Lord of the Flies Extract Analysis Chapter 2
Analysis tasks for an extract from chapter 2 of Lord of the Flies.
Persuasive Writing Revision and Tasks
A perfect resource for revision and practising persuasive writing skills with Year 9,10 or 11.
Animal Farm Essay Plan Lesson on the theme of Inequality
A lesson that guides students through an extract based question on the theme of inequality. Includes a basic guide for how to plan.
Romeo and Juliet - Analysis of Act 1 Scenes 4 and 5
An analytical lesson that guides students through analysis of Act 1 Scenes 4 and 5.
War Photographer Analysis Worksheet
A worksheet that guides students through the analysis of the poem - with guided annotations, questions and analysis of key terms.
I Find No Peace - Thomas Wyatt Analysis
A lesson that guides students through analysis of I Find No Peace by Thomas Wyatt.
Purple Hibiscus by Adichie Chapter 8 Analysis
Analysis lesson of Chapter 8 of Purple Hibiscus.
Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Ralston Lesson IGCSE Anthology
A lesson analysing Ralston’s Between A Rock and a Hard Place for the IGCSE Edexcel Anthology.
What's Your Story? An Intro to the Novel.
A little intro lesson where students imagine their lives are being turned into a novel and they design a clever title, cover and blurb. Nice intro lesson to a novel or to the beginning of the academic year. They can then be used for display!
Island Man - Lesson
A lesson analysing Island Man by Nicols. Creative tasks, analysis tasks. Suitable for KS3 and KS4.
Hamlet Context - Changing Times Lesson
A lesson exploring the changes in Jacobean Science and Society to support AO3 knowledge (context) when studying the play.
Hamlet Act 3 Scene 1 Lesson
Hamlet A Level Act 3 Scene 1 - analysis
Young and Dyslexic? Zephaniah - extract analysis lesson IGCSE
A lesson that guides students to analyse the anthology extract Young and Dyslexic by Zephaniah. Concludes in Q4 IGCSE Edexcel Language Exam planning and practice.
Marcus Rashford - the Power of Persuasive Writing
A resource that guides students through analysis and evaluation of Marcus Rashford’s persuasive writing.
Trump - Persuasive Language
A resource guiding students through evaluation of Trump’s power of persuasion. Links specifically to his ‘build a wall’ speech - also inspires students to challenge and write their own persuasive response.
The Hunger Games - Opening Extract Analysis
A lesson that guides students through analysis of the opening of The Hunger Games.
Churchill and Obama - Comparing Rhetoric
A lesson that guides students to analyse both Churchill and Obama’s persuasive language.
The Butterfly - poem by Pavel Friedmann
A lesson that guides students through analysis of Pavel Friedmann’s poem The Butterfly. Discusses the holocaust, concentration camps and ghettos.
AQA Unseen Poetry Practice
A lesson that helps students revise for the unseen poetry questions in AQA Lit Paper 2.
Hunger - a poem
A lesson for Key Stage 3 which guides them through analysis of the poem Hunger and then encourages them to write their own using metaphors. The poem is about starving people/children living in far off countries.