.2.3 Plant tissues, organs and systems Plant tissues Plant organ system Required practical activity 4 Required practical activity 5 Knowledge organiser #Knowledge map # Mind map
B1 Revision Mats |  4.1 Cell Biology | AQA | With Answers

B1 Revision Mats | 4.1 Cell Biology | AQA | With Answers

Complete set of revision mat worksheets which covers the AQA B1 4.1 unit. Includes the following content: -4.1.1 Cell structure Eukaryotes and prokaryotes Animal and plant cells Cell specialisation Cell differentiation Microscopy Culturing microorganisms (biology only) -4.1.2 Cell division Chromosomes Mitosis and the cell cycle Stem cells -4.1.3 Transport in cells Diffusion Osmosis Active transport Required practical activity 1 Required practical activity 2 Required practical activity 3 Knowledge organiser #Knowledge map # Mind map
Cells | Who Wants to be a Millionaire | Game | Revision

Cells | Who Wants to be a Millionaire | Game | Revision

-Very engaging quiz on cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organelles and specialised cells. -Excellent AfL resource which can be used with ABCD cards, mini whiteboards or as an in-class test. -Very versatile. Pupils can be tested individually or as teams. -Compatible with all biology exam boards (including AQA, Edexcel, OCR). -Questions cover the following biology topics: *Cells *Animal, plant, yeast and bacterial cells *Specialised and differentiated cells *Cells, tissues, organs and organ systems *Calculating cell magnification, image size and actual size *Organelles *Function of specialised cells *Function of organelles
Sexual & Asexual Reproduction, DNA & Meiosis | AQA B2 4.6 | New Spec 9-1 (2018)

Sexual & Asexual Reproduction, DNA & Meiosis | AQA B2 4.6 | New Spec 9-1 (2018)

Outstanding pupil-led lesson including: -Pre-starter activities recapping KS3 content on the sperm cell, egg cell and the female reproductive system. -Engaging videos on DNA structure and bases, asexual and sexual reproduction and meiosis - very good for visual learners. -Great starter worksheet on chromosomes, DNA, genes and cell structure. -Well structured task where pupils define keywords in relation to sexual and asexual reproduction. -Model answers for peer and self assessment. -Extension tasks for high ability pupils. -Very thought provoking literacy task where pupils use keywords to describe the process of sexual reproduction. -Well planned fill in the blanks task where pupils describe the process of asexual reproduction. -Table activity for evaluating the advantages of sexual and asexual reproduction. -Fun research task for students to explore what meiosis is. -Engaging task where students describe and draw a diagram to describe the process of meiosis. -Stimulating noughts and crosses plenary.
Microscopy | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

Microscopy | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

-The words MOVE in this splat game!!! Making it a more interactive and challenging game. -Very engaging game on light and electron microscopes, with reference to the required practical. -Excellent AfL resource which can be used with rulers, mini whiteboards or as an in-class test. -Very versatile. Pupils can be tested individually or as teams. -Can be used as a starter, main, or plenary. -Links in well with topics related to cells, specialised cells, tissues, organs and the human body. -Compatible with all Biology exam boards (including AQA, Edexcel, OCR).
Microscopy (Required Practical) | AQA B1 4.1 | New Spec 9-1 (2018)

Microscopy (Required Practical) | AQA B1 4.1 | New Spec 9-1 (2018)

Outstanding pupil-led lesson including: -Match the keywords starter to ease pupils into the topic. -Engaging video comparing a light and electron microscope. -Questions on microscopy which stimulate thinking. -Numeracy activity where pupils convert units such as metres, centremetres, millimetres, micrometres and nanometres. -Numerous self and peer assessment opportunities with answers for each activity. -Fun practical where pupils prepare a slide containing onion cells and observe it under a microscope. -Stimulating task where pupils label the organelles they can see under the microscope. -Brilliant maths in science task which requires students to use the equation magnification = image size / object size to calculate relevant answers. -Stimulating noughts and crosses plenary.
Mitosis, Cell Cycle, Stem Cells, Chromosomes | AQA B1 4.1 | New Spec 9-1 (2018)

Mitosis, Cell Cycle, Stem Cells, Chromosomes | AQA B1 4.1 | New Spec 9-1 (2018)

Outstanding pupil-led lesson including: -Engaging video introducing the topic. -Starter where pupils have to label a diagram of the nucleus, DNA and chromosomes. -Well structured literacy task, where pupils have to read a text in order to answer questions on mitosis. -Numerous self and peer assessment opportunities. -Thought-provoking task which requires pupils to create a labelled diagram of mitosis. -Extension task where pupils describe the process of mitosis. -Key facts on the cell cycle. -Recap of KS3 content on gametes and the female reproductive system. -Literacy task where pupils extract information from a text, in order to answer questions on stem cells and cell specialisation. -Key facts on therapeutic cloning and plant meristem stem cells. -Well structured evaluation task where pupils need to determine the advantages and disadvantages of using stem cells. -Stimulating noughts and crosses plenary.
Antibiotic Resistance | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

Antibiotic Resistance | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

-The words MOVE in this splat game!!! Making it a more interactive and challenging game. -Very engaging game on antibiotic resistance and natural selection. -Excellent AfL resource which can be used with rulers, mini whiteboards or as an in-class test. -Very versatile. Pupils can be tested individually or as teams. -Can be used as a starter, main, or plenary. -Links in well with topics related to evolution, pathogens, bacteria and white blood cells.  -Compatible with all biology exam boards (including AQA, Edexcel, OCR).
Enzymes | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

