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Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.




Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.
Feminist Movements - 11 Modern History - Impacts of 2nd wave feminism

Feminist Movements - 11 Modern History - Impacts of 2nd wave feminism

A PowerPoint used in a year 11 Modern History classroom. It begins with a viewing activity ‘A bite sized guide to the history of modern Western feminism.’ Following this there are slides talking about how gender stereotypes began to shift due to the work of the Women’s Liberation Movement. I get students to copy the underlined text and call on various students to read aloud other portions. Students are introduced to ‘consciousness raising’ a method used by 2nd wave feminists. Following this there is a quote from Zelda D’Aprano (a feminist from Melbourne) about the inspiration for using consciousness raising and what types of things they discussed. An extract from the Rivka Pile papers (University of Melbourne) is also included to demonstrate the significance of this strategy. Following this students are introduced to some gender theory including that gender is a social construct and the term ‘gender role’ is defined. This is followed by an exploration of visual sources (pictures from a children’s book from 1970) which reinforced traditional gender role stereotypes. This is followed by a list of issues that were being addressed by feminists by the 1970s including domestic violence, abortion law reform and availiability of childcare services (including day care and preschool). The introduction of women into Australian politics is discussed with reference to The Women’s Electoral Lobby and the ‘femocrats’ appointed to public service during Gough Whitlam’s time as PM. This is followed by information about the significant achievements which took place in the 1980s. The remaining few slides are about viewpoints about 2nd wave feminism. The lesson ends with a paragraph writing task which can be completed for homework if time gets away from you. Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). Designed as part of a unit entitled Women’s movements since 1893 which has the scope to span from when Women’s suffrage in New Zealand became law to the present. Our school decided to focus on the Second Wave of Feminism for our assessment (while briefly touching on the other waves of feminism).The other resources are also available in my store - Aussie_Resources. The end of term assessment for this unit was an essay under exam conditions.
Movements - 11 Modern History - The Second Wave of Feminism

Movements - 11 Modern History - The Second Wave of Feminism

A PowerPoint which can run for a few lessons which is about the Second Wave of Feminism. It begins with an explanation of feminist theory taken from a Sociology textbook. This is followed by information about the origins of the feminist movement in the 1960s (USA). The perspectives of Marxist feminists vs Radical feminists are explored. Some context of what was happening in the 1960s was provided (e.g. Civil Rights movement, Peace movement, Music revolution, Sexual revolution etc.) A source of feminist ideologies (Betty Friedan’s ‘The feminine mystique’) and its impact on women’s thinking is explored. This is followed by information about how Australian women’s movements were influenced and shaped by international developments. The goals of these women were explored. The methods used by the women’s liberation movement in the 60s and 70s are listed. Australia’s Bar Room Suffragettes (from Brisbane) are provided as an example. This is followed by an explanation of women’s quest for equal pay. The Women’s Action Committee (WAC) - a group of feminists from Melbourne - are introduced along with their specific goals. Information about a key goal (abortion law reform) is provided. This is followed by information about some key feminists: Germaine Greer, Anne Summers & Zelda D’Aprano. The slideshow concludes with things that improved the lives of women during this era (birth control - the contraceptive pill, equal pay for ‘work of equal value,’ more accessible childcare arrangements, shifting expectations of parenting so that fathers took on more responsibility in child rearing, more representation of women in politics & other legal achievements.) Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). Designed as part of a unit entitled Women’s movements since 1893 which has the scope to span from when Women’s suffrage in New Zealand became law to the present. Our school decided to focus on the Second Wave of Feminism for our assessment (while briefly touching on the other waves of feminism).The other resources are also available in my store - Aussie_Resources. The end of term assessment for this unit was an essay under exam conditions.
Social and Community Studies - Workplace Rights - Bullying, Discrimination and Harassment

Social and Community Studies - Workplace Rights - Bullying, Discrimination and Harassment

Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons. A PowerPoint introducing students to key workplace issues - discrimination and harassment. It begins with a defintion of discrimination and adverse action along with an explanation of when discrimination can occur. A review of workplace bullying from the previous lesson. A graphic organiser comparing and contrasting the the roles and responsibilities of the employer and employee in preventing workplace bullying. This is followed by a case study which students read and respond to. There is also a ClickView video which I show a portion of which explains how employers should manage bullying in their business. This is followed by a definition of harassment and examples of the various types of harassment. This is followed by notes, clips and case studies about sexual harassment. Some of these case studies can be assigned for homework depending on the time constraints of your class.
Social and Community Studies - Gender and Identity - Revision sheet

