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Teach It Forward

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(based on 322 reviews)

I've worked in primary teaching for over 10 years and specialise in creating fun and engaging educational resources, particularly for Geography and History.




I've worked in primary teaching for over 10 years and specialise in creating fun and engaging educational resources, particularly for Geography and History.
Understanding the causes of an earthquake - KS2

Understanding the causes of an earthquake - KS2

This lesson is designed for KS2 children. It can be taught as a stand alone lesson but is also available as part of two wider units, both of which are available on TES: -Earthquakes -Volcanoes & Earthquakes First the presentation looks at how the Earth’s crust is split into tectonic plates. It then examines the causes of earthquakes, how they occur at the fault lines between tectonic plates and what the hypocentre and epicentre of an earthquake are. There are three different activities to choose from which can be done in Geography and/or Literacy lessons. These include: Quiz Activity Students watch a video clip about earthquakes and answer comprehension questions about it. This is differentiated two ways. Cloze Procedure Activity Students fill in the blanks in an explanation text about earthquakes. This is differentiated two ways. Writing Activity Student write an explanation text about earthquakes. This is differentiated three ways and comes with vocabulary and sentence starter prompts. If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
Why do people live near volcanoes? - KS2

Why do people live near volcanoes? - KS2

This lesson is designed for KS2 students. It can be taught as a stand alone lesson but is also available as part of two wider units, both of which are available on TES: -Volcanoes -Volcanoes & Earthquakes First the presentation looks at Mount Etna and Mount Vesuvius in Italy and asks why people choose to live so close to volcanoes. The activities then challenges students to think about the advantages and disadvantages of living near a volcano: Partner Activity: Students sort statements and photos into advantages and disadvantages of living near a volcano. Writing Activity: Students write about the advantages and disadvantages of living near a volcano. Stickers and a vocabulary prompt are provided for this activity. If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
Introduction to compass directions - KS1/KS2

Introduction to compass directions - KS1/KS2

This lesson is an ideal introduction to compass directions for younger children. It is part of Our World, a Geography unit designed for students in KS1 and lower KS2 (Y1-3), but can also be taught as a stand alone lesson. The presentation introduces the four cardinal points of the compass (North, East, South and West). It then challenges students to describe the position of objects using these compass directions. The activity worksheets are differentiated two ways: Easier – Students describe the position of objects using compass directions (simple questions). Harder – Students describe the position of objects using compass directions (mixed questions). Extension – Students fill in the blanks on a compass using different vocabulary. If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
Identifying the key features of mountains - KS2

Identifying the key features of mountains - KS2

This is the first lesson in Mountain Environments, a Geography unit designed for students in upper KS2 (Y4-6). First the presentation introduces students to the topic and looks at some of the activities people do in mountains. It then introduces the key features of a mountain range. The activity challenges students to identify the key features of a mountain environment. It is differentiated three ways: Easier – Students identify 8 key features of mountains. Medium – Students identify 10 key features of mountains. Harder – Students label the key features of mountains in their exercise book. Extension – Students match mountain vocabulary to their definitions. If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
Identifying human and physical features of the United Kingdom - KS1/KS2

Identifying human and physical features of the United Kingdom - KS1/KS2

This lesson is part of Exploring the United Kingdom, a Geography unit designed for KS1 and lower KS2 (Y2-4). The presentation helps students understand the difference between human and physical geographical features. It then challenges them to classify famous UK landmarks as either human or physical. There are two engaging activities included: Partner activity: Students sort pictures/descriptions of UK landmarks into human and physical geographical features. Individual activity: Students match pictures of UK landmarks to their descriptions. This is differentiated three ways: Easier – Students match 8 features to their descriptions. Medium – Students match 12 features to their descriptions. Harder – Students write a description of each UK landmark using a word bank. Extension – Students sort the UK landmarks into human and physical geographical features. If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
Mountain Environments - KS2

Mountain Environments - KS2

8 Resources
Mountain Environments is a Geography unit suitable for KS2 (Y4-6) and has everything you need for covering a mountains topic. The planning overview, topic title page and vocabulary page can be downloaded for free here. Lessons include: L1 – Identifying the key features of mountains L2 – Identifying the world’s major mountain ranges L3 – Locating the world’s famous mountains using latitude and longitude L4 – Understanding how fold mountains are formed L5 – Investigating the structure of a volcano (FREE) L6 – Researching famous world mountains (FREE) L7 – Investigating mountain climates Each lesson includes a presentation and differentiated activities/worksheets. If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
Understanding Trade - KS2 unit

Understanding Trade - KS2 unit

6 Resources
Understanding Trade is a Geography unit suitable for upper KS2 (Y5-6) and is a great way to teach students about global trade. The planning overview, topic title page and vocabulary page can be downloaded for free here. Lessons include: L1 – Investigating where the products we buy come from L2 – Understanding that all products have a supply chain L3 – Exploring the chocolate supply chain L4 – Investigating the UK’s biggest exports L5 – Investigating the highest value exports of different countries L6 – Is the banana trade fair? (FREE) Each lesson includes a presentation and differentiated activities/worksheets. If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
Investigating Rivers - KS2

