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Present tense REGULAR verbs revision quickie style.

Present tense REGULAR verbs revision quickie style.

Worksheet to help accompany teaching the present tense.Looks over REGULAR ER, IR and RE verbs. I will also be posting a irregular verbs one too. If you have the time, can you please review it, as the new TES doesn’t allow for you to see much. In addition, I’m always up for improving things :)
Dynamo 2 vert - tu as fait des achats

Dynamo 2 vert - tu as fait des achats

Very simple revision quickie style worksheet, this worksheet should allow for some more independent learning which would free you up around the classroom. This is why I made it! Thank you.
La lecture - Worksheet

La lecture - Worksheet

Worksheet to go along with Studio 2 rouge - Reading module. If you have the time, can you please review it, as the new TES doesn’t allow for you to see much. In addition, I’m always up for improving things :)
Present tense IRREGULAR verbs revision quickie style.

Present tense IRREGULAR verbs revision quickie style.

Worksheet to help accompany teaching the present tense with irregular verbs.Looks over the irregular verbs such as ; avoir/etre/faire/aller/prendre/commprendre/apprendre/lire/dire/écrire. I will have also one to accompany regular present tense verbs. If you have the time, can you please review it, as the new TES doesn’t allow for you to see much. In addition, I’m always up for improving things :)
Le passé composé / the perfect tense - revision quickie

Le passé composé / the perfect tense - revision quickie

A Gianfranco Conti style revision quickie on the perfect tense. Originally made as cover. If you have the time, can you please review it, as the new TES doesn’t allow for you to see much. In addition, I’m always up for improving things :)
Les tâches ménagères - chores

Les tâches ménagères - chores

Worksheet on Les tâches ménagères. If you have the time, can you please review it, as the new TES doesn’t allow for you to see much. In addition, I’m always up for improving things :)
L'uniforme Scolaire - Worksheet

L'uniforme Scolaire - Worksheet

I’ve made a revision quickie style worksheet on the subject of school uniform. This was made for my lower ability year 7 class, so this maybe too simple for some students. It uses the verb porter in the je form and then clothing and colours with agreements. Hope it can be of use to you too!