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This lesson is part of Exploring Brazil, a Geography unit designed for students in KS2 (Y4-6), but can also be taught as a stand alone lesson.

It is a great introduction to using 6-figure grid references. The presentation first recaps how to find 4-figure grid references, then demonstrates how to find 6-figure grid references step by step.

There are two activities:

Activity 1:
Students locate 16 Brazilian cities using 4-figure grid references.
Extension – Students answer questions involving grid references and compass directions.

Activity 2:
Students have a go at describing the location of Brazilian cities more precisely using 6-figure grid references.
Easier – Students use mini-grids to help them locate 16 cities using 6-figure grid references.
Medium – Students use mini-grids to locate 8 cities, then estimate 6-figure grid references for 8 more cities.
Harder – Students have to estimate 6-figure grid references for all 16 cities (i.e. no mini-grids).

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4 years ago

Fantastic lesson which saved me a lot of time.


4 years ago

Great! There is a little mistake with horizontal and vertical though which i didn't notice until the children pointed it out but it can easily be corrected. Overall, it was perfect for my lesson. Thanks for making it.


5 years ago

Great resources, thank you.

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