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AQA Unseen Poetry Practice
A lesson that helps students revise for the unseen poetry questions in AQA Lit Paper 2.

Young and Dyslexic? Zephaniah - extract analysis lesson IGCSE
A lesson that guides students to analyse the anthology extract Young and Dyslexic by Zephaniah. Concludes in Q4 IGCSE Edexcel Language Exam planning and practice.

Animal Farm Worksheet - analysing propaganda in Squealer's Speech Ch.3
A worksheet that guides students through analysing the use of rhetoric in Squealer’s speech.

Creative Writing - Dystopian Characters
A lesson that guides students through evaluation of dystopian character descriptions and then to write their own.

Detective Story Opening
This lesson guides students through how to write a detective story opening - using the Hound of the Baskervilles as a starting point of analysis.

Animal Farm Blackout Poetry
A creative lesson that compliments a study of Animal Farm. A fun way to engage with the text that also develops creative writing skills.

Creative Writing - Story Openings - Detective Fiction
This resource helps students develop their ability to write intriguing story openings. Hound of the Baskervilles is used as an example and model.

The Right Word poem by Imtiaz Dharker
A poem that guides students through analysis of the poem The Right Word.

The Road Extract Analysis Cormac McCarthy
Analysis of an extract from The Road. Topic of Dystopia. Creative writing focus too.

The Hunger Games - Opening Extract Analysis
A lesson that guides students through analysis of the opening of The Hunger Games.

Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Ralston Lesson IGCSE Anthology
A lesson analysing Ralston’s Between A Rock and a Hard Place for the IGCSE Edexcel Anthology.

A Christmas Carol Stave 1 - Scrooge and the Weather Analysis
A lesson analysing Scrooge’s characterisation in Stave 1 and also analysing pathetic fallacy.

Malala Speech Lesson and Persuasive Writing
A lesson analysing Malala’s speech and practising transactional writing skills.

Explorers or Boys Messing About Anthology Analysis
A worksheet for students to fill in analysing key quotes and techniques from the extract.

Persuasive Writing Revision and Tasks
A perfect resource for revision and practising persuasive writing skills with Year 9,10 or 11.

Macbeth Ambition Theme Lesson
A lesson that guides students through analysis of how Macbeth’s ambition has developed over the course of the play from Act 1 to Act 3.

War Photographer Analysis Worksheet
A worksheet that guides students through the analysis of the poem - with guided annotations, questions and analysis of key terms.

Introduction to the Kite Runner
Introductory lessons to The Kite Runner - analysis of characters and the opening.