This fantastic resource contains four sets of worksheets featuring Comparative Answers on:
- Alfred, Lord Tennyson's 'The Charge of the Light Brigade' and Jane Weir's 'Poppies'.
- Seamus Heaney’s ‘Storm on the Island’ and William Wordsworth’s ‘Prelude’
- Ted Hughes’ ‘Bayonet Charge’ and Simon Armitage’s ‘Remains’
- Percy Bysshe Shelley’s ‘Ozymandias’ and Wilfred Owen’s ‘Exposure’
These worksheets are designed to help you prepare your class to answer GCSE English Literature questions on AQA Power and Conflict Poetry. They are NOT intended to teach students the poems themselves – students should already be familiar with the poems used within. They are designed for you to use later in the school year when the poetry has been covered and the students need to learn how to use this knowledge to write the best possible exam answers.
The contents are as follows:
1. Power and Conflict Sample Answers – these 800+ word sample answers to each question are presented in two formats for your convenience. The first is a one-page A4 handout of the essay itself. The second is a two-page A4 handout with wider margins and more generous spacing – this allows ample space for annotation and highlighting, allowing students to completely break down the elements of the essay. I would suggest copying this onto an A3 sheet – I’ve used it very effectively with pairs of students using different colour markers to highlight the various AOs, the subject terminology, comparative terms, precise quotes etc.
2. Power and Conflict Sample Planning Grid – this is a one-page A4 handout which shows the students how to use ‘rough notes’ to plan and structure their essay.
3. Planning Grid Templates – this is a one-page A4 handout featuring a blank Planning Grid which students can use to plan their own essays for any part of the GCSE English course.
4. Power and Conflict AOs – this is a one-page A4 handout which explains the Poetry AOs to students in a manner that is accessible and easy to understand. It eliminates any confusion about the Mark Scheme and shows students exactly what elements need to be included to gain maximum marks.
The presentations which accompany these worksheets are also available in my shop and you can also purchase any of the comparative answers individually.
Set of all four Powerpoint presentations
I hope you find these resources helpful for you and instructive for your students - I'd be delighted to hear any feedback or comments you may have. I'll be adding lots more exam guides like this to my shop, so please check back regularly!
This resource features 12 sample exam questions for the second question of Paper Two GCSE English Language. This is the question which may require GCSE students to write a speech.
These questions have been carefully designed to reflect the exact format and layout of the AQA GCSE English new specification, allowing students to become more comfortable with the appearance and demands of their exam paper.
The twelve tasks featured ask students to write speeches to be delivered to a variety of audiences, allowing them to practise using the appropriate style and register for each context.
Check out my other Transactional Writing resources for AQA:
40 Sample AQA Questions: Letters, Speeches and Articles
16 Sample AQA Questions on Letters
12 Sample AQA Questions on Articles
These exam questions can be used both as class activities and as homework. They are also ideal for practice tests in the run-up to the exams.
I hope these are helpful for you and instructive for your students – as always, I’d be delighted to hear any feedback you may have.
I will be adding lots more GCSE revision resources to my shop so please check back regularly!
This resource features 12 sample exam questions for the second question of Paper Two GCSE English Language. This is the question which may require GCSE students to write a speech.
These questions have been carefully designed to reflect the exact format and layout of the Eduqas GCSE English new specification, allowing students to become more comfortable with the appearance and demands of their exam paper.
The twelve tasks featured ask students to write speeches to be delivered to a variety of audiences, allowing them to practise using the appropriate style and register for each context.
These exam questions can be used both as class activities and as homework. They are also ideal for practice tests in the run-up to the exams.
Other Transactional Writing Resources for Eduqas:
40 Sample Eduqas Questions: Letters, Speeches and Articles
16 Sample Eduqas Questions on Letters
12 Sample Eduqas Questions on Articles
I hope these are helpful for you and instructive for your students – as always, I’d be delighted to hear any feedback you may have.
I will be adding lots more GCSE revision resources to my shop so please check back regularly!
This superb resource contains TWELVE sample exam questions for revising THEMES (10) and TECHNIQUES (2) of ‘DNA’ by Dennis Kelly.