Social and Community Studies - Gender and Identity - Revision sheet

A revision sheet for students to use in lessons prior to their exam. It gives them an opportunity to practice the types of questions they will encounter in their exam. For each question there are numbers in brackets which indicate to students which criteria is being assessed in this question. It begins with questions about what the cognitive verbs ‘decide, justify and explain’ mean. This is followed by questions asking studetns to define key terms and provide examples e.g. Australia’s Sex Discrimination Act, cisgender, sexual harrassment etc. Following this, a list of scenarios are provided and students must circle which are examples of gender discrimination. Next students must brainstorm some stereotypes about the following groups which are perpetuated in the media: mothers, single women, fathers and single men. After this they explain the impact of these stereotypes (in a short response question). They view an advertisement (men’s underwear) and answer 3 questions about this. They receive a profile of a person and answer 3 questions about this. These are followed by a question about what it means to be feminine and masculine. After this they read a small case study involving discrimination and have to identify and explain the viewpoints in this scenario. Following this they must answer some short response questions about this scenario. The final question is an extended response where students must engage with a range of visual and written sources and use these as evidence within their response. Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - Aussie_Resources. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons. The end of term assessment for this unit was a 90 minute short response examination.
Social and Community Studies - Gender and Identity - Practice exam

Social and Community Studies - Gender and Identity - Practice exam

Resource 1: A copy of the seen sources for the practice exam which were provided to students a week prior to the practice examination (to mimic the real assessment conditions). Resource 2: A copy of the practice exam which can be sat over two lessons to provide the full 90 minutes plus planning time. This is a short response exam with responses ranging between 50-250 words per question. This exam is split into two parts. Part A includes a section where students must define key terms and provide examples. There is a section where they must explain gender stereotypes about men and women and provide examples. Then, students are provided with a picture of a person and some information about them which they use to respond to questions about what traits they have, what assumptions people might make about the person’s sexuality and whether it is fair to make assumptions about people based on their appearance. Following this, there are 2 scenarios of workplace discrimination which students must read. They choose one to complete a graphic organiser table (identifying the various viewpoints in the scenario). This is followed by an extended response question about this scenario. In Part B: Students are provided with another practice question where they see an image of a person and read information about their occupation and interests/hobbies before responding to questions about them. Following this, students read a news article entitled ‘What media teach kids about gender can have lasting effects, report says.’ They must write a 100 word response to a question about this article. The next source for the exam is a men’s gillette razor advertisement. Students must explain the effect the advertisement could have on female and male audiences. The same style question is posed again for a Burger King advertisement which uses sex appeal to sell the product. After this, students must explain Australia’s Sex Discrimination Act (1984) and the types of discrimination it prohibits. Finally, the examination concludes with an extended response question where students must decide if the representations of gender in the media have a negative or positive impact on people and justify their answer with evidence from at least 2 sources. Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - Aussie_Resources.
Chinese Nationalism: Hundred Flowers Campaign

Chinese Nationalism: Hundred Flowers Campaign

A PowerPoint used to teach students about the Hundred Flowers Campaign. It includes notes from textbooks and online sources, viewing activities (propaganda posters, images and videos from YouTube) & different historian’s interpretations of this event. The homework task is for students to research the Anti-Rightist campaign and create a poster to display on our learning wall. Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The end of term assessment for this unit was an Independent Source Investigation. The content would also be useful more broadly for students in other states and countries with an interest in the China (1931-1976). The other resources are also available in my store – Aussie_Resources.
Deadly Unna: Unit Introduction

Deadly Unna: Unit Introduction

A unit introduction PowerPoint for a unit entitled Literary Representations of Australia. Within this unit, students learn about Australian identity and then consider how this is represented in the novel Deadly Unna? By Phillip Gwynne. The PPT includes an assessment overview, a discussion of what it means to be Australian and how our Australian identity is constructed and defined. Students completed a brainstorming activity based on texts they viewed in the last few weeks of the previous term. A thought-provoking poem entitle ‘How Australian are You’ is included to prompt discussion of the many ways of being Australian and some of the stereotypes which exist about us. This is followed by a think-pair-share activity. Following this, students are introduced to the term representations. They are then shown the first two verses of the Australian national anthem to explore (with 4 questions). This is followed by a paragraph writing task to consolidate what they have learned. If time permits, students are introduced to some critical literacy terms: marginalised and silenced. Students are also talked through the elements of their novel study booklet. Resources designed for 10 English in Queensland, Australia. It is part of a novel study unit which culminates in a 90-minute examination (500 to 800-word essay). Students had 1 week notice of the question and could bring 100 words of notes in with them. Within this unit students explored how an author’s use of language features, images and vocabulary contributed to the representation of themes in the novel. They also gained a deeper understanding of key literary techniques, including (but not limited to) characterisation, plot, and setting.
Deadly Unna: Chapters 11-15

