Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.
Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.
A PowerPoint used to teach chapters 6-10 of Phillip Gwynne’s 1998 novel Deadly Unna?
We would read one chapter at a time (or listen to the audio book on CD) and then students would answer the chapter questions.
This PowerPoint contains a summary for each chapter and then slides with answers to the chapter questions. The PPT also includes links to ClickView where parts of the film Australian Rules have been snipped which illustrate events from that particular chapter (I did not show the film in its entirety as it has some parts where it differs from the novel).
This PPT also includes the questions for chapters 11-14 (no answers).
Resources designed for 10 English in Queensland, Australia. It is part of a novel study unit which culminates in a 90-minute examination (500 to 800-word essay). Students had 1 week notice of the question and could bring 100 words of notes in with them.
A PowerPoint used to teach chapters 11-15 of Phillip Gwynne’s 1998 novel Deadly Unna?
We would read one chapter at a time (or listen to the audio book on CD) and then students would answer the chapter questions.
This PowerPoint contains a summary for each chapter and then slides with answers to the chapter questions. The PPT also includes links to ClickView where parts of the film Australian Rules have been snipped which illustrate events from that particular chapter (I did not show the film in its entirety as it has some parts where it differs from the novel).
This PPT also includes the questions for chapters 16-17 (no answers).
Resources designed for 10 English in Queensland, Australia. It is part of a novel study unit which culminates in a 90-minute examination (500 to 800-word essay). Students had 1 week notice of the question and could bring 100 words of notes in with them.
Within this unit students explored how an author’s use of language features, images and vocabulary contributed to the representation of themes in the novel. They also gained a deeper understanding of key literary techniques, including (but not limited to) characterisation, plot, and setting.
A student work booklet for use while reading the novel Deadly Unna?
It includes: a synopsis, a list of the key themes, a retrieval chart for recording language features they encounter, a retrieval chart for recording the most effective textual structures within the novel, a table for recording key details about the characters (character names pre-filled), a set of post reading questions (for once they have finished reading the novel), some information about an event which inspired the novel & some activities to help students gather their ideas for their essay under exam conditions.
Resources designed for 10 English in Queensland, Australia. It is part of a novel study unit which culminates in a 90-minute examination (500 to 800-word essay). Students had 1 week notice of the question and could bring 100 words of notes in with them.
Within this unit students explored how an author’s use of language features, images and vocabulary contributed to the representation of themes in the novel. They also gained a deeper understanding of key literary techniques, including (but not limited to) characterisation, plot, and setting.
A PowerPoint used to teach chapters 22-28 of Phillip Gwynne’s 1998 novel Deadly Unna?
We would read one chapter at a time (or listen to the audio book on CD) and then students would answer the chapter questions.
This PowerPoint contains a summary for each chapter and then slides with answers to the chapter questions. It also includes a homework / fast finishers activity where students need to find evidence for 2 themes in the novel.
Resources designed for 10 English in Queensland, Australia. It is part of a novel study unit which culminates in a 90-minute examination (500 to 800-word essay). Students had 1 week notice of the question and could bring 100 words of notes in with them.
Within this unit students explored how an author’s use of language features, images and vocabulary contributed to the representation of themes in the novel. They also gained a deeper understanding of key literary techniques, including (but not limited to) characterisation, plot, and setting.
A PowerPoint used to teach chapters 29-35 of Phillip Gwynne’s 1998 novel Deadly Unna?
We would read one chapter at a time (or listen to the audio book on CD) and then students would answer the chapter questions.
This PowerPoint contains a summary for each chapter and then slides with answers to the chapter questions. The PPT also includes links to ClickView where parts of the film Australian Rules have been snipped which illustrate events from that particular chapter (I did not show the film in its entirety as it has some parts where it differs from the novel).
Resources designed for 10 English in Queensland, Australia. It is part of a novel study unit which culminates in a 90-minute examination (500 to 800-word essay). Students had 1 week notice of the question and could bring 100 words of notes in with them.
Within this unit students explored how an author’s use of language features, images and vocabulary contributed to the representation of themes in the novel. They also gained a deeper understanding of key literary techniques, including (but not limited to) characterisation, plot, and setting.
A lesson to inform students about what criteria I am looking for in their upcoming essay exam. The task conditions are explained e.g. what students can bring in with them to their exam. An explanation of analytical essays is provided. It includes an explanation of the cognitive verbs: Explain and Analyse. There is also information about what language features they need to use in their essay (e.g. evaluative language, high modality language, specialised language, third person, embedded clauses, synonyms and linking words). Some important punctuation rules are summarised. Some sample questions are available for discussion. The Criteria for the task is unpacked (in student friendly terms).
