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Average Rating3.06
(based on 51 reviews)

Outstanding resources available -AQA chemistry, biology and physics lessons. -Differentiated science worksheets compatible with all exam boards. -Brilliant splat AfL powerpoints. -Engaging 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire' themed AfL science quizzes.




Outstanding resources available -AQA chemistry, biology and physics lessons. -Differentiated science worksheets compatible with all exam boards. -Brilliant splat AfL powerpoints. -Engaging 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire' themed AfL science quizzes.
Equations | Physics | Chemistry | Biology | AQA | Combined & Triple Science | Worksheets | Revision

Equations | Physics | Chemistry | Biology | AQA | Combined & Triple Science | Worksheets | Revision

Fantastic pupil led worksheets and activities: -Includes ALL Chemistry, Biology and Physics equations and calculations. -Engaging tasks where pupils need to determine the formula, equation and units for each calculation. -For AQA combined trilogy, combined synergy and triple science. -Higher tier and triple science formulas clearly highlighted. -Answers for every equation. -Units specified for each calculation. -Can be used a powerpoint activity or printed as worksheets. -Clearly indicates which equations need to be memorised and which equations are given in the exam. -Every calculation in B1, B2, C1, C2, P1 and P2 covered! ** -Covers the following formulas: PHYSICS: weight = mass × gravitational field strength​ work done = force × distance​ force = spring constant × extension​ moment = force × distance​ pressure = force/surface area​ distance = speed × time​ acceleration = change in velocity / time ​ force = mass × acceleration​ momentum = mass × velocity​ kinetic energy = 0.5 × mass × speed2​ gravitational potential energy = mass × gravitational field strength × height​ power = energy transferred / time​ power = work done / time​ efficiency = useful energy out / total energy in​ wave speed = frequency × wavelength​ ​charge = current × time potential difference = current × resistance power = potential difference × current power = current2 × resistance energy = power × time energy = charge × potential difference density = mass/volume pressure = height × density × gravitational field strength final velocity2 – initial velocity2 = 2 × acceleration × distance force = change in momentum / time force = mass x change in velocity / time elastic potential energy = 0.5 × spring constant × extension2 change in thermal energy = mass × specific heat capacity × temperature change period = 1 / frequency magnification = image height / object height force = magnetic flux density × current × length thermal energy = mass × specific latent heat Vp/Vs = np/ns voltage primary coil × current primary coil = voltage secondary coil × current secondary coil pressure × volume = constant pressure 1 × volume 1 = pressure 2 × volume 2 CHEMISTRY: Atomic number Mass Number Group number Period number Overall charge Relative atomic mass Relative formula mass Conservation of Mass Mole = mass / molar mass Avogadro’s constant Concentration = mass / volume Concentration = mole / volume Percentage yield Atom economy Volume of gases Energy change Rate of reaction General formula for alkanes General formula for alkenes General formula for alcohols General formula for carboxylic acids BIOLOGY: Magnification = size of image / size of object Circular Cross-sectional area = πr² Volume of cube = length x length x length Surface area = 6 x length x length Ratio = Surface area /volume Percentage change = (change / original) x 100% Heart rate = number of beats / number of minutes Breathing rate = number of breaths / number of minutes
Isotopes & Relative Atomic Mass | AQA C1 4.1, P1 4.4 | New Spec 9-1 (2018)

Isotopes & Relative Atomic Mass | AQA C1 4.1, P1 4.4 | New Spec 9-1 (2018)

Outstanding pupil-led lesson including: -Literacy starter where pupils read information in order to label the parts of an atom. -Recap of the charge and mass of sub-atomic particles. -Very well explained video on what isotopes are and how to calculate the average relative atomic mass of an element - which appears on the periodic table. -Engaging activity where pupils calculate the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in various isotopes. -Fill in the blanks task where pupils describe what an isotope is. -Challenging task where pupils calculate the average relative atomic mass (RAM) of different elements, based on the percentage abundance of its isotopes. -Numerous self and peer assessment opportunities. -Stimulating noughts and crosses plenary. The content in this lesson appears in both C1 and P1
Electromagnets | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

