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Fun and engaging French and Spanish lessons




Fun and engaging French and Spanish lessons
Quand il fait beau

Quand il fait beau

This is lesson works around talking about different activities depending on the weather. It uses the forms of “on va”, “on fait” “on regarde” etc… It also includes a small reading which other grammatical expressions are used with the form “je” to recap on previous knowledge. There are reading, speaking and writing activites and most slides contain an extension. This lesson can be finished using white boards to recap and also check spellings and understanding
¿Qué tipo de persona eres?

¿Qué tipo de persona eres?

This lesson introduces the masculine and feminine forms of the adjectives using them in full sentences with the verb “ser”. There are different activities but it focuses mostly in listening.
las actividades y el tiempo

las actividades y el tiempo

This lesson introduces vocabulry about the weather using the present tense. It includes different activities including time connectives and some irregular present forms. ideal for year 9 students but also good revision for year 10 and year 11 students. Homework is included as well as some speaking practice.
ou j'habite

ou j'habite

Differentiated starter (match up and translation Reading task full class, which one am i describing? Match up and translation for consolidation Apply task ( differentiated by outcomes
mon ordi portable

mon ordi portable

Lesson on tehnology (phone and computer) for year 7 and 8 French Starter (vocabulary bingo) introduction of the vocabulary. Pupils need to unjumble the words with mini whiteboards Reading and writing task
Lo siento, no puedo

Lo siento, no puedo

This lesson is design to use the verbs “poder” and " gustar" to propose different plans and also adding excuses to decline them. There are different tasks including: grammar reading writing Some tasks include extensions and challenges for more able students