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The History Shop.

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History, Government and Politics. From GCSE to A level you will find something that catches both your eye and the eye of your students. I have recently published a book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1718040245?pf_rd_p=71cb17e9-f468-4d3f-94d5-a0de44c50a7e&pf_rd_r=N651242J7B714HVHDFCM I have also set up a YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiS0B9bmin-aBgKzGZ5vkdA?view_as=subscriber




History, Government and Politics. From GCSE to A level you will find something that catches both your eye and the eye of your students. I have recently published a book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1718040245?pf_rd_p=71cb17e9-f468-4d3f-94d5-a0de44c50a7e&pf_rd_r=N651242J7B714HVHDFCM I have also set up a YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiS0B9bmin-aBgKzGZ5vkdA?view_as=subscriber
US Government for GCSE students

US Government for GCSE students

A simplified version of the US Government and an excellent tool for both History US courses and Government and Politics. I have also established a Youtube Channel, which might be helpful to students wanting to learn more: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiS0B9bmin-aBgKzGZ5vkdA?view_as=subscriber
A tool to help answer source questions in history.

A tool to help answer source questions in history.

I had this idea in the summer of 2017, to help students answer the tricky source question, which seems to always cause problems. I had tried anagrams and memory tools, and these helped a lot. This tool, however, changed grades significantly.
US State Government

US State Government

Easy to understand and teach with worksheet, which can easily be converted into an entire lesson on how the US State Governments work, and are structured. With some extra information about the various State Congress systems.
IGCSE Edexcel The Vietnam Conflict, 1945 - 75 Chapter 3 Escalation of the War

IGCSE Edexcel The Vietnam Conflict, 1945 - 75 Chapter 3 Escalation of the War

This is part of a book I authored on the Vietnam Conflict 1945 - 75. This is for the IGCSE Edexcel syllabus. 'Those who fail to learn from History, are forced to repeat it.’ The last message to Washington from Saigon in 1975, from CIA Chief Thomas Polgar. It was the first time the United States had been defeated in a conflict. This book is a perfect guide to the Vietnam Conflict. With more recent wars in the Middle East having similar issues and style of warfare. This book hopes to pass on to the next generation the issues, mistakes and lessons learnt from the Vietnam conflict in order to avoid them in future conflicts. The book is a perfect addition to any classroom or to anyone wanting to learn about the events taking place in Vietnam or in the United States, from war to peace, to anti-war and pro-war protests. This book includes facts, a timeline of events, detailed pictures, mini-bios of key people involved, sources, quotes, it discusses who won the war, and how this was achieved. Confrontation in the Vietnam War, escalation 1964–68 The roles of Johnson, McNamara, Westmoreland (1965–68) Guerrilla Jungle warfare Theory in Vietnam Search and Destroy from 1966 to 1967 The bombing campaign Operation Rolling Thunder A televised war The siege of Khe Sanh The Battle of Hue 1968 The Tet Offensive
IGCSE Edexcel The Vietnam Conflict, 1945–75 IGCSE book Chapter 1 Beginning of the conflict

IGCSE Edexcel The Vietnam Conflict, 1945–75 IGCSE book Chapter 1 Beginning of the conflict

This is part of a book I authored for IGCSE Edexcel History. It is available on Amazon and Blackwells. 'Those who fail to learn from History, are forced to repeat it.’ The last message to Washington from Saigon in 1975, from CIA Chief Thomas Polgar. It was the first time the United States had been defeated in a conflict. This book is a perfect guide to the Vietnam Conflict. With more recent wars in the Middle East having similar issues and style of warfare. This book hopes to pass on to the next generation the issues, mistakes and lessons learnt from the Vietnam conflict in order to avoid them in future conflicts. The book is a perfect addition to any classroom or to anyone wanting to learn about the events taking place in Vietnam or in the United States, from war to peace, to anti-war and pro-war protests. This book includes facts, a timeline of events, detailed pictures, mini-bios of key people involved, sources, quotes, it discusses who won the war, and how this was achieved. The struggle against France for independence, 1945–54 The origins of the First Indochina War, especially the aims of the Vietminh. The tactics of General Giap. The search for a diplomatic solution. The French defeat at Dien Bien Phu/ Điện Biên Phủ and its immediate consequences.
IGCSE Edexcel The Vietnam Conflict, 1945 - 1975 Chapter 2 Arrival of the Americans

IGCSE Edexcel The Vietnam Conflict, 1945 - 1975 Chapter 2 Arrival of the Americans

This is part of a book I authored for IGCSE Edexcel History. It is available on Amazon and Blackwells. 'Those who fail to learn from History, are forced to repeat it.’ The last message to Washington from Saigon in 1975, from CIA Chief Thomas Polgar. It was the first time the United States had been defeated in a conflict. This book is a perfect guide to the Vietnam Conflict. With more recent wars in the Middle East having similar issues and style of warfare. This book hopes to pass on to the next generation the issues, mistakes and lessons learnt from the Vietnam conflict in order to avoid them in future conflicts. The book is a perfect addition to any classroom or to anyone wanting to learn about the events taking place in Vietnam or in the United States, from war to peace, to anti-war and pro-war protests. This book includes facts, a timeline of events, detailed pictures, mini-bios of key people involved, sources, quotes, it discusses who won the war, and how this was achieved. US policy and intervention, 1954–64 The aims of the Geneva Conference (1954) and the US response Eisenhower and the Domino Theory, the formation of South Vietnam Life in North and South Vietnam under Ho Chi Minh and Ngo Dinh Diem The impact of Ho’s policies to unite Vietnam, the NLF, and the Ho Chi Minh Trail The response of US, the Strategic Hamlet Programme and the fall of Diem (1963)
IGCSE Edexcel The Vietnam Conflict, 1945 - 1975, Chapter 5 Civilians