Deadly Unna: Chapters 11-15

A PowerPoint used to teach chapters 11-15 of Phillip Gwynne’s 1998 novel Deadly Unna? We would read one chapter at a time (or listen to the audio book on CD) and then students would answer the chapter questions. This PowerPoint contains a summary for each chapter and then slides with answers to the chapter questions. The PPT also includes links to ClickView where parts of the film Australian Rules have been snipped which illustrate events from that particular chapter (I did not show the film in its entirety as it has some parts where it differs from the novel). This PPT also includes the questions for chapters 16-17 (no answers). Resources designed for 10 English in Queensland, Australia. It is part of a novel study unit which culminates in a 90-minute examination (500 to 800-word essay). Students had 1 week notice of the question and could bring 100 words of notes in with them. Within this unit students explored how an author’s use of language features, images and vocabulary contributed to the representation of themes in the novel. They also gained a deeper understanding of key literary techniques, including (but not limited to) characterisation, plot, and setting.
Deadly Unna: Student booklet

Deadly Unna: Student booklet

A student work booklet for use while reading the novel Deadly Unna? It includes: a synopsis, a list of the key themes, a retrieval chart for recording language features they encounter, a retrieval chart for recording the most effective textual structures within the novel, a table for recording key details about the characters (character names pre-filled), a set of post reading questions (for once they have finished reading the novel), some information about an event which inspired the novel & some activities to help students gather their ideas for their essay under exam conditions. Resources designed for 10 English in Queensland, Australia. It is part of a novel study unit which culminates in a 90-minute examination (500 to 800-word essay). Students had 1 week notice of the question and could bring 100 words of notes in with them. Within this unit students explored how an author’s use of language features, images and vocabulary contributed to the representation of themes in the novel. They also gained a deeper understanding of key literary techniques, including (but not limited to) characterisation, plot, and setting.
Deadly Unna: Chapters 22-28

Deadly Unna: Chapters 22-28

A PowerPoint used to teach chapters 22-28 of Phillip Gwynne’s 1998 novel Deadly Unna? We would read one chapter at a time (or listen to the audio book on CD) and then students would answer the chapter questions. This PowerPoint contains a summary for each chapter and then slides with answers to the chapter questions. It also includes a homework / fast finishers activity where students need to find evidence for 2 themes in the novel. Resources designed for 10 English in Queensland, Australia. It is part of a novel study unit which culminates in a 90-minute examination (500 to 800-word essay). Students had 1 week notice of the question and could bring 100 words of notes in with them. Within this unit students explored how an author’s use of language features, images and vocabulary contributed to the representation of themes in the novel. They also gained a deeper understanding of key literary techniques, including (but not limited to) characterisation, plot, and setting.
Deadly Unna: Chapters 29-35

Deadly Unna: Chapters 29-35

A PowerPoint used to teach chapters 29-35 of Phillip Gwynne’s 1998 novel Deadly Unna? We would read one chapter at a time (or listen to the audio book on CD) and then students would answer the chapter questions. This PowerPoint contains a summary for each chapter and then slides with answers to the chapter questions. The PPT also includes links to ClickView where parts of the film Australian Rules have been snipped which illustrate events from that particular chapter (I did not show the film in its entirety as it has some parts where it differs from the novel). Resources designed for 10 English in Queensland, Australia. It is part of a novel study unit which culminates in a 90-minute examination (500 to 800-word essay). Students had 1 week notice of the question and could bring 100 words of notes in with them. Within this unit students explored how an author’s use of language features, images and vocabulary contributed to the representation of themes in the novel. They also gained a deeper understanding of key literary techniques, including (but not limited to) characterisation, plot, and setting.
Deadly Unna: Assessment deconstruction (essay exam)

Deadly Unna: Assessment deconstruction (essay exam)