Resources designed for 10 English in Queensland, Australia. It is part of a novel study unit which culminates in a 90-minute examination (500 to 800-word essay). Students had 1 week notice of the question and could bring 100 words of notes in with them.
Within this unit students explored how an author’s use of language features, images and vocabulary contributed to the representation of themes in the novel. They also gained a deeper understanding of key literary techniques, including (but not limited to) characterisation, plot, and setting.
This lesson teaches students about the genre conventions of an essay. It begins with a warm up proofreading activity (an extract from p 10 of the novel). This is followed by an explanation of the term ‘Analyse’ with a QCAA poster. Following this there is information about how an essay is structured. The CAT acronym is used to explain the structure of an introduction. There is a table breaking down the structure of a body paragraph (extended TEEEL) and some tips about what should go in their paragraphs (Language features and text structures). Finally, the RAG structure is used for breaking down the elements of a good conclusion. Following this, there is a practice question which I teach with think alouds and co-construction.
Resources designed for 10 English in Queensland, Australia. It is part of a novel study unit which culminates in a 90-minute examination (500 to 800-word essay). Students had 1 week notice of the question and could bring 100 words of notes in with them.
Within this unit students explored how an author’s use of language features, images and vocabulary contributed to the representation of themes in the novel. They also gained a deeper understanding of key literary techniques, including (but not limited to) characterisation, plot, and setting.
The lesson begins with an explanation of what themes are, and an image of common themes in literature.
Following this there are slides explaining the following themes:
Masculinity (and toxic masculinity)
The importance of family
Duty and Sacrifice
Examples from the novel are provided.
This is followed by a practice question + some planning activities around this question.
Resources designed for 10 English in Queensland, Australia. It is part of a novel study unit which culminates in a 90-minute examination (500 to 800-word essay). Students had 1 week notice of the question and could bring 100 words of notes in with them.
Within this unit students explored how an author’s use of language features, images and vocabulary contributed to the representation of themes in the novel. They also gained a deeper understanding of key literary techniques, including (but not limited to) characterisation, plot, and setting.
This lesson is designed to help students revise for their upcoming exam by reviewing the major settings in Phillip Gwynne’s 1998 novel Deadly Unna?
It begins by explaining what ‘setting’ means. An example structure for a paragraph about setting is provided (check boxes). An overview of the following settings is provided (including significant quotes from the novel).
The Jetty
The Beach
The Pub
The oval and sports facilities
The cemetery
The Point (mission)
The question we used in this year was “To what extent is Deadly Unna by Phillip Gwynne a realistic representation of modern-day Australia?”
Resources designed for 10 English in Queensland, Australia. It is part of a novel study unit which culminates in a 90-minute examination (500 to 800-word essay). Students had 1 week notice of the question and could bring 100 words of notes in with them.
Within this unit students explored how an author’s use of language features, images and vocabulary contributed to the representation of themes in the novel. They also gained a deeper understanding of key literary techniques, including (but not limited to) characterisation, plot, and setting.
This lesson was taught in the phase of the unit where students were prepping for their upcoming essay exam.
It begins with a worm up where students had to look at a list of 5 characteristics and consider which characters from the novel Deadly Unna? had them.
This was followed by an explanation of citing conventions (how to in text reference). Examples were provided to show how to punctuate direct quotes properly. Then students were shown a table which contained quotes from the novel – they had to turn this into a sentence with appropriate referencing. This was followed by information about how to embed quotes into essay paragraphs – with examples for another text. 2 x poor examples and 2 x good examples are provided for ‘Rabbit Proof Fence.’ This is followed by time for students to plan their response to the practice exam question - Are the male characters in the novel realistic, outdated or stereotypical representations of Australian men?
Resources designed for 10 English in Queensland, Australia. It is part of a novel study unit which culminates in a 90-minute examination (500 to 800-word essay). Students had 1 week notice of the question and could bring 100 words of notes in with them.
Within this unit students explored how an author’s use of language features, images and vocabulary contributed to the representation of themes in the novel. They also gained a deeper understanding of key literary techniques, including (but not limited to) characterisation, plot, and setting.
2 practice exams (with scaffolding prompts).
Resources designed for 10 English in Queensland, Australia. It is part of a novel study unit which culminates in a 90-minute examination (500 to 800-word essay). Students had 1 week notice of the question and could bring 100 words of notes in with them.
Within this unit students explored how an author’s use of language features, images and vocabulary contributed to the representation of themes in the novel. They also gained a deeper understanding of key literary techniques, including (but not limited to) characterisation, plot, and setting.