IGCSE Edexcel The Vietnam Conflict, 1945 - 1975, Chapter 5 Civilians

This is chapter 5 from my book ‘The Vietnam Conflict, 1945 - 75.’ 'Those who fail to learn from History, are forced to repeat it.’ The last message to Washington from Saigon in 1975, from CIA Chief Thomas Polgar. It was the first time the United States had been defeated in a conflict. This book is a perfect guide to the Vietnam Conflict. With more recent wars in the Middle East having similar issues and style of warfare. This book hopes to pass on to the next generation the issues, mistakes and lessons learnt from the Vietnam conflict in order to avoid them in future conflicts. The book is a perfect addition to any classroom or to anyone wanting to learn about the events taking place in Vietnam or in the United States, from war to peace, to anti-war and pro-war protests. This book includes facts, a timeline of events, detailed pictures, mini-bios of key people involved, sources, quotes, it discusses who won the war, and how this was achieved. It contains: The impact on civilians in Vietnam and attitudes in the USA US response to guerrilla warfare My Lai also known as the My Lai Massacre The effects of the war in the US The Kent State University Massacre Opposition to War in U.S.A Pro-War Demonstrations The Fulbright Hearings (1971)
Lesson notes or Revision notes for an Overview of the Cold War nuclear race.

Lesson notes or Revision notes for an Overview of the Cold War nuclear race.

This is just notes to give to students. It details: Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) Submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) Multiple independently-targeted re-entry vehicles (MIRVs) The Cuban Missile Crisis The Bay of pigs Invasion Medium-range ballistic nuclear missiles (MRBMs) Intermediate-range ballistic nuclear missiles (IRBMs) Détente 1963 Partial Test Ban Treaty 1968 Non-proliferation Treaty 1972 SALT 1 (Strategic Arms Limitations Talks) 1979 SALT 2 (Strategic Arms Limitations Talks) 1982 START Strategic Arms Limitation Talks 3 1987 Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF)
IGCSE Edexcel The Vietnam Conflict, 1945 - 75 Chapter 4 Nixon + Ford, 69 - 75

IGCSE Edexcel The Vietnam Conflict, 1945 - 75 Chapter 4 Nixon + Ford, 69 - 75

This is a chapter of my book, The Vietnam Conflict 1945 - 75. 'Those who fail to learn from History, are forced to repeat it.’ The last message to Washington from Saigon in 1975, from CIA Chief Thomas Polgar. It was the first time the United States had been defeated in a conflict. This book is a perfect guide to the Vietnam Conflict. With more recent wars in the Middle East having similar issues and style of warfare. This book hopes to pass on to the next generation the issues, mistakes and lessons learnt from the Vietnam conflict in order to avoid them in future conflicts. The book is a perfect addition to any classroom or to anyone wanting to learn about the events taking place in Vietnam or in the United States, from war to peace, to anti-war and pro-war protests. This book includes facts, a timeline of events, detailed pictures, mini-bios of key people involved, sources, quotes, it discusses who won the war, and how this was achieved. Nixon and Ford’s policies, Vietnamisation, peace and Communist victory 1969–75 Failure of peace talks Widening the war in Cambodia and Laos: ‘secret bombing’ Relations with China The roles of Kissinger and Le Duc Tho in the Paris peace talks (1972) The renewed North Vietnamese offensive. (1972) Vietnamisation and withdrawal by 1973 The effects of Ford’s diplomatic response The final offensive (March–April 1975) and the fall of Saigon Reasons for the Communist Victory
Introduction to the Russian Revolution

Introduction to the Russian Revolution

Welcome to the fascinating time of the Russian Revolution, where Kings are toppled, democracy attempted and Communism established. This lesson aims to give a broad overview of why the Russian Revolution began. Looking at many of the facets that caused the collapse including, Economic, Social, Geographical and Political reasons as to the eventual fall of the Tsarist Russian Empire. For additional multi-media resources, the accompanying YouTube channel offers the opportunity to revise and expand on learning in favourite format of youth media. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiS0B9bmin-aBgKzGZ5vkdA?view_as=subscriber
WW2 and the expanding Japanese Empire

WW2 and the expanding Japanese Empire

A full lesson on the expansion of the Japanese Empire during World War 2. Allow your students to become the leaders of the Japanese Empire and they will decide the direction of the Empire. This is a very interactive lesson for students studying the Changing nature of warfare for Edexcel. The lesson also contains information on the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour, as well as a starter and homework. Enjoy.
US Government

US Government

Great set of work sheets, which can easily be converted into one if not multiple lessons. Showing the constitution, federal, state systems of government. Everything has clear labels and should easily teach to your students how the US political system works. There are details on key amendments as well.