Electromagnets | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

-The words MOVE in this splat game!!! Making it a more interactive and challenging game. -Very engaging game on how electromagnets work. -Excellent AfL resource which can be used with rulers, mini whiteboards or as an in-class test. -Very versatile. Pupils can be tested individually or as teams. -Can be used as a starter, main, or plenary. -Links in well with topics related to the motor effect, transformers and electromagnetic induction.  -Compatible with all physics exam boards (including AQA, Edexcel, OCR).
Gravitational Potential Energy (Changes in Energy) | AQA P1 4.1 | New Spec 9-1 (2018)

Gravitational Potential Energy (Changes in Energy) | AQA P1 4.1 | New Spec 9-1 (2018)

Brilliant pupil-led lesson including: -Engaging starter where pupils needs to guess the 8 types of energy, using diagrams given. -Starter differentiated for lower ability pupils. -Thought provoking task where the types of energy need to be defined. -Excellent think - pair - share task where pupils discuss the factors which impact GPE. -Easy to understand video on G.P.E. -Very convenient example questions for the teacher to use prior to main activity. -Very well structured tasks where pupils use the equation to calculate the gravitational potential energy, mass, gravitational field strength or height of an object. -Challenging activity which requires students to convert units before calculating GPE. -Answers for every activity! -Emphasis on exam techniques. -Numerous self and peer assessment opportunities. -Stimulating noughts and crosses plenary.
Kinetic Energy (Changes in Energy) | AQA P1 4.1 | New Spec 9-1 (2018)

Kinetic Energy (Changes in Energy) | AQA P1 4.1 | New Spec 9-1 (2018)

Brilliant pupil-led lesson including: -Engaging starter where pupils needs to guess the 8 types of energy, using diagrams given. -Starter differentiated for lower ability pupils. -Thought provoking task where the types of energy need to be defined. -Excellent think - pair - share task where pupils discuss the factors which impact kinetic energy. -Easy to understand video on the concept. -Very convenient example questions for the teacher to use prior to main activity. -Very well structured tasks where pupils use the equation to calculate the kinetic energy, mass or velocity of an object. -Challenge question embedded. -Answers for every activity! -Numerous self and peer assessment opportunities. -Stimulating noughts and crosses plenary.
Gravity, Mass & Weight | AQA P2 4.5 | New Spec 9-1 (2018)

Gravity, Mass & Weight | AQA P2 4.5 | New Spec 9-1 (2018)

Outstanding lesson including: -Engaging match the keywords starter. -Explanation of the difference between mass and weight. -Easy to understand introduction to formula: weight = mass x gravity (w=mxg). -Fun numeracy activity where pupils compare their weight on different planets. -Engaging task where pupils rearrange the formula to calculate weight, mass and gravity. -Peer assessment and self assessment opportunities -Challenging task where pupils convert units to calculate weight, mass and gravity -Stimulating noughts and crosses plenary
Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table | AQA C1 4.1 | New Spec 9-1 (2018)

Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table | AQA C1 4.1 | New Spec 9-1 (2018)

7 Resources
Complete set of outstanding pupil-led lesson PowerPoints and worksheets which covers the AQA C1 4.1 unit. Includes the following content: Atoms, elements and compounds Mixtures The development of the model of the atom Relative electrical charges of subatomic particles Size and mass of atoms Relative atomic mass Electronic structure The periodic table Development of the periodic table Metals and non-metals Group 0 Group 1 Group 7 Comparison (of transition metals) with Group 1 elements Typical properties (of transition metals)
Transverse & Longitudinal Wave Diagram Label Worksheets (Differentiated)

Transverse & Longitudinal Wave Diagram Label Worksheets (Differentiated)