These questions have been carefully designed to reflect the exact format and demands of the new AQA GCSE English Literature exam paper.
It also includes concise information on the AOs and Mark Scheme.
Please check out my range of ‘DNA’ resources:
22 Exam Questions on Themes, Characters and Techniques
12 Exam Questions on Characters and Techniques
These exam questions can be used both as class activities and as homework. They are also ideal for practice tests in the run-up to the exams.
I hope these are helpful for you and instructive for your students – as always, I’d be delighted to hear any feedback you may have.
I will be adding lots more GCSE revision resources to my shop so please check back regularly!
This superb resource contains 15 sample exam questions on the CHARACTERS of ‘An Inspector Calls’.
These questions have been carefully designed to reflect the exact format and demands of the new Edexcel GCSE English Literature exam paper.
Also included is concise information on the AOs and Mark Scheme.
Please check out my range of ‘An Inspector Calls’ resources:
Edexcel 30 Sample Questions on Themes and Characters
Edexcel 15 Sample Questions on Themes
Edexcel 2 FREE Sample Questions
AQA 30 Sample Questions on Themes, Characters and Techniques
AQA 12 Sample Questions on Themes
AQA 12 Sample Questions on Characters
AQA 6 Sample Questions on Techniques
AQA 2 FREE Sample Questions
These exam questions can be used both as class activities and as homework. They are also ideal for practice tests in the run-up to the exams.
I hope these are helpful for you and instructive for your students – as always, I’d be delighted to hear any feedback you may have.
I will be adding lots more GCSE revision resources to my shop so please check back regularly!
AQA GCSE English Literature Modern Texts – Lord of the Flies - Exam Revision – How to Answer Exam Questions on Lord of the Flies
This resource is designed to help you prepare your class to answer a GCSE English Literature question on the theme of Human Nature in William Golding’s Lord of the Flies. It is NOT intended to teach students the novel – students should already be familiar with Lord of the Flies. It is designed for you to use later in the school year when the novel has been fully covered and the students need to learn how to use their knowledge to write the best possible exam answers.
There are four elements included:
1. Theme of Human Nature Sample Answers – this 1000-word sample answer to the question is presented in two formats for your convenience. The first is a one-page A4 handout of the essay itself. The second is a two-page A4 handout with wider margins and more generous spacing – this allows ample space for annotation and highlighting.
2. Theme of Human Nature Sample Planning Grid – shows the students how to use ‘rough notes’ to plan and structure their essay.
3. Planning Grid Template – blank Planning Grid which students can use to plan their own essays for any part of the GCSE English course.
4. Modern Texts AOs – explains the AOs to students in a manner that is accessible and easy to understand.
You can also purchase the accompanying 42-slide Presentation here.
Alternatively, save money by buying the combined Presentation AND Worksheets here.
I hope you find this resource helpful for you and instructive for your students - I'd be delighted to hear any feedback or comments you may have. I'll be adding lots more exam guides like this to my shop, so please check back regularly!
AQA GCSE English Literature Modern Texts – Lord of the Flies - Exam Revision – How to Answer Exam Questions on Lord of the Flies
This resource is designed to help you prepare your class to answer a GCSE English Literature question on the theme of Human Nature in William Golding’s Lord of the Flies. It is NOT intended to teach students the novel – students should already be familiar with Lord of the Flies. It is designed for you to use later in the school year when the novel has been fully covered and the students need to learn how to use their knowledge to write the best possible exam answers.
There are five elements included:
1. The Presentation: 'Answering AQA Questions on Golding’s Lord of the Flies’ - 42-slide Powerpoint presentation to help you guide your class through the essay writing process. It includes: AOs and the Mark Scheme, exam timing and weighting, essay structure, how to write an introduction, using ‘rough notes’ for planning, contents of the main body and how to write a conclusion.
2. Theme of Human Nature Sample Answers – this 1000-word sample answer to the question is presented in two formats for your convenience. The first is a one-page A4 handout of the essay itself. The second is a two-page A4 handout with wider margins and more generous spacing – this allows ample space for annotation and highlighting.
