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We sell unique, child friendly teaching resources to give children back their love of learning. Education has become very test driven, with many resources in a 'test format' . This can become very uninspiring for learners and be a cause for lack of motivation and enthusiasm. At Applefortheteacher, we create teaching resources to give children the skills they need academically, socially and emotionally, whilst encouraging that important 'love of learning'. Inspiring learners to thrive!




We sell unique, child friendly teaching resources to give children back their love of learning. Education has become very test driven, with many resources in a 'test format' . This can become very uninspiring for learners and be a cause for lack of motivation and enthusiasm. At Applefortheteacher, we create teaching resources to give children the skills they need academically, socially and emotionally, whilst encouraging that important 'love of learning'. Inspiring learners to thrive!
Social Stories for Life Skills and Social Situations

Social Stories for Life Skills and Social Situations

We have included a selection of 9 different social stories to support children who may need a little more support in social activities and life skills. These have been created in child friendly language. Stories such as these should be read to children repeatedly, to help them in their understanding of different situations and events. These can be particularly helpful to young children and to children with additional needs (SEN) who struggle with social situations. Some children with autism can benefit from reading/listening to social stories to help them in their understanding. You will find stories on things such as Having a New Baby, Bereavement, Going to the toilet, Understanding the Needs of Others, Honesty and Hurting Others. Many SEN resources are available on the website at applefortheteacher.co.uk.
Tricky Word Cards KS1

Tricky Word Cards KS1

These are great cards which can be printed and laminated, to help children when struggling with the spellings of certain words. Having these tricky words around for children to refer to when writing whenever they need them, can really help with reading and spelling.
Earth Day Bundle FREE Resources

Earth Day Bundle FREE Resources

We have created a bundle of resources to support you when teaching about Earth Day. These are all FREE to download and cover different areas of the curriculum. These activities cover recycling, the carbon footprint we leave, the layers of the earth, creating a planet saving house and an outdoor scavenger hunt activity to really make learning exciting and interesting. Helping children to learn about the earth in a child friendly way.
Journey Of A Banana Activity Bundle

Journey Of A Banana Activity Bundle

These are a selection of resources to help children in their understanding of how bananas get into our homes. Their journey is quite a long one! This bundle includes a prior knowledge activity, informative, child friendly powerpoint presentations, banana recipes, activities to assess learning and understanding and journey of a banana sorting activities. Giving everything you need to teach this topic in a child friendly way to give a deeper understanding.
Traditional Story With a Difference Story and Comprehensions Little Boy Blue Boots

Traditional Story With a Difference Story and Comprehensions Little Boy Blue Boots

This is another of our ‘different takes on traditional stories’. We have designed a story based on ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ but our story takes a different twist and it is called ‘Little Boy Blue Boots’. The story is very visual and has been designed in the form of a powerpoint presentation. Children can observe and become involved in the story during the powerpoint presentation. There are then a selection of comprehension activities available to allow children to work at their own level. We have 3 different levels of comprehension which are included with this and a story sequencing activity. This is a great comprehension activity for children in KS1. Other story comprehensions and presentations like this one are available to download separately from TES or from our website Applefortheteacher.co.uk.
Traditional Story with a Difference Powerpoint & Comprehensions Ben & The Sunflower

Traditional Story with a Difference Powerpoint & Comprehensions Ben & The Sunflower

This is a great selection of resources to support learners in KS1 with comprehension. Focusing on the topic of Traditional Tales, this collection has a story of Ben and the Sunflower, this is a different take on the story Jack and the Beanstalk. Children can watch the story on a powerpoint presentation, because this is so visual it helps them to relate to the story and discussions can be had whilst reading the story to a group of children. There are different levels of comprehensions available to download in this pack, which allow children to answer questions all about the story they have just observed. Each comprehension is designed to suit the different levels and needs of children so there are 3 to choose from and a story sequencing activity. Other traditional story powerpoints and comprehensions (with a difference) are available to download separately from TES and from our website applefortheteacher.co.uk.
Christmas Bundle KS1

Christmas Bundle KS1

We have included a selection of Christmas activities to support children in KS1 in this pack, covering a range of subjects. Other Christmas packs are available to download here and on the website applefortheteacher.co.uk for FREE.
Alliteration Ice Cream Parlour Powerpoint and Activity KS1

Alliteration Ice Cream Parlour Powerpoint and Activity KS1

We love this activity, teaching alliteration in a fun way, first watch the fun alliteration powerpoint presentation which explains how to create alliterative sentences with Izzy and Ian. Then complete an activity independently. Izzy and Ian need some help to create their exciting, often not traditional ice cream flavours. But the catch is every flavour has to feature alliteration. Follow the steps to create a creative menu to give a flavour to suit every taste. Putting the love in learning one download at a time.
Design a Story KS1 Writing

Design a Story KS1 Writing

These are great activities to help children to build the key points to their story. Roll the dice to work out what their story is going to be about, then let creativity begin. One ‘design a story’ activity has a Superhero them to help with superhero story writing, then other has a range of different characters. These provide a great support to children to help them with ideas, they also support children in keeping focused on the direction of their writing.
Coronavirus Social Distancing Posters for Children

