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One Stop English and Humanities Shop

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(based on 41 reviews)

Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.




Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.
End of year trivia / quiz 2024

End of year trivia / quiz 2024

A fun PPT I put together for the end of the year. It has 10 questions per round. The rounds include: Films of 2024 (identifying from pictures) Next lines (given a line of a Christmas carol and must write next line) Famous faces (identifying celebrities from pictures of part of their face / body) Christmas tv viewing (identifying Xmas films from still images) Christmas trivia Songs of 2024 (watch a YouTube clip which has snippets of songs from this year) News of 2024 [questions about events which happened this year] Films of 2023 News of 2023
Fun 'Task Master' inspired activity

Fun 'Task Master' inspired activity

A quiz made as a fun end of year activity but which could also be used at the beginning of a school year. It was inspired by the television show Task Master. It begins with individual tasks and has some small group tasks at the end. Good for beginning of the year icebreakers or end of the year celebrations. NB: Taskmaster is a British comedy panel game show created by comedian and musician Alex Horne and presented by both Horne and Greg Davies. In the programme, a group of five celebrities – mainly comedians – attempt to complete a series of challenges, with Horne acting as umpire in each challenge and Davies, the titular “Taskmaster”, judging the work and awarding points based on contestants’ performances.
Causes of World War Two

Causes of World War Two

A free PowerPoint which I think History teachers will find helpful. If you use it, and like it, please come and give me a positive star rating / review :). Constructive criticism is also appreciated. PowerPoint 1: Causes of World War Two • term overview (what we are learning + how we will be assessed) • key questions for unit (from ACARA) • context (what happened after WW1 that set the stage for WW2) • statistics (number of casualties in WW2) • information about the following: o the treaty of Versailles o Hitler’s rise to power: worldwide economic depression + the effects of the depression on Germany + the fall of Germany’s democratic government o Anti-communism o The basic ideas of the Nazi ideology + The source of Hitler’s power o Other major causes of WW2: Japanese expansionism, appeasement, militarism, the rise of fascism in Italy, nationalism, American isolationism, o Maps: Theatres of War: Where WWII Was Fought o two homework tasks (developing a glossary of terms + reading from a textbook and answering questions)
Fun activities for the end of the year

Fun activities for the end of the year

A list of suggested activities and instructions for how they work These include; KNIGHTS, MOUNTS & CAVALIERS Pictionary (with suggested words) Cat and mouse Charades (with suggested activities, people, television programs, films and characters) Substitute (singing tune of a song to words from a book) Celebrity heads Evil stick of gum Space Jump What if
2023 End of year quiz

2023 End of year quiz

This is a quiz I devised to use with pupils on the last lesson of term. The answers for each round are included after the round. There are 10 questions per round. The music clips for the music round are provided via hyperlink. For the music round, two points should be awarded for each clip; 1 point for a correct artist, 1 point for a correct song title. I used the template from a free resource on here which had the same rounds but for 2012.
11 Modern History - Interactive trivia lesson

11 Modern History - Interactive trivia lesson

A free resource which I think History teachers will find helpful.If you use it, and like it, please come and give me a positive star rating / review. Constructive criticism is also appreciated. A PowerPoint and Trivia sheet for students to fill in. I placed students into groups of 2 to 3. Each round had 10 questions worth one point each. Answers are provided on the slide directly following each round. The first two rounds were general questions about History. In the third round students had to watch three clips from the CBS television series Cold Case and respond to questions about them. Round 4 was a match the definitions round (of historical terms and concepts they had learned thus far in the unit). The final round focused on recalling the parts of T.A.D.P.O.L.E (an acronym for evaluating the reliability of sources).
Legal Studies – Australian context – Legal foundations – jeopardy revision game

Legal Studies – Australian context – Legal foundations – jeopardy revision game

A resource which I think Legal Studies / Civics teachers will find helpful. If you use it, and like it, please give me a positive star rating / review. It is a jeopardy game (template freely available from slides carnival websites). It provides definitions and students have to know the term. (I have placed the answers in the notes section of the PPT slides). Information about the rules of jeopardy can be found via Google or on Wikipedia.
World War Two Inquiry Assessment Scaffolding Booklet

World War Two Inquiry Assessment Scaffolding Booklet

A free resource which I think History teachers will find helpful. I created this booklet to assess 10 history students conducting a historical inquiry into World War Two (they had a choice of four topics). This was delivered in a school where each student had a laptop so was designed to be completed electronically however, more room to write could be added if you want to use it as a hard copy booklet. If you use it, and like it, please come and give me a positive star rating / review . Constructive criticism is also appreciated. This booklet contains: • four suggested topics with sub points that the students must address • a graphic organiser (table) for students to write their research questions in • a place for students to reflect on their questions and justify any modifications they make during the research process • tips for locating sources and a graphic organiser where students can organise their research • checking for understanding questions which prompt students to consider what they will include in their second assessment (essay) • a place for them to evaluate their sources using the RESEARCH acronym • a paragraph writing scaffold (for students who are not confident to begin writing on their own) • tips for how to reference different types of sources
Australian Frontier Wars - 11 Modern History - Inquiry Based Learning Activities

Australian Frontier Wars - 11 Modern History - Inquiry Based Learning Activities

Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for Humanities students in other states and countries with an interest in colonialism and Australia’s Frontier Wars (1788-1930s). Two retrieval charts which I place onto a class one note for students to complete in pairs. This is designed to be used at the beginning of the unit to first engage with the perspectives of the colonists and the Indigenous Australians. I have also included a PowerPoint which explains how to sign up to view the State Library of Queensland’s resources.
Modern History – Apartheid – External Exam Introduction PowerPoint