A lesson to inform students about what criteria I am looking for in their upcoming essay exam. The task conditions are explained e.g. what students can bring in with them to their exam. An explanation of analytical essays is provided. It includes an explanation of the cognitive verbs: Explain and Analyse. There is also information about what language features they need to use in their essay (e.g. evaluative language, high modality language, specialised language, third person, embedded clauses, synonyms and linking words). Some important punctuation rules are summarised. Some sample questions are available for discussion. The Criteria for the task is unpacked (in student friendly terms). Resources designed for 10 English in Queensland, Australia. It is part of a novel study unit which culminates in a 90-minute examination (500 to 800-word essay). Students had 1 week notice of the question and could bring 100 words of notes in with them. Within this unit students explored how an author’s use of language features, images and vocabulary contributed to the representation of themes in the novel. They also gained a deeper understanding of key literary techniques, including (but not limited to) characterisation, plot, and setting.
Deadly Unna: Essay Writing Tips and a practice question

Deadly Unna: Essay Writing Tips and a practice question

This lesson teaches students about the genre conventions of an essay. It begins with a warm up proofreading activity (an extract from p 10 of the novel). This is followed by an explanation of the term ‘Analyse’ with a QCAA poster. Following this there is information about how an essay is structured. The CAT acronym is used to explain the structure of an introduction. There is a table breaking down the structure of a body paragraph (extended TEEEL) and some tips about what should go in their paragraphs (Language features and text structures). Finally, the RAG structure is used for breaking down the elements of a good conclusion. Following this, there is a practice question which I teach with think alouds and co-construction. Resources designed for 10 English in Queensland, Australia. It is part of a novel study unit which culminates in a 90-minute examination (500 to 800-word essay). Students had 1 week notice of the question and could bring 100 words of notes in with them. Within this unit students explored how an author’s use of language features, images and vocabulary contributed to the representation of themes in the novel. They also gained a deeper understanding of key literary techniques, including (but not limited to) characterisation, plot, and setting.
Deadly Unna: Key Settings in the Novel

Deadly Unna: Key Settings in the Novel

This lesson is designed to help students revise for their upcoming exam by reviewing the major settings in Phillip Gwynne’s 1998 novel Deadly Unna? It begins by explaining what ‘setting’ means. An example structure for a paragraph about setting is provided (check boxes). An overview of the following settings is provided (including significant quotes from the novel). The Jetty The Beach The Pub The oval and sports facilities The cemetery The Point (mission) The question we used in this year was “To what extent is Deadly Unna by Phillip Gwynne a realistic representation of modern-day Australia?” Resources designed for 10 English in Queensland, Australia. It is part of a novel study unit which culminates in a 90-minute examination (500 to 800-word essay). Students had 1 week notice of the question and could bring 100 words of notes in with them. Within this unit students explored how an author’s use of language features, images and vocabulary contributed to the representation of themes in the novel. They also gained a deeper understanding of key literary techniques, including (but not limited to) characterisation, plot, and setting.
Crime fiction: How to analyse representations of crime

Crime fiction: How to analyse representations of crime

In order to create convincing crime fiction, students need to be able to analyse the portrayal of crime, criminals and the criminal justice system in various modern and canonical texts. This powerpoint goes through some theories of crime and includes some clips from crime films (e.g. Kindergarten Cop, A Time to Kill etc.) that help students understand these. The powerpoint covers info such as the Role of the law in society, the image of the criminal and how these can reflect their theories of human nature, beliefs about the causes of crime and information about how crime is dealt with by society.
Australian stereotypes - how to write a persuasive essay

Australian stereotypes - how to write a persuasive essay

This lesson is designed as part of an Australian year 9 English unit. The first assessment for this unit is a persuasive essay. This PowerPoint first explains the assessment and the criteria students will be marked against. Subsequently, it goes through essay genre conventions (defining terms like thesis statement, explaining what should go in an intro, body and conclusion, explaining how texts should be referenced in text and in a bibliography). This PowerPoint also includes example paragraphs from a range of texts which show Australian stereotypes including The Simpsons Australia episode, Crocodile Dundee and men of the open spaces. Handout - planning steps to be completed prior to writing Handout - scaffolding for essay which tells students what they must write for each paragraph.
Religion: Assessment for a 9 Theology Inquiry Based Learning unit on the importance of lay people

Religion: Assessment for a 9 Theology Inquiry Based Learning unit on the importance of lay people