Two resources:
A unit plan which includes: a unit description, key questions for the unit, a breakdown of the learning intentions & success criteria, some planning resources, key details about the assessment, scaffolding notes for the assessment {cognitive verbs, a structure, evaluative language, other expected language features}. A list of the themes in the novel. Questions for a self/peer review (student reflection). Reflection questions to be used at the end of the unit (teacher reflection prompts).
A Scope and Sequence which outlines how I taught the unit. (My school has 4 x 70 minute lessons a week).
Resources designed for 10 English in Queensland, Australia. It is part of a novel study unit which culminates in a 90-minute examination (500 to 800-word essay). Students had 1 week notice of the question and could bring 100 words of notes in with them.
Within this unit students explored how an author’s use of language features, images and vocabulary contributed to the representation of themes in the novel. They also gained a deeper understanding of key literary techniques, including (but not limited to) characterisation, plot, and setting.
These are the homework resources for a year 12 Authority English unit delivered in Queensland, Australia. The focus for this unit is the comprehensive study of a text that explores a different culture (the autobiography Slave by Mende Nazer). Through examining the autobiographies underlying ideologies and themes, students will be exposed to social and cultural experiences that are far removed from their own. In particular, students will explore the controversial and confrontational issues privileged in the selected text. Engaging with a culturally rich text will allow students to develop empathy and connect other cultural experiences with their own lived experience.
Resource 1: List of vocabulary (spelling words) for the term - students are to learn 24 words per week.
Resource 2: List of terms that students should know by the end of year 12 which can be used as extension for gifted students.
Resource 3: A list of comprehension questions written to assess students knowledge of each chapter of the autobiography. This is a good tool for consolidating knowledge and will be useful revision when they need to develop an idea for their assessment tasks.
Teaching about 'parts of speech' and how action words vary depending on what tense you are using. This includes creative writing activities based on visual stimuli. It also includes scanned sections from worksheets with activities for students to work through independently or as a class depending on their level.
This is a booklet which scaffolds students to present a legal summation speech prosecuting or defending a character from Macbeth (for murder or regicide). The booklet includes a summary of the play, key legal terminology, a list of persuasive devices students could draw from, a suggested structure, an example introduction, an annotated conclusion and important tips. In Australia this is used in a grade 12 English class.
Document 1: a worksheet to step students through the process of writing a feature article. This is an interesting topic and ideally the students would work together to develop ideas and then share them with the teacher who would construct the feature article on the board. This is designed to be the students first experience of writing a feature article and uses the I do, we do, you do method where some paragraphs are provided while other sections have key points that the students need to elaborate on to complete the feature article.
Document 2: The lesson plan for this activity with talking points and key questions to ask.
Document 1: A table scaffolding for students how to write an effective introduction, two body paragraphs analyzing, one comparative body paragraph and a conclusion. It also includes how to reference a print advertisement.
This scaffold was created for the following task but can be adapted for other advertisement analysis tasks.
GENRE: Expository Multi-modal Oral
ROLE/RELATIONSHIP: This is an individual task where each student will prepare and present a speech and PowerPoint to an audience of their peers.
PURPOSE: To understand how advertisers use specific techniques in order to influence and shape consumer attitudes and behaviour.
TASK: Compare and contrast the following print advertisement to a visual print advertising campaign of your choice. (An advertising campaign can be a single advertisement). Using your knowledge of AIDA, you will analyse and evaluate the various techniques used in both advertisements and draw conclusions about how the advertisers have attempted to persuade and appeal to their demographic/target audience.
• Write a 500 word speech that compares and contrasts the advertising techniques used in the different advertisements. You must draw conclusions and provide both opinions and reasons as to why each advertisement succeeds or fails in motivating the target audience.
• Create a PowerPoint presentation that discusses your findings.
• Present your PowerPoint and explain your findings to the class.
LENGTH: Use a minimum of 6 slides and 500 words, and a maximum of 10 slides and 650 words.
Document 2: Key terms including definitions of the AIDA method of analysing advertisements.
5 excellent resources for a Senior Authority English assessment (Australian standards but could be adapted for other countries).
Resources include: An assessment task sheet, a PowerPoint explaining the assessment, a scaffolding booklet to assist students with the assessment, a PowerPoint with necessary legal terminology (which also explores how Macbeth is a tragedy and is useful for revision), and a booklet entitled 'Macbeth and the Criminal Code' which lists the various defences you could use for each character as well as possible witnesses.
Some key points from each chapter. Some questions to check for understanding (multiple choice). An example paragraph about the moral dilemma in Chapter 7.