
Creative writing full written scheme of work Year 7/8
This is the outline of a very detailed scheme of work for year 7 - creative writing.
Each week has a specific focus, eg. character. Each week also asks you to rag rate the student - I have uploaded an example of that - each week you can just adapt that to the skills you want to assess depending on the group you teach.

Animal Farm AQA 9-1 Lesson 5 Stalin and Trotsky Chapter 2 Low ability Y9
5th lesson in a scheme about Animal Farm for Year 9 LA.
Exploring Stalin and Trotsky - history and how this relates to the novella.

Animal Farm AQA 9-1 Lesson 6 Exploring Propaganda Chapter 3 Low ability Y9
No ppt lesson for this lesson.
LA Y9.
I read the first half of chapter three of Animal Farm to them first.
I talked them through the different propaganda techniques and got them to think about when they've seen them in the modern day.
They then completed both of the war poster propaganda sheets to show their understanding.

Year 9 Poetry Warning Jenny Joseph
A lesson exploring and analysing Warning by Jenny Joseph - also includes is the comparison lesson to Mirror.
Included: Lesson and model answers.

Year 7 Speeches Writing an effective opening
Third lesson in year 7 speeches scheme - exploring how to write an effective opening with models and checklists.

Analysis of Marley's Ghost AQA Lesson
Complete lesson on analysing description of Marley’s Ghost in Stave 1

War Poetry scheme of work Year 7
A brand new scheme of work written for year 7 including a range of poems across time - from Who’s for the Game by Jessie Pope paired with Dulce Et Decorum Est by Owen to The Wound in Time (Centenary poem) by Duffy.
Includes ideas for tasks etc.

Low ability Y11 AQA 2017 A Christmas Carol Stave 4 Key extracts revision booklet
A booklet to enable teacher to lead students through stave 4 of ACC, with references to key context and focus questions.
Very chalk and talk, but necessary at this point.

AQA 9-1 Animal Farm Low Ability Y9 Lesson 14 - exploring chapter 6
A lesson exploring how the farm changes in chapter 6, and specifically at how Animalism is corrupted.
Most of slide 2 will be reading the chapter and employing guided questioning.

Animal Farm AQA 9-1 Lesson 3 Analysing chapter 1 Low Ability
Leading on from lesson 2, where students explored Old Major and Karl Marx, this lesson begins analysis skills.
In this lesson, I also taught the y into -ies rule where I spoke to one student specifically about it and explained a few times throughout the lesson, and then I asked that student to teach the whole class. Worked very well.

Year 8 (prep for new AQA 2017 GCSE) OMAM character analysis group work lesson Ch 2
Students exploring how characters are presented in Ch2, making links to context.
Put into 6 groups - nominate a group leader who can help to guide group - probably a HAP.
Rotate every 10 minutes.

New AQA 9-1 Macbeth Act 1, Scene 5 Explore High Ability
Exploring Act 1, Scene 5 - lots of challenge for HA.
Next lesson - writing about scene 5 - is also available for purchase.

An Inspector Calls AQA 2017 intro to class
A lesson introducing the context of class - top set year 9.

New AQA 2017 English Language Paper 2, Section B Persuasive Speech. Very Low Ability.
A lesson looking at how to use DAFORREST in a speech.
Using method: explore, model, try, apply.

A Christmas Carol staves 1 and 2 full lessons
a series of 8-10 lessons analysing the language and exploring the context in depth of the aqa novel

First lesson looking at unseen poetry year 10
adapted from resources on tes.
lesson looking at how to approach an unseen poem. Worked really well at getting them to think about implicit meaning.

Pre creative writing assessment skills practise
A lesson based on getting year 7 to practise their creative writing skills by recapping what they know to include and giving it a go using stimuli from well known clips (frozen; up) etc designed to engage.

Year 8 World War 1 poetry unit - exploring language in Dulce
Observed (grade 1) lesson exploring language in Dulce.
the class have been using the writing frame for a while, so we are starting to lessen the amount of frame they have.