Coronavirus Social Distancing Posters for Children

These child-friendly posters have been designed to give children a visual understanding of social distancing/physical distancing during these difficult times with the Coronavirus struggles. Many children will be going back to school soon, where this will be much harder to do. We have prepared these posters to help adults to give children a better understanding of this in a more child centred way.
Habitats Posters and Matching Activity

Habitats Posters and Matching Activity

These stunning posters have been designed to help children with their understanding of the different needs of different animals in relation to where they live. Each poster has clear photographs of habitats with a selection of animals who might live in those environments. There is also a habitat/animal matching activity in the form of a cut and stick resource.
Habitats For Sale Activity

Habitats For Sale Activity

This is a gorgeous, child friendly activity, aimed at helping children to grasp the concept that different animals and wildlife need different environments to live in. Read the information abut each habitat which is currently for sale at the Wildlife Estate Agency and look at the photographs to support. Children can put themselves in the mind of the different creatures and decide which property each one would want to buy. This is a brilliant cut and stick activity for children in KS1.https://applefortheteacher.co.uk/download/habitats-for-sale-activity/
Christmas 25 Different Activities Bundle

Christmas 25 Different Activities Bundle

We have included a whole bundle of activities (25 different downloads in total) to help you in the build up to Christmas in these final 2 weeks. Download activities, from Christmas wordsearch to Christmas recipes, from maths co-ordinates with a Christmas theme to phonics intial sound and picture matching, from matching numerals to quantity to sensory creative writing. We even have a letter to Santa activity and a Christmas printable mat for children to put the drink on for Santa! We have something in this bundle for every learner in KS1 and EYFS. Christmas maths, Christmas Literacy, Christmas crafts and Christmas preparation for Santa. Making Christmas easier for educators and special for Children…
Climate Change Bundle of Activities KS1/LKS2

Climate Change Bundle of Activities KS1/LKS2

These gorgeous Climate Change activities have been designed to give children information about how Global Warming is affecting the Arctic and the animals. They have been created by teachers in very child friendly language, to engage, inspire and enthuse children in their learning. There is a powerpoint presentation on the arctic and the polar bears and a second powerpoint presentation on how the different changes in climate around the world are affecting the animals and nature. Also included is an arctic polar cooking book activity pack and some arctic science activities. There are also poster templates to encourage children to be creative in their awareness posters, which are also great for assessing learning. A fantastic bundle of activities to really support the teaching of climate change in key stage one (7 activities to download in total).
Roald Dahl Bundle of Activities

Roald Dahl Bundle of Activities

To celebrate Roald Dahl day, we want to give something to teachers and educators, who are preparing activities to mark the great achievements from the story telling genius. We have designed 16 fantastic activities, based around familiar stories. Some activities are suitable for EYFS/SEN and KS1 children, others are suitable for children in KS2. There are a range of exciting science experiments for a selection of characters from familiar stories, there is a crossword, a wordsearch and some revolting rhyme ideas. We have even included matching cards which can be played where two of the same need to be matched for younger learners, but then we have designed a higher level matching cards game, which takes a little more thinking about, matching 2 objects that relate to particular stories written by Roald Dahl. Some of these activities have been created to really test your knowledge of Roald Dahl stories. We hope you enjoy a little gift from us to you. Happy Roald Dahl Day :-)
Number of the Week Display

Number of the Week Display

This gorgeous number of the week display can be used interactively. The purpose of this display is to encourage children to use deeper thinking skills about numbers to 10. Children can count the number of objects needed to make the number of the week. Discussions can also be encouraged using the questions provided. A great maths support to enhance a classroom which is focused on higher level thinking. The packs include all numerals to 10, the illustrative images, the lettering, the arrows and the questions.
First Sounds Display Train with Phase 2 Phonics Interactive Display

First Sounds Display Train with Phase 2 Phonics Interactive Display

Here we have a gorgeous Phase 2 phonics display package, includes all phase 2 sound/picture cards, the first sounds lettering and the upper and lower case classroom train with letters from A -Z. All the phase 2 sound picture cards are interactive so the sounds can be added whilst working in groups with the children. A gorgeous display to enhance a learning environment focusing on letter sounds.
King of the Jungle Display with a Lion King theme

King of the Jungle Display with a Lion King theme

This is a gorgeous Lion King Themed child well being display. Featuring seven key words to help children to recognise how to get along with others and be happier. Available to download in 2 sections, both included in this package. Includes all lettering, animal images (which can be enlarged to suit the size of the display) and flowers. The backgrounds of the sunset would need to be made using poster paper/tissue paper etc. A stunning display to enhance any classroom.
Getting To Know You Reading Activity

Getting To Know You Reading Activity

This is a great activity to do with learners on their return from the summer holidays, when starting in a new class. It is also a great speaking and listening activity. Print out on card or laminate them, cut them out and let the children ask away in their groups or pairs. All the questions are the types that children can relate to, allowing them to find out about each other.