Six excellently differentiated worksheets.  Engaging activity where pupils have to label the different parts of a transverse and longitudinal wave. Very well structured and scaffolded according to ability (from SEN to high ability). Excellent for visual learners. Very convenient answers slide for self or peer assessment. Compatible with all physics exam boards (including AQA, Edexcel, OCR).
Generating Electricity, National Grid | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

Generating Electricity, National Grid | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

-The words MOVE in this splat game!!! Making it a more interactive and challenging game. -Very engaging game on how electricity is generated in a power station and how it is transferred via the national grid via step up and step down transformers. -Excellent AfL resource which can be used with rulers, mini whiteboards or as an in-class test. -Very versatile. Pupils can be tested individually or as teams. -Can be used as a starter, main, or plenary. -Links in well with topics related to fossil fuels, current, voltage, power and energy transfer.  -Compatible with all Physics exam boards (including AQA, Edexcel, OCR).
Renewable energy | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

Renewable energy | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

-The words MOVE in this splat game!!! Making it a more interactive and challenging game. -Very engaging game on renewable energy sources such as solar panels, solar cells, tidal power, geothermal energy, wind turbines and hydroelectricity. -Excellent AfL resource which can be used with rulers, mini whiteboards or as an in-class test. -Very versatile. Pupils can be tested individually or as teams. -Can be used as a starter, main, or plenary. -Links in well with topics related to energy transfer, generating electricity and the national grid.  -Compatible with all physics exam boards (including AQA, Edexcel, OCR).
Electromagnetic spectrum | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

Electromagnetic spectrum | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

-The words MOVE in this splat game!!! Making it a more interactive and challenging game. -Very engaging game on the uses and dangers of the waves in electromagnetic spectrum. -Excellent AfL resource which can be used with rulers, mini whiteboards or as an in-class test. -Very versatile. Pupils can be tested individually or as teams. -Can be used as a starter, main, or plenary. -Links in well with topics related to longitudinal and transverse waves.  -Compatible with all physics exam boards (including AQA, Edexcel, OCR).
Longitudinal & Transverse Waves | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

Longitudinal & Transverse Waves | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

-The words MOVE in this splat game!!! Making it a more interactive and challenging game. -Very engaging game on the properties of longitudinal and transverse waves as well as velocity = frequency x wavelength (v=fxλ). -Excellent AfL resource which can be used with rulers, mini whiteboards or as an in-class test. -Very versatile. Pupils can be tested individually or as teams. -Can be used as a starter, main, or plenary. -Links in well with topics related to calculations and electromagnetic spectrum.  -Compatible with all physics exam boards (including AQA, Edexcel, OCR).
States of Matter | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

States of Matter | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

-The words MOVE in this splat game!!! Making it a more interactive and challenging game. -Very engaging game on solids, liquids and gases and their properties. -Excellent AfL resource which can be used with rulers, mini whiteboards or as an in-class test. -Very versatile. Pupils can be tested individually or as teams. -Can be used as a starter, main, or plenary. -Links in well with topics related to evaporation, condensation and energy.  -Compatible with all physics exam boards (including AQA, Edexcel, OCR).
Energy Transfer | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

Energy Transfer | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

-The words MOVE in this splat game!!! Making it a more interactive and challenging game. -Very engaging game on different types of energy (kinetic, gravitational potential, chemical, light etc) and how it is transferred and efficiency. -Excellent AfL resource which can be used with rulers, mini whiteboards or as an in-class test. -Very versatile. Pupils can be tested individually or as teams. -Can be used as a starter, main, or plenary. -Links in well with topics related to generating electricity via fossil fuels.  -Compatible with all physics exam boards (including AQA, Edexcel, OCR).
Stopping Distance | AQA P2 4.5 | New Spec 9-1 (2018)

Stopping Distance | AQA P2 4.5 | New Spec 9-1 (2018)

