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I like to have sets of super simple worksheets that I can give to my young beginner learners of Spanish, not only when they’re new to the target vocabulary, but also for refreshing and revising language they’ve learnt some time ago. Students can generally more easily assimilate new language and vocabulary when they are able to link it in their memory with a visual image, and it’s particularly important to match a clock time with the corresponding clock face when learning how to tell time. I give my students these worksheets at the same time as introducing half past the hour in Spanish, so that they can practise and embed both recognizing the time, and writing the time phrase itself. Students really enjoy the opportunity to test their recall too.

The worksheets are useful in a number of contexts: I use them for cover lessons, as starters, plenaries, five-minute refreshers and home learning activities. I occasionally use them for more formal assessment purposes too.

Students also find this How to tell the time in Spanish half past the hour list freebie helpful:


Have a browse in my store for more Spanish super simple worksheets, and a wide range of other Spanish teaching and learning materials, with Spanish resource boxes, special offer bundles, and lots of freebies.


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**PRIMARY SPANISH TELLING THE TIME KS2 SPANISH TELLING THE TIME KS3 SPANISH TELLING THE TIME TWO SETS OF 60 CHALLENGE CARDS @ £3.00 RANGE OF ANALOGUE CLOCK TIMES** ***All files are non-editable, in a zipped format. They are copyright, all rights reserved. They may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully.*** I generally work with ***telling the time in Spanish*** quite quickly with my ***beginner Spanish*** students, as it lends itself really well to promoting speaking in the classroom, discussing daily routines for example. There are two questions: ***¿Qué hora es?*** with a particular clock face, and students write the response on their recording sheet or in their workbooks. The second question is ***Verdadero o falso*?** and students write either ***verdadero or falso***- where the answer is ***falso*** remind students to write the correct time for additional consolidation. ***Each set comprises the following non-editable files:*** = 60 question cards, 10 per A4 (8.5 x 11) paper = answer key & recording sheet Laminate the cards if you can - they're far more learner-friendly, and remain in excellent condition for years. ***Have a browse in my store for more Spanish resources, including special offer bundles and freebies.*** **¡MUCHAS GRACIAS Y BUEN APRENDIZAJE!**



**KS3 SPANISH KS4 SPANISH GCSE SPANISH RESOURCE BOX WITH FIVE RESOURCES @ £2.00 EACH** ***Files are non-editable in zipped formats. They are copyright, all rights reserved. They may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way, The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully.*** **RESOURCE 1** ***500 High-Frequency Spanish Verbs Reference Book***, alphabetically Spanish-English & English-Spanish ideal for KS4 Spanish preparing to move into advanced Spanish KS5 students, and I also use them for advanced beginner Spanish students to provide a language learning map. ***Read the full outline here:*** **500 HIGH-FREQUENCY SPANISH VERBS : REFERENCE BOOK SPANISH-ENGLISH & ENGLISH-SPANISH** [](http://) **RESOURCE 2** ***Spanish Numbers 0-31 Challenge Cards*** 48 differentiated challenge cards focusing on Numbers 0-31 in Spanish, with answer key & recording sheet. Ideal for KS3 Spanish students, and advanced Primary Spanish students, with a range of question formats, including Spanish maths language. ***Read the full outline here:*** **SPANISH NUMBERS 0-31 : 36 DIFFERENTIATED CHALLENGE CARDS WITH ANSWER KEY, VOCABULARY LIST & RECORDING SHEET** [](http://) **RESOURCE 3** ***Spanish-speaking countries word searches***, ten differentiated search grids, answer keys with countries, capital cities & flags reference resource list ideal for KS3 Spanish, KS4 Spanish and KS5 Spanish. The word searches move beyond straightforward find the word, with questions focusing on knowledge of countries, their capitals, and their national flags. ***Read the full outline here:*** **SPANISH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES : 10 DIFFERENTIATED WORD SEARCHES WITH ANSWER KEYS AND COUNTRIES, CAPITAL CITIES & FLAGS REFERENCE** [](http://) **RESOURCE 4** ***Spanish Preterite Tense Conjugation Practice*** focusing on 25 high--frequency Spanish verbs, ideal for advanced KS3 Spanish students who are beginning to work with more complex language and texts, and students moving onto KS4 Spanish students, who are refreshing and revising existing conjugation skills. There are 150 conjugation questions, across 3 differentiated conjugation challenges, with answer key and verb lists. ***Read the full outline here:*** **SPANISH PRETERITE TENSE CONJUGATION PRACTICE : WORKBOOK WITH 150 CONJUGATION QUESTIONS, 3 CONJUGATION CHALLENGES, ANSWER KEY & VERB LISTS** [](http://) **RESOURCE 5** ***Spanish Vocabulary Cards*** Spanish vocabulary cards with reference, recall & write workbook, focusing on 99 key beginner Spanish words and phrases, ideal for Primary Spanish and beginner KS3 Spanish students. ***Read the full outline here:*** **SPANISH VOCABULARY CARDS : 99 BEGINNER WORDS & PHRASES, 198 MATCHING SPANISH & ENGLISH VOCABULARY CARDS WITH REFERENCE & RECALL WORKBOOK** [](http://) ***Have a browse in my store for more Spanish resources, including special offer bundles and freebies.*** **MUCHAS GRACIAS Y BUEN APRENDIZAJE!**