Investigating Rivers - KS2

7 Resources
Investigating Rivers is a Geography unit suitable for KS2 (Y4-6). The planning overview and topic title page can be downloaded for free here. Lessons include: L1 - Understanding the water cycle L2 - Identifying features of a river system L3 - Identifying characteristics of the three stages of a river L4 - Investigating features of the River Thames L5 - Thinking about the different ways we use water L6 - Understanding the impacts of floods and droughts Each lesson includes a presentation and differentiated activities/worksheets. If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
Understanding tectonic plates - KS2

Understanding tectonic plates - KS2

This lesson is designed for KS2 students. It can be taught as a stand alone lesson but is also available as part of three wider units, all of which are available on TES: -Volcanoes -Earthquakes -Volcanoes & Earthquakes The presentation introduces the idea that the world’s crust is split into tectonic plates and looks at how these are related to volcanoes and earthquakes. The activity challenges students to identify tectonic plates using a map. It is differentiated two ways: Easier – Students identify the world’s tectonic plates using a colour-coordinated map. Harder – Students identify the world’s tectonic plates using a plain map. Extension – Students use an atlas to find out which tectonic plate countries of the world are located on. If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
Tropical Rainforests - KS2

Tropical Rainforests - KS2

7 Resources
Tropical Rainforests is a Geography unit designed for students in KS2 (Y3-6). The planning overview, topic title page and a knowledge organiser can be downloaded for free here. Lessons include: L1 – Locating tropical rainforests on a world map L2 – Identifying tropical rainforest animals L3 – Investigating the layers of a tropical rainforest L4 – Exploring the Amazon rainforest L5 – Understanding the impact of deforestation on the Amazon L6 – Investigating how deforestation affects an Amazon tribe L7 - Thinking of ways to help save tropical rainforests Each lesson includes a presentation and differentiated activities/worksheets. A knowledge organiser is also included. All resources are compatible with both Microsoft Office and Google Workspace. If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
Using 4 and 6-figure grid references to locate Brazilian cities - KS2

Using 4 and 6-figure grid references to locate Brazilian cities - KS2

This lesson is part of Exploring Brazil, a Geography unit designed for students in KS2 (Y4-6), but can also be taught as a stand alone lesson. It is a great introduction to using 6-figure grid references. The presentation first recaps how to find 4-figure grid references, then demonstrates how to find 6-figure grid references step by step. There are two activities: Activity 1: Students locate 16 Brazilian cities using 4-figure grid references. Extension – Students answer questions involving grid references and compass directions. Activity 2: Students have a go at describing the location of Brazilian cities more precisely using 6-figure grid references. Easier – Students use mini-grids to help them locate 16 cities using 6-figure grid references. Medium – Students use mini-grids to locate 8 cities, then estimate 6-figure grid references for 8 more cities. Harder – Students have to estimate 6-figure grid references for all 16 cities (i.e. no mini-grids). If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
Locating tropical rainforests on a world map - KS2

Locating tropical rainforests on a world map - KS2

This lesson is part of Tropical Rainforests, a Geography unit designed for students in KS2, but can also be taught as a stand alone lesson. All resources are compatible with both Microsoft Office and Google Workspace. The presentation introduces students to tropical rainforests, including some of the flora and fauna that live in them. Students then learn about the Earth’s tropical belt and the location of the various rainforests within it. The activity challenges students to label features of a world map including the Equator, the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. Students then locate 8 of the world’s tropical rainforests. Easier - Students use a prompt map and have activity clues. Harder - Students use a prompt map but have no activity clues. Extension - Students fill in the missing words in a paragraph about tropical rainforests. If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
Exploring Brazil - KS2

Exploring Brazil - KS2

7 Resources
Exploring Brazil is a Geography unit designed for students in KS2 (Y4-6). The planning overview, topic title page and vocabulary page can be downloaded for free here. Lessons include: L1 – Identifying the countries and capitals of South America L2 – Writing a Brazil fact file L3 – Using 4 and 6-figure grid references to locate Brazilian cities L4 – Identifying the human and physical features of Brazil L5 – Exploring Brazil’s ecosystems L6 – Investigating Brazil’s weather and climate Each lesson includes a presentation and differentiated activities/worksheets. If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
Great Fire of London - KS1 - How has fire safety changed since the Great Fire?

Great Fire of London - KS1 - How has fire safety changed since the Great Fire?

