Teacher of A Level Politics, Sociology and Geography at an Ofsted Outstanding college in the south of England. Visually engaging displays and resources
Teacher of A Level Politics, Sociology and Geography at an Ofsted Outstanding college in the south of England. Visually engaging displays and resources
Fully resourced lesson with resources covering the following section of the Edexcel A Level Geography (Diverse Places) specification.
4B.9. Changes to diverse places can lead to tension and conflict
Covers market-led changes (gentrification) and government-led changes (regeneration).
Designed for delivery in a 2.5 hour lesson. Could be split over two shorter lessons.
I switched from Regenerating Places to Diverse Places last year and have found it to be very beneficial. Not least of all due to the additional scope it gives us for the NEA.
These lessons are designed to be student activity heavy and student-led while, at the same time, they were designed for someone delivering the unit for the first time so there is a fair amount of content in the powerpoint slides to help the teacher through as well.
Fully resourced lesson with resources covering the following section of the Edexcel A Level Geography (Diverse Places) specification.
4B.5 Rural places are seen differently by different groups because of their lived experience of places and their perception of those places.
Covers media representations of rural places, lived experience, and differing stages in the life cycle.
Designed for delivery in a 2.5 hour lesson. Could be split over two shorter lessons.
I switched from Regenerating Places to Diverse Places last year and have found it to be very beneficial. Not least of all due to the additional scope it gives us for the NEA.
These lessons are designed to be student activity heavy and student-led while, at the same time, they were designed for someone delivering the unit for the first time so there is a fair amount of content in the powerpoint slides to help the teacher through as well.
Fully resourced lesson with resources covering the following section of the Edexcel A Level Geography (Diverse Places) specification.
4B.8. Levels of segregation reflect cultural, economic and social variation and change over time
Covers levels of segregation in UK and US cities, with a focus on social clustering in the Brick Lane area of Tower Hamlets.
Includes activity for students to consider changing perceptions and attitudes of first, second and third generation migrants
Designed for delivery in a 2.5 hour lesson. Could be split over two shorter lessons.
I switched from Regenerating Places to Diverse Places last year and have found it to be very beneficial. Not least of all due to the additional scope it gives us for the NEA.
These lessons are designed to be student activity heavy and student-led while, at the same time, they were designed for someone delivering the unit for the first time so there is a fair amount of content in the powerpoint slides to help the teacher through as well.
4B.1. Population structure varies from place to place and over time
Fully resources lesson covering Edexcel A Level Geography Diverse Places 4B.1
Includes powerpoint, lesson worksheet, cardsort activity, and Key Terms on an A3 poster.
I switched from Regenerating Places to Diverse Places last year and have found it to be very beneficial. Not least of all due to the additional scope it gives us for the NEA.
These lessons are designed to be student activity heavy and student-led while, at the same time, they were designed for someone delivering the unit for the first time so there is a fair amount of content in the powerpoint slides to help the teacher through as well.
Two computer-based lessons (2 x 2-hour lessons) to enable your learners to cover the following section of the Edexcel A Level Geography specification:
4A.3 Past and present connections have shaped the economic and social characteristics of your chosen places.
I have used Chichester as our local place and have included Newham and Tower Hamlets as options for contrasting places, but this can be simply adapted to your choice of places.
Each lesson contains a PowerPoint to introduce learners to the activity and to contextualise it.
Learners then complete the worksheet, which is divided into sections on internal factors, external factors and change in the most recent intercensal period.
Contains links to relevant ONS data, including summaries of the 2021 census.
Designed for one 2-hour lesson on your local place and another 2-hour lesson on your contrasting place.
Learners can complete for homework if necessary.
As well as being self-directed and student-led lessons, these activities should enable them to produce a comprehensive resource for revision purposes.
Fully resourced lesson with resources covering the following section of the Edexcel A Level Geography (Diverse Places) specification.
4B.5 Culture and society is now more diverse in the UK
Covers the impact of immigration, internal migration trends, migrant workers in Lincolnshire case study
Designed for delivery in a 2.5 hour lesson. Could be split over two shorter lessons.
I switched from Regenerating Places to Diverse Places last year and have found it to be very beneficial. Not least of all due to the additional scope it gives us for the NEA.
These lessons are designed to be student activity heavy and student-led while, at the same time, they were designed for someone delivering the unit for the first time so there is a fair amount of content in the powerpoint slides to help the teacher through as well.
4B.4. Urban places are seen differently by different groups because of their lived
experience of places and their perception of those places.
Fully resources lesson covering Edexcel A Level Geography Diverse Places 4B.4
Lesson is built around the idea of students choosing which university city they find most attractive and why.
Also includes step-by-step guide to calculating Spearman’s Rank
Considering the relation between distance from CBD and crime rates.
Covers media representations of urban places, lived experience, and differing stages in the life cycle.
Designed for delivery in a 2.5 hour lesson. Could be split over two shorter lessons.
I switched from Regenerating Places to Diverse Places last year and have found it to be very beneficial. Not least of all due to the additional scope it gives us for the NEA.
These lessons are designed to be student activity heavy and student-led while, at the same time, they were designed for someone delivering the unit for the first time so there is a fair amount of content in the powerpoint slides to help the teacher through as well.
4B.2. Population characteristics vary from place to place and over time
Fully resources lesson covering Edexcel A Level Geography Diverse Places 4B.2
Includes powerpoint, an activity comparing an inner city and surburban area of London, activity comparing a commuter village with a remote rural village, original village profiles, Key Terms on an A3 poster.
I switched from Regenerating Places to Diverse Places last year and have found it to be very beneficial. Not least of all due to the additional scope it gives us for the NEA.
These lessons are designed to be student activity heavy and student-led while, at the same time, they were designed for someone delivering the unit for the first time so there is a fair amount of content in the powerpoint slides to help the teacher through as well.