Enzymes | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

-The words MOVE in this splat game!!! Making it a more interactive and challenging game. -Very engaging game on digestive enzymes, industrial enzymes, proteins, amino acids and the lock and key theory. -Excellent AfL resource which can be used with rulers, mini whiteboards or as an in-class test. -Very versatile. Pupils can be tested individually or as teams. -Can be used as a starter, main, or plenary. -Links in well with topics related to digestive system and proteins.  -Compatible with all biology exam boards (including AQA, Edexcel, OCR).
Diffusion, Osmosis, Active Transport | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

Diffusion, Osmosis, Active Transport | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

-The words MOVE in this splat game!!! Making it a more interactive and challenging game. -Very engaging game on diffusion, osmosis and active transport. -Excellent AfL resource which can be used with rulers, mini whiteboards or as an in-class test. -Very versatile. Pupils can be tested individually or as teams. -Can be used as a starter, main, or plenary. -Links in well with topics related to transport of substances, gas exchange, digestion and photosynthesis.  -Compatible with all biology exam boards (including AQA, Edexcel, OCR).
Immune System | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

Immune System | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

-The words MOVE in this splat game!!! Making it a more interactive and challenging game. -Very engaging game on white blood cells and the immune system. -Excellent AfL resource which can be used with rulers, mini whiteboards or as an in-class test. -Very versatile. Pupils can be tested individually or as teams. -Can be used as a starter, main, or plenary. -Links in well with topics related to vaccines and pathogens.  -Compatible with all biology exam boards (including AQA, Edexcel, OCR).
The Eye | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

The Eye | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

-The words MOVE in this splat game!!! Making it a more interactive and challenging game. -Very engaging game on the eye, vision and lenses. -Excellent AfL resource which can be used with rulers, mini whiteboards or as an in-class test. -Very versatile. Pupils can be tested individually or as teams. -Can be used as a starter, main, or plenary. -Links in well with topics related to ray diagrams and light.  -Compatible with all biology exam boards (including AQA, Edexcel, OCR).
Inheritance | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

Inheritance | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

-The words MOVE in this splat game!!! Making it a more interactive and challenging game. -Very engaging game on genetics, inheritance, probability and punnet squares. -Excellent AfL resource which can be used with rulers, mini whiteboards or as an in-class test. -Very versatile. Pupils can be tested individually or as teams. -Can be used as a starter, main, or plenary. -Links in well with topics related to genes, chromosomes and reproduction.  -Compatible with all biology exam boards (including AQA, Edexcel, OCR).
Adaptations | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

Adaptations | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

-The words MOVE in this splat game!!! Making it a more interactive and challenging game. -Very engaging game on adaptations of plants and animals. -Excellent AfL resource which can be used with rulers, mini whiteboards or as an in-class test. -Very versatile. Pupils can be tested individually or as teams. -Can be used as a starter, main, or plenary. -Links in well with topics related to evolution, natural selection, ecology and food webs.  -Compatible with all biology exam boards (including AQA, Edexcel, OCR).
Food Webs, Biomass | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

Food Webs, Biomass | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

-The words MOVE in this splat game!!! Making it a more interactive and challenging game. -Very engaging game on food chains, food webs, pyramid of numbers and pyramid of biomass. -Excellent AfL resource which can be used with rulers, mini whiteboards or as an in-class test. -Very versatile. Pupils can be tested individually or as teams. -Can be used as a starter, main, or plenary. -Links in well with topics related to ecology and predator-prey cycles.  -Compatible with all biology exam boards (including AQA, Edexcel, OCR).
Global Warming, Deforestation | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

Global Warming, Deforestation | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

-The words move in this splat game!!! Making it a more interactive and challenging game. -Very engaging game on the greenhouse effect and greenhouse gases. -Excellent AfL resource which can be used with rulers, mini whiteboards or as an in-class test. -Very versatile. Pupils can be tested individually or as teams. -Can be used as a starter, plenary or main activity. -Links in well with topics related to biodiversity, peat bog destruction, ecology, environment, recycling.  -Compatible with all biology exam boards (including AQA, Edexcel, OCR).
Carbon Cycle | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

Carbon Cycle | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

-The words move in this splat game!!! Making it a more interactive and challenging game. -Very engaging game on the carbon cycle and recycling of carbon compounds. -Excellent AfL resource which can be used with rulers, mini whiteboards or as an in-class test. -Very versatile. Pupils can be tested individually or as teams. -Links in well with topics related to decay, decomposition, ecology and the environment.  -Compatible with all biology exam boards (including AQA, Edexcel, OCR).
Glucose Control & Diabetes | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

Glucose Control & Diabetes | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

-The words move in this splat game!!! Making it a more interactive and challenging game. -Very engaging game on sugar control, homeostasis, type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. -Excellent AfL resource which can be used with rulers, mini whiteboards or as an in-class test. -Very versatile. Pupils can be tested individually or as teams. -Links in well with topics related to hormones and organ systems.  -Compatible with all biology exam boards (including AQA, Edexcel, OCR).
Speciation | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

Speciation | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

-The words move in this splat game!!! Making it a more interactive and challenging game. -Very engaging game on speciation and natural selection. -Excellent AfL resource which can be used with rulers, mini whiteboards or as an in-class test. -Very versatile. Pupils can be tested individually or as teams. -Links in well with topics related to evolution, genetics, Lamarck and Darwin.  -Compatible with all biology exam boards (including AQA, Edexcel, OCR).