Outstanding pupil-led lesson which contains: - Video: entertaining animation explaining what stopping distance is. - Starter: engaging match the keywords activity. -Explanation: excellent visual description of stopping distance. -Calculations: stopping distance = braking distance + thinking distance. -Engaging graph activity. -Thought provoking questions: based on stopping distance calculations. - Fun AfL tasks: True/False and a back to back game. -Plenary: stimulating noughts and crosses activity.
Specific Heat Capacity ( SHC - Energy Changes in Systems) | AQA P1 4.1 4.3 | New Spec 9-1 (2018)

Specific Heat Capacity ( SHC - Energy Changes in Systems) | AQA P1 4.1 4.3 | New Spec 9-1 (2018)

Fantastic pupil-led lesson including: -Engaging starter where pupils needs to guess the 8 types of energy, using diagrams given. -Starter differentiated for lower ability pupils. -Thought provoking task where the types of energy need to be defined. -Excellent think - pair - share task where pupils discuss which objects on the board will heat up faster and why -Easy to understand video on S.H.C. -Very convenient example question for the teacher to use prior to main activity. -Very well structured tasks where pupils use the equation to calculate the specific heat capacity, mass, temperature change or thermal energy change of an object. -Challenging activity which requires students to convert units before calculating SHC. -Answers for every activity! -Emphasis on exam questions. -Brilliant fill in the blanks summary of the topic. -Numerous self and peer assessment opportunities. -Stimulating noughts and crosses plenary.
Voltage, Current, Resistance Calculation V=IR | AQA P1 4.2 | New Spec 9-1 (2018)

Voltage, Current, Resistance Calculation V=IR | AQA P1 4.2 | New Spec 9-1 (2018)

Outstanding lesson which includes: -Brilliant match the keywords starter. -Plenty of stimulating AfL including a dice activity, Who Wants to be a Millionaire themed multiple choice quiz and a mini whiteboard task. -Great activity where pupils need to calculate the resistance of a component. -Thought provoking activity where pupils use the V= I x R formula to calculate the voltage (potential difference), current or resistance of a component. -Challenging task where pupils need to convert units in order to calculate voltage (potential difference), current or resistance of a component. -Very engaging noughts and crosses plenary.
Radiation | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

Radiation | Moving Splat!!! | Game | Revision

-The words MOVE in this splat game!!! Making it a more interactive and challenging game. -Very engaging game on alpha, beta and gamma radiation. -Excellent AfL resource which can be used with rulers, mini whiteboards or as an in-class test. -Very versatile. Pupils can be tested individually or as teams. -Links in well with topics related to isotopes, ionisation, atomic structure.  -Compatible with all physics exam boards (including AQA, Edexcel, OCR).
The Development of the Model of the Atom | AQA C1 4.1, P1 4.4  | New Spec 9-1 (2018)

The Development of the Model of the Atom | AQA C1 4.1, P1 4.4 | New Spec 9-1 (2018)

Outstanding pupil-led lesson which includes: -Well structured starter which allows pupils to recall the parts of an atom, whilst reinforcing literacy skills. -Self assessment tasks after each activity. -Engaging video on how the nuclear model was accepted by scientists. -Three thought-provoking questions on the alpha particle scattering experiment. -Fun activity where pupils have to sort statements regarding the nuclear model and the plum pudding model into the correct column. -Stimulating noughts and crosses plenary. *According to the AQA spec, the exact same content is part of the P1 and C1 units.
Voltage = Current x Resistance | Who Wants to be a Millionaire | Game | Revision

Voltage = Current x Resistance | Who Wants to be a Millionaire | Game | Revision

-Very Engaging quiz on V=IR. -Excellent AfL resource which can be used with ABCD cards, mini whiteboards or as an in-class test. -Very versatile. Pupils can be tested individually or as teams. -Links in well with topics related to electricity, power, charge, circuits, national grid etc. -Compatible with all physics exam boards (including AQA, Edexcel, OCR).