Modern History – Apartheid – External Exam Introduction PowerPoint

This PPT was used to introduce an alternative sequence class (11 and 12 students in the same class) to the external assessment. It includes information from QCAA’s subject reports which explains the assessment conditions. This is followed by a series of slides explaining each criterion and looking at example questions. For some of the question types there are recommended response structures and sample answers. Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for English students in other states and countries with an interest in the Anti-Apartheid movement in South Africa (1948-1994).
Australian Frontier Wars - 11 Modern History – Practice exam

Australian Frontier Wars - 11 Modern History – Practice exam

I have taken a modelled response for a Frontier Wars short response exam and turned it into a practice exam. The task sheet includes a little more scaffolding than the actual task as it is to build student’s literacy (it includes some Logon literacy linking word suggestions.) Also included is the stimulus sources, a GTMJ (guide to making judgements) and example answers to go through after the exam.
Modern History – Apartheid – Viewing tv docuseries ‘Madiba’

Modern History – Apartheid – Viewing tv docuseries ‘Madiba’

A worksheet designed for watching episodes 5 and 6 of Madiba (2017). This lesson was used when the year 11’s were on camp as a form of revision for the year 12’s. Episodes available on ClickView. Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for English students in other states and countries with an interest in the Anti-Apartheid movement in South Africa (1948-1994).
Australian Frontier Wars - 11 Modern History - Exam preparation

Australian Frontier Wars - 11 Modern History - Exam preparation

Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for Humanities students in other states and countries with an interest in colonialism and Australia’s Frontier Wars (1788-1930s). This free lesson was designed to help prepare students for their short response exam. It begins with a list of ‘features of evidence’ that students need to refer to when analysing sources. It includes some feedback based on common errors found in the practice exam. It provides a list of tricky vocabulary which was taken directly from the exam sources so that students can familiarise themselves with the definitions for homework. This is followed by a YouTube video about the 9 best studying tips. This is followed by a review of the historical concepts of perspective and empathy. There is a Frontier War scenario told from two perspectives for the students to read and respond two. This transitions to looking at perspectives in poems about historical events using Charge of the Light Brigade as an example (as the tactical errors at Battle Mountain have been compared to this poem).
Senior English Writing / Assessment Guide

Senior English Writing / Assessment Guide

A free resource which I created to give to all senior English students at the beginning of grade 11. If you use it, and like it, please come and give me a positive star rating / review . Constructive criticism is also appreciated. It is a handy ‘survival guide’ which includes: • definitions of cognitive verbs which students will encounter e.g. evaluate, explain, infer, justify etc. • text connectives (aka cohesive links / linking words) • what makes a good paragraph (and the PEEL structure) • tips for research tasks (using BOOLEAN search operators) • quoting, summarising and paraphrasing – what these are + when it is best to use each of these in their assessment writing • a checklist for editing their work • tips for when an in text reference is needed in their assessment work
Social and Community Studies - Science and Technology (eSafety) unit - Unit plan

Social and Community Studies - Science and Technology (eSafety) unit - Unit plan

A Unit plan designed for a 9 week term. It includes syllabus objectives, a description of the unit, assessment task details and a list of recommended resources.A Scope and Sequence suggesting topics to be covered throughout the term is provided. A Learning Intention and Success Criteria handout for students to glue into the front of their work books Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons. This unit allows students to demonstrate planning, evaluation and inquiry by investigating the role technology, in particular the internet and social media, plays in their own life. They will explore the advantages and challenges associated with changing technology and how they can be safe when using it. Students will evaluate and analyse how science and technology has advanced the way we interact and improve our way of living. Students will learn how science and technology can help out society in the 21st Century. They will also learn the effects that science and technology have on society.
11 Modern History - Vietnam Independence Movement – Historical Essay genre conventions

11 Modern History - Vietnam Independence Movement – Historical Essay genre conventions

This free lesson was designed to remind students about the requirements of historical essays in preparation for drafting their assessment. It looks at the QCAA’s exemplar essay about the end of the Cold War. It goes through the instrument specific marking guide and what must be done to get top marks for each criteria. Students are then given a handout (included for free in my shop at this link) designed to prompt students to deconstruct the IA3 example from QCAA. After students are given time to work through this independently or in groups, there is a whole class discussion of the answers (allowing teacher to point out what makes the essay a high quality example). This is followed by some advice from historyskills.com about how to write an apt introduction with a recommended structure – B.H.E.S. This is followed by the T.E.E.A.S.C. Structure which they recommend for body paragraphs (as an alternative to TEEL). Finally, we look at recommendations made for writing powerful concluding paragraphs. If you loved the resource and think it’s worth 4 or 5 stars, please leave a review as this will help other people to know that my resources are high-quality. **NB: Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The content would also be useful more broadly for students in other states and countries with an interest in the Vietnamese Independence Movement (1945-1975). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. The end of term assessment for this unit was an essay. **
Social and Community Studies – Legally, it could be you!  –  Viewing lesson (RBT) Road laws

Social and Community Studies – Legally, it could be you! – Viewing lesson (RBT) Road laws

A PowerPoint to support a viewing lesson. Students are to watch an episode of RBT (available on ClickView or for streaming via 10 Play). This is designed to get students familiar with some of the traffic crimes and how to describe them in written form (paragraphs). We did a couple of these viewing lessons and worksheets are also available in my store. Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store – Aussie_Resources. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons. The end of term assessment for this unit was a multimodal presentation.