Improving rhythmic awareness & pulse internalisation. This fun and simple KS2 activity uses a short call and response chant to introduce samba rhythms. As the activity progresses, the words are taken away, building up children’s rhythmic awareness and pulse internalisation. This activity can be extended to include percussion instruments and is a great warm up for a music session.
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6 years ago


7 years ago

Great intro and showed basic progression of skills. Thank you. <br />


8 years ago

This is a great resource - I used it as an intro to explain call and response to a KS2 class. It worked well and all agreed they would have liked to have seen what was done when percussion was introduced. Thank you for sharing -


11 years ago

I was looking for resources to introduce my secondary special needs music club group to Samba bateria - this is perfect for anyone wanting to get started and we will use it as a general warm up too. Thank you very much!

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