Three resources designed for a year 9 theology unit where students interview lay people from various churches in their hometown to develop an understanding of the role of the laity within each church. According to the curriculum they must "examine ways in which believers live their Christian vocation, and distinguish between their participation in the priestly, prophetic and kingly work of Jesus Christ." !) Task sheet for their summative assessment item (an ethnographic study.) An ethnographic study is a method of investigation that studies the culture of a society using research as well as field reporting techniques like interviewing. Their findings will be presented in a report format. 2) A booklet to guide students through their ethnographic study (including developing appropriate questions, researching Jesus' values and actions, researching each church prior to the interviews etc.) It also includes a retrieval chart for students to record the answers to their interview questions into & an explanation of how students should set out their report and what should be in it. 3) A report template for the students to write their final report into.
Protest poetry - unit intro and spelling words

Protest poetry - unit intro and spelling words

This is part of a series of resources developed for a year 8 English class in Australia. The first resource is a list of context-specific spelling words for the first six weeks of the term (24 words per week). The second is a PowerPoint introducing the unit and key terms. It specifies the difference between a theme and an issue, gives examples of specific social issues and it has a viewing activity to help students understand a particular social issue (poverty). Finally, it includes some images and creative writing prompts to get students thinking and writing themselves.
Social and Community Studies - Science and Technology (eSafety) unit - Types of Identity theft

Social and Community Studies - Science and Technology (eSafety) unit - Types of Identity theft

Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons. A PowerPoint which goes through some of the key terms that students were to find for their Inquiry booklet. This is helpful to run before they write their essay as it allows those who have misunderstood key terms to go back and amend theirs. Key terms which are defined are: scam, fraud, identity theft and financial fraud. There is a ‘brain break’ clip (from the comedy film ‘Identity Thief’) followed by a series of slides about particular types of identity theft. I have underlined key parts that students should write down. These notes are useful for students to refer to as they look for case studies to include in their essay as they can provide helpful search terms. Students are reminded about the cognitive verb ‘explain’ and how this relates to criteria 1.2 and 1.3 in this subject. They are given some general sentence starters that can be used when explaining and an example question which we talk through as a class (think alouds) and consider how we would answer it. There is information about the difference between a task that asks you to ‘describe’ and one that asks you to ‘explain.’ I then use the film Shrek as an example with the screen split into two and a series of dot points which exemplify description vs explanation. Afterwards, there is an example paragraph about the evolution of the radio (which contains spelling errors and does not follow TEEL). Students are to mark it using the ‘I Can’ checklist and discuss how it could be improved. To link this to our assessment, we discuss how students will need to explain the case studies they have found about people who have been victims of identity theft. There is a graphic organiser which students can use as they read their case studies to ensure they have enough information to be useful in their essay. There is a time filler activity at the back of the slide in case the lesson progresses more quickly than expected. It contains some helpful tips from the University of Queensland about how to protect your identity. NB: This resource also includes a handout given to students in the lesson and an article which students can use to practice filling in the graphic organiser.
Social and Community Studies - Science and Technology (eSafety) unit - Identifying perspectives

Social and Community Studies - Science and Technology (eSafety) unit - Identifying perspectives

Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons. This lesson is designed to help students prepare to write about specific case studies of people who have had their identity stolen. It revises key terms (viewpoint and perspective) and how this differs from bias. It also includes opportunities to practice identifying viewpoints in websites / news stories about identity theft / financial fraud. What you get: A PowerPoint which I use to facilitate the lesson (I have a lot of visual learners). It goes through the structure for body 2 where students will have to utilise the skills they learn today. We revisit the cognitive verb ‘explain’ and the graphic organiser that we intend to use to retrieve information from the sources we find. Then there is a ‘we do’ activity where the class reads an article entitled ‘From catfish to romance fraud, how to avoid getting caught in any online scam’ together and fills in the graphic organiser. Then there is a ‘you do’ where students view a clip from 60 minutes and fill in the same graphic organiser. Afterwards, there are some post viewing discussion questions. Students are then introduced to the cognitive verbs 'compare’ and ‘contrast.’ For the remainder of the lesson, students use the internet to find example case studies. NB: This resource also includes a handout which includes two articles that contain viewpoints about Identity Theft as well as some sentence starters which students can use when comparing and contrasting viewpoints (a skill they are required to demonstrate in their upcoming essay).