Sonríe in Spanish
Sonríe in Spanish
4.861602 reviews

A variety of original MFL resources for all ages and levels You can find full lessons, single activities, games, plenaries, etc. Find us on Instagram!

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pdf, 960.13 KB

A worksheet to celebrate the women that surround us. It is focused on descriptions and includes a bank of vocabulary covering: female family members/friends, adjectives and higher structures to describe inspiring people. Students are also provided with a writing frame to scaffold their piece of writing. Perfect to celebrate International Women’s Day, but also as a task to cover personality descriptions within the GCSE course.

Una ficha para celebrar a las mujeres que nos rodean. Se centra en las descripciones e inlcuye un banco de vocabulario que cubre: miembros femeninos de la familia/amigas, adjetivos y estructuras completas para describir a esas personas inspiradoras. Los estudiantes también encontrarán una plantilla de escritura con frases hechas para guiar su redacción. El material perfecto para celebrar el Día Internacional de la Mujer, pero también para asignarlo como una tarea de escritura que cubra las descripciones de personalidad.

Creative Commons "NoDerivatives"



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18 days ago

I just downloaded it and I can´t wait to use it in my class! I´m sure my students will love it!


9 months ago

Great worksheet to work at the women day. Many thanks!


a year ago

Great standalone task, due to vocabulary being on the same page could even be set as cover work to reinforce personality adjectives. ¡Muchísimas gracias y feliz 8M a vosotras!


2 years ago

Great resource that could be used at any level. GCSE students were brilliant using it, as it linked with the topic of role models, GCE students linked it to characters in the film / text they are studying for their exams. Great work!


2 years ago


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