Predominately a Chemistry teacher, although I dabble with Biology and Physics too. Most of my schemes of work were planned for either AQA or iGCSE schemes of work at KS4 and the IB at KS5 (although I have no official affiliation with the IB)
18 homework projects on key stage 3 science, linked to the Exploring Science scheme of work.
7A - Cells
7B - Reproduction
7C - Adaptations
7E - Acids and Alkalis
7F - Chemical reactions
7H - Solutions
7I - Energy Resources
7J - Electricity in the Home
8A - Food and Digestion
8C - Microbes and Disease
8E - Classifying Elements
8I - Heating and Cooling
9B - Health and Fitness
9C - Plants
9E - Metals and their reactions
9G - Environmental Chemistry
9L - Pressure