**KS3 SPANISH CONVERSATION STARTERS KS4 SPANISH CONVERSATION STARTERS KS3 SPANISH TRANSLATION KS4 SPANISH TRANSLATION WORKSHEETS @ £3.75 EACH IN THE BUNDLE** ***Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The bundle is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use.*** **SPANISH CONVERSATION STARTERS #1** This set of ***Spanish conversation starters*** features 100 starters in question format, suitable for ***advanced beginner Spanish*** to ***intermediate Spanish*** students. Speaking is a language skill that learners tend to find very challenging, and increased engagement with language that requires them to both reproduce language they are already familiar with, and to be creative with that language in order to produce new language is ***integral to successful language learning***. The questions focus largely on the ***present tense***, with some examples of tenses such as ***preterite*** and ***conditional***. I like to include tenses we may not have formally covered, as the activity is not solely about ***practising language***, but also about ***actively learning*** it. I encourage students to look for cues and clues in the questions themselves, and this certainly enables them to engage with new or unknown language successfully, and to progress in their learning. ***Read more here:*** **100 SPANISH CONVERSATION STARTERS FOR ADVANCED BEGINNER SPANISH TO INTERMEDIATE SPANISH STUDENTS** [](https://) **SPANISH CONVERSATION STARTERS TRANSLATION WORKSHEETS #1** This set of ***Spanish conversation translation worksheets*** is a companion activity to ***Spanish Conversation Starters 1***, though it works just as well as a ***standalone translation exercise*** for ***advanced beginner Spanish*** and ***intermediate Spanish*** students. The content mirrors that of the conversation starters, and really does help students consolidate and embed essential ***advanced beginner Spanish*** to ***intermediate Spanish*** language across all key language skills. All the sentences are in question format. There are ***200 translation questions*** in total: ***100 from Spanish to English***, and then ***repeated from English to Spanish***. Translation is a specific skill that students need to work on carefully and gradually as they progress in their language learning. It’s quite common for beginner language learners to attempt to translate word for word from their first / home language, and though this will work occasionally, it frequently leads to errors. ***Read more here:*** **200 SPANISH CONVERSATION TRANSLATIONS FOR ADVANCED BEGINNER SPANISH TO INTERMEDIATE SPANISH STUDENTS** [](https://) ***The activities broadly address the following themes:*** = personal information = family & routines at home = hobbies & free time = likes & dislikes = local environment = food & drink = school & studies = sport & healthy living = countries & languages = weather & seasons ***Have a browse in my store for more Spanish resources, including special offer bundles and freebies.*** **¡MUCHAS GRACIAS Y BUEN APRENDIZAJE!**



**PRIMARY SPANISH TELLING THE TIME KS2 SPANISH TELLING THE TIME KS3 SPANISH TELLING THE TIME DOMINOES GAMES EVERY ANALOGUE CLOCK TIME 3 SETS OF GAMES @ £2.00 9 GAMES, 9 CHALLENGES** ***Files are non-editable in a zipped folder. The resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully.*** ***Set 1***: o'clock, half past, quarter to & quarter past the hour ***Set 2***: 5 & 10 past and 5 & 10 to the hour ***Set 3***: 20 & 25 past and 20 & 25 to the hour ***3 games and 3 challenges*** in each set, ***9 games and challenges in total***. The games really help students develop their skill in ***telling the time in Spanish*** in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way, learning completely independently. Dominoes games are ideal for language learning, with a ***multi-skill focus on listening, speaking, pronunciation, and reading***. They are perfect for pair and small-group work too. Students work happily challenging themselves and each other to create a perfect domino time-sequence line, on the classroom floor or on a long(ish) table, by matching the times and the clock faces. This kind of activity is really versatile, and useful not only during the introduction phase of learning these particular clock times, but at many times across the school year - for cover lessons, as starters, warm-ups, plenaries, practice & refresh, and also free-choice activity time - it’s a great idea to have a range of folders ready for students to select particular content according to what area they feel they’d like to work on. ***There are three games, each with a different challenge in the set:*** = Challenge One: times in numerical order, time phrase to clock face = Challenge Two: times in random order, time phrase to clock face = Challenge Three: times in random order, clock face to time phrase ***Have a browse in my store for more Spanish resources, including special offer bundles and freebies.*** **¡MUCHAS GRACIAS Y BUEN APRENDIZAJE!**




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a year ago



a year ago

Thanks for sharing for free


a year ago

Great freebie, thanks for sharing!


2 years ago

really useful gracias

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