3. Theme of Human Nature Sample Planning Grid – shows the students how to use ‘rough notes’ to plan and structure their essay.
4. Planning Grid Template – blank Planning Grid which students can use to plan their own essays for any part of the GCSE English course.
5. Modern Texts AOs – explains the AOs to students in a manner that is accessible and easy to understand.
Alternatively, you can purchase the Worksheets separately here or the Presentation here.
I hope you find this resource helpful for you and instructive for your students - I'd be delighted to hear any feedback or comments you may have. I'll be adding lots more exam guides like this to my shop, so please check back regularly!
This presentation is designed to help you prepare your class to answer a GCSE English Literature question on AQA Power and Conflict Poetry. It is NOT intended to teach students the poems themselves – students should already be familiar with the two poems used within. It is designed for you to use later in the school year when the poetry has been fully covered and the students need to learn how to use this knowledge to write the best possible exam answers.
The presentation is entitled ' Answering AQA Power and Conflict Poetry Questions': this 32-slide PDF presentation has been carefully designed and created to help you guide your class through each part of the essay writing process. It examines each of the following elements: the AOs and the Mark Scheme, exam timing and weighting, essay structure, how to write an introduction, using ‘rough notes’ for planning, contents of the main body and how to write a conclusion. Most importantly, it features many extracts from a sample exam answer which are annotated to show the importance of using subject terminology, precise and judicious quotes and comparative links.
This resource also includes a set of student-friendly Assessment Objectives and some helpful Teacher Instructions.
You can also buy the accompanying worksheetshere or save money by purchasing the worksheets AND presentation together here.
I hope you find this resource helpful for you and instructive for your students - I'd be delighted to hear any feedback or comments you may have. I'll be adding lots more exam guides like this to my shop, so please check back regularly!
This fantastic bundle contains all you need to kickstart your revision of the Power and Conflict Poetry: a sample answer with accompanying worksheets, a 32-slide presentation showing how to plan and write the best possible answer, a set of sample exam questions to practise with and a pack of fun activities to reinforce learning.
This resource contains EIGHT sample exam questions for revising the TECHNIQUES of ‘Pride and Prejudice’.
These questions have been carefully designed to reflect the exact format and demands of the new AQA GCSE English Literature exam paper.
The resource also includes concise information on the AOs and Mark Scheme.
Don’t forget to check out my range of Pride and Prejudice questions:
All 46 questions on themes, characters and techniques
20 exam questions on themes
18 exam questions on characters
3 FREE exam questions so you can sample my work!
These exam questions can be used both as class activities and as homework. They are also ideal for practice tests in the run-up to the exams.
I hope these are helpful for you and instructive for your students – as always, I’d be delighted to hear any feedback you may have.
I will be adding lots more GCSE revision resources to my shop so please check back regularly!
This resource contains EIGHTEEN sample exam questions for revising the CHARACTERS of 'Pride and Prejudice’.
These questions have been carefully designed to reflect the exact format and demands of the new AQA GCSE English Literature exam paper.
The resource also includes concise information on the AOs and Mark Scheme.
Don’t forget to check out my range of Pride and Prejudice questions:
All 46 questions on themes, characters and techniques
20 exam questions on themes
8 exam questions on literary techniques
3 FREE exam questions so you can sample my work!
These exam questions can be used both as class activities and as homework. They are also ideal for practice tests in the run-up to the exams.
I hope these are helpful for you and instructive for your students – as always, I’d be delighted to hear any feedback you may have.
I will be adding lots more GCSE revision resources to my shop so please check back regularly!
This great bundle contains everything you need to kickstart your Macbeth revision with your GCSE class: a sample answer with accompanying worksheets focusing on Macbeth's character using an extract from 1:7, a 36-slide presentation showing how to plan and write the best possible answer, a set of 24 sample exam questions to practise with and a fun quiz to reinforce learning.
This great new bundle is designed to help your class learn how to answer a GCSE English Literature question on AQA Power and Conflict Poetry - and then enjoy themselves with a range of fun activities designed to support learning.
It is NOT intended to teach students the poems themselves – students should already be familiar with the two poems used within.
Please view the individual resources for a full list of contents.