This resource is designed for teaching the Great Fire of London KS1 History unit. You can download the planning for free here. It is suitable for Year 2 children and more able Year 1 children. The presentation explores how the Great Fire of London gave birth to the very first fire brigades in the late 17th century. It also looks at how fire safety has improved, including changes in our homes and innovations in fire fighting equipment. There are two differentiated worksheets which challenge children to sort fire safety related pictures and vocabulary into ‘Now’ and ‘Then (1666)’. They include: a standard activity sheet with eight words/phrases for children to draw and label an easier activity sheet (with stickers) with ten words/phrases for children to label If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
Comparing the UK and Australia - KS1/KS2

Comparing the UK and Australia - KS1/KS2

This resource is part of Exploring Australia, a Geography unit designed for students in upper KS1 and lower KS2 (Y2-Y4). All resources are compatible with both Microsoft Office and Google Workspace. First the presentation compares and contrasts the UK and Australia, specifically focusing on: -Location in the world -Size/population -Languages spoken -Climate -Native animals -Famous landmarks The activity then challenges students fill in a table comparing the UK and Australia. Easier - Students fill in information for 7 categories (with vocab hints). Harder - Students fill in information for 9 categories (no vocab hints). Extension - Students identify whether animals are native to the UK or Australia. If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
Volcanoes & Earthquakes - KS2

Volcanoes & Earthquakes - KS2

14 Resources
Volcanoes & Earthquakes is an exciting extended Geography unit designed for students in KS2. The planning overview, topic title page and vocabulary page can be downloaded for free here. Lessons include: L1 – Understanding the structure of the Earth L2 – Investigating the structure of a volcano (FREE) L3 – Locating the world’s famous volcanoes L4 – Investigating the five deadly features of a volcanic eruption L5 – Understanding tectonic plates L6 – Exploring the effects of volcanic eruptions on Montserrat L7 – Why do people live near volcanoes? L8 – Understanding the causes of earthquakes L9 – Investigating the five deadly features of an earthquake L10 – Researching earthquakes using Wikipedia L11 – Locating the world’s biggest earthquakes using latitude & longitude L12 – Writing a fact file about a famous earthquake Each lesson includes a presentation and differentiated activities/worksheets. A FREE newspaper report template is also included in this unit. If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
Exploring the Amazon rainforest - KS2

Exploring the Amazon rainforest - KS2

This resource is part of Tropical Rainforests, a Geography unit designed for students in KS2, but can also be taught as a stand alone lesson. All resources are compatible with both Microsoft Office and Google Workspace. This lesson is a great introduction to the world’s largest rainforest, the Amazon. First, the presentation introduces students to the Amazon and its incredibly biodiverse flora and fauna. It then goes on to look at the geography of the Amazon in more detail, specifically its location within the continent of South America. The activity challenges students to identify a range of human and physical geographical features within South America, including the nine countries in which the Amazon rainforest is located. In follow up extension activities, students identify the capitals of those countries and then complete a cloze-procedure paragraph about the Amazon. If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
Locating the world's famous volcanoes - KS2

Locating the world's famous volcanoes - KS2

This lesson is designed for KS2 students. It can be taught as a stand alone lesson but is also available as part of two wider units, both of which are available on TES: -Volcanoes -Volcanoes & Earthquakes First the presentation introduces some of the world’s most famous volcanoes and classes them as active, dormant or extinct. The activity then challenges students to locate volcanoes using an atlas or the internet (e.g. Google maps). Alternatively, a map of famous world volcanoes is also provided. Easier – Students locate volcanoes using the map of famous volcanoes (writing numbers). Medium – Students locate volcanoes using the map of famous volcanoes (writing volcano names). Harder – Students locate volcanoes using an atlas. (N.B. It is recommended you check the atlas has the relevant maps prior doing the activity.) If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
Introduction to latitude and longitude - KS2/KS3

Introduction to latitude and longitude - KS2/KS3

This lesson is part of Understanding Latitude and Longitude, a unit designed for students in upper KS2 and KS3. It can also be taught as a stand-alone lesson. The presentation introduces the concept of lines of latitude and longitude, including the Equator and Prime Meridian, and goes on to explain their purpose and relationship to Earth’s hemispheres and poles. In the activity, students have to identify all of these features on diagrams of the Earth. It is differentiated two ways and includes an extension: Easier – Students have label clues and a vocabulary bank to help them. Harder – Students have only a vocabulary bank to help them. Extension – Students fill in the missing words in a text about latitude and longitude. If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
Matching animals to their habitat - KS1/KS2

Matching animals to their habitat - KS1/KS2

This lesson is part of a wider cross-curricula unit called London Zoo which is designed for KS1 and lower KS2 students (Y2-4). The animals have escaped at the zoo and the keeper needs your help! The presentation first encourages students to describe the features of animals. It then challenges students to match animals to their names, description and habitat. It includes a variety of animals including fish, birds, mammals, insects and amphibians. There is a group activity and an individual activity: Group Activity: Students match animals to their names, description and habitat (KS1 and KS2 versions). Individual Activity: Students match animals to their names, description and habitat on a worksheet. This is differentiated three ways: Easier – Students match animals to their habitats. Medium – Students match animals to their description and habitat. Harder – Students fill in the names of the animals and match them to their description and habitat. Extension – Students classify animals as fish, birds, mammals, insects or amphibians. If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.