This great new bundle is designed to help you prepare your class to answer a GCSE English Literature question on AQA Power and Conflict Poetry.
It is NOT intended to teach students the poems themselves – students should already be familiar with the two poems used within.
Please view the individual resources for a full list of contents.
This great new bundle is designed to help your class learn how to answer a GCSE English Literature question on AQA Power and Conflict Poetry - and then enjoy themselves with a range of fun activities designed to support learning.
It is NOT intended to teach students the poems themselves – students should already be familiar with the two poems used within.
Please view the individual resources for a full list of contents.
This great new bundle is designed to help your class learn how to answer a GCSE English Literature question on AQA Power and Conflict Poetry - and then enjoy themselves with a range of fun activities designed to support learning.
It is NOT intended to teach students the poems themselves – students should already be familiar with the two poems used within.
Please view the individual resources for a full list of contents.
This quiz has been created for you by an experienced teacher and examiner. It is designed for the Leaving Cert English Ordinary Level course, but can be used by any class or student studying this poem.
It features two pages of questions, challenging students’ knowledge in areas like comprehension, vocabulary, themes, techniques and inference. Questions are either multiple-choice, true/false or require simple one-word answers, making this ideal for less advanced students.
Questions are designed to be accessible to a range of students: they vary from simple factual tasks to more sophisticated language analysis.
It consists of two easily-photocopiable A4 pages, with 25 questions in total, making it accessible for students to complete, check their answers and work out their percentage.
Ideal for end-of-unit testing, homework or as a cover activity if teacher is absent.
A similar quiz is also available for The Wild Swans at Coole and An Irish Airman Foresees His Death. Or get all three poems together in this great bundle!
Three great quizzes allowing you to assess students’ knowledge of The Lake Isle of Innisfree, An Irish Airman Foresees His Death and The Wild Swans at Coole.
More information on the individual resource descriptions.
This resource contains TWO sample exam questions for revising 'Romeo and Juliet' for AQA English Literature. The topics examined are Romeo's character and the theme of attitudes towards love.
These questions have been carefully designed to reflect the exact format and demands of the new AQA GCSE English Literature exam paper.
Please take a moment to view the wide range of 'Romeo and Juliet' revision resources in my shop:
12 Sample Questions on the Character of Romeo
6 Sample Questions on the Character of Juliet
24 Sample Questions on Themes and Characters
12 Sample Questions on Themes
12 Sample Questions on Characters
This FREE ‘taster’ version of my full resource contains two main elements:
Presentation: 10-slide Powerpoint presentation, showing an extract from the comparative poetry answer which is annotated to show your students how to use subject terminology, judicious quotes and comparative links. It is best used in conjunction with the accompanying worksheets but even without these, it should prove incredibly helpful for focusing students’ minds on exactly what is required to write a comparative poetry essay.
If you are using the presentation alone, one possibility is that you could show students the slide featuring the extract from the planning grid and then ask them to ‘flesh’ out the planned paragraph. I’ve used this very well in timed conditions; I gave the class 15-20 minutes to write out a full paragraph, leaving the slide visible throughout. Another possibility is to reverse this: show them the written paragraph and ask them to jot down the ‘bones’ of the answer, i.e. create the plan. This helps them to understand the planning process and how it relates to the finished essay.
The non-annotated written paragraph could also be displayed to the students, who must then list the aspects that correspond with Subject Terminology, Precise Quotes, Comparative Terms and Context. Students can be given different aspects to focus on, or can work either individually, in pairs or in groups to jot down the relevant information.
The annotated written paragraph is an exemplar which is also helpful for giving students an insight into how the examiner will view their work, searching for and rewarding relevant material that satisfies the AOs.
Worksheets: I’ve included three different worksheets for your convenience:
Page One shows the plan and the finished paragraph
Page Two and Three show the plan only, with space for your students to write out their version of the finished paragraph. Ideal for homework!
Page Four shows the finished paragraph only, allowing students to annotate the Subject Terminology, Precise Quotes, Comparative Terms and Context
Full version available here
My full range of resources can be viewed at my Tes shop – or follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest for details of further freebies and special promotions!