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Former Head of PE in secondary school in the North of England with 10+ years teaching experience. My resources tend to be classroom based lessons for the GCSE PE course and form time resources when the register is done and everyone is staring at me expecting interesting and informative action!




Former Head of PE in secondary school in the North of England with 10+ years teaching experience. My resources tend to be classroom based lessons for the GCSE PE course and form time resources when the register is done and everyone is staring at me expecting interesting and informative action!
Differentiated World Cup 2014 Booklet

Differentiated World Cup 2014 Booklet

This a booklet that I will use during form time for my Year 7 form throughout the World Cup. They will need to have a team allocated to them and will be expected to research their team and therefore need access to the internet or the library. The majority of this booklet was created by katlee90 and as such any positive comments should be directed to their page also. Some of the pages look as though they have been replicated but there are subtle differences to allow differentiation. Please feel free to comment. Bring it home!
Principles of training

Principles of training

AQA specification on the Principles of training - SPORT. Lesson starts with a 'Do Now,' activity and then works through Specificity, Progression, Overload, reversibility and Tedium with mini-tasks along the way. Lesson finishes with safety concerns.
Introduction to wellbeing.

Introduction to wellbeing.

This powerpoint presentation is designed to be an introduction to the subject of wellbeing but can also be used as a tutor time activity to help students improve their well-being individually and collectively. There are individual tasks, group discussions and collaborative learning tasks. Any and all feedback is appreciated.
Euro 2016 Differentiated activity booklet, ideal for form time.  All home nations and ready for use.

Euro 2016 Differentiated activity booklet, ideal for form time. All home nations and ready for use.

This is similar to my Rugby World Cup resource but is significantly bigger. I've designed it as an ongoing resource to be returned to every form time for the duration of the Euro tournament. It comes with a powerpoint that has all the participating teams on it. If you play the powerpoint then the images will quickly change. Press "S" and the slideshow will stop on a team. Press "S" again to re-start the slideshow. Using this method, each child can randomly select a team to follow. I did this with my form with a prize if their randomly selected team won the tournament. This team will also feature in their booklet as a research project. The booklet starts with a page about the hosts of the tournament, France. This is a research activity and so access to computers or books will be required. There are two sheets which look identical but this is not the case. One has prompts to assist lower ability students with some French historical characters to research. The next page looks at the history of the tournament and again has a differentiated version for lower ability students. Following on from this is a picture quiz where students have to name the winners of the previous tournaments. Next is a research project where students are asked to design a poster for their previously selected team. There is a differentiated version for lower ability students with a number of prompt questions to help with research. The next three sheets each relate to one of the home nations so that any students who have an allegiance to that nation can still participate. This task is to create a song/rap or chant about their nations success. Again with specific home nations sheets is the next task which is to design their football kit. Next is an art project looking at the work of Robert Delauney, a famous French artist with a particularly bright and vivid style. Students are asked to reproduce his work and this can be extended to adapt a football picture into his style of work and a blank canvas for the truly creative. There follows a focus on four famous players with an attached fact file and a drawing to colour in. Once this is completed there is a blank fact file for students to pick their favourite player and complete accordingly. Finally there is a puzzle page with riddles and a word-search. The answers are on the final sheet. There are a number of ways in which you can run this project: You could compile the workbooks beforehand and hand them out so that they are differentiated to each class members ability. You could hand out each page individually and then compile them at the end. My ideal would be that everyone gets a different sheet so that everyone is doing a different task within the same time frame and then they are compiled at the end. Any feedback, positive or negative, is greatly appreciated.
3 complete lessons on diet and food for GCSE PE including test with homework tasks.

3 complete lessons on diet and food for GCSE PE including test with homework tasks.

Lesson 1 includes a powerpoint to follow with notes attached giving contextual information. It also comes with a worksheet for lower ability students to follow. Some printing will be required prior to the lesson as students are required to show pictures of food (26 pics are included) and state what food group they're in and later which are the best examples of certain nutrients. Lesson 2 follows a similar plan of powerpoint with teacher notes and worksheet. This lesson is primarily about calories and finishes with a drawing task where students have to draw a previous meal (drawing framework included) and then work out the calorific content. This makes a great display and also allows students to work out what exercise they would need to do to 'burn off' their meal. Lesson 3 is again powerpoint based and deals with food imbalance. This can be a sensitive topic and so should be dealt with carefully. This needs some preparation in terms of bringing some flipchart paper for groupwork and some highlighters. There are a number of articles included about anorexia, obesity and malnutrition that students should highlight. Each one has a colour coded title to allow you to give it to the correct student. It's a traffic light system with Red being the hardest documents to read for the more able student and green the easiest. I have included the food imbalance video which is on the powerpoint separately just in case there are any issues with uploading. Finally, there is a 25 mark GCSE style exam. Any and all feedback, positive or negative, is appreciated.
Updated Easter Quiz with three rounds including the Easter Story. Intended for fun.

Updated Easter Quiz with three rounds including the Easter Story. Intended for fun.

This is a quiz to be used for fun at Easter. There are three rounds, each with 10 questions. The first round is Eggs, the second is Easter around the World and the third is The Easter Story. I've tried to make it applicable to all by making the quiz fun and informative rather than pursuing a religious ideal, however I did think it important that we look at why Easter is such an important religious festival whether we celebrate it in that way or not. The answer to each question is revealed before moving on to the next question, therefore I would suggest that answers are written on a whiteboard and points allocated accordingly before moving on to the next question. Each question has some supporting information to either explain the answer or to give some further contextual information. The last page has a question that encourages debate, it's not part of the quiz but can fill in some time should it be required. It's entirely at your own discretion. All feedback, positive or negative is gratefully received.
GCSE PE - Sponsorship AQA spec.

GCSE PE - Sponsorship AQA spec.

Powerpoint presentation on sponsorship that identifies what gets sponsored in sport by means of a photostory and then concentrates on Cristiano Ronaldo. Differentiated worksheets for notes on Ronaldo. Goes on to suggest companies unsuitable to be sponsors and discusses advantages and disadvantages of sponsorship. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
Ready to use PPoint with 100 funny facts that are true or false. Ideal for form time/fun lesson.

Ready to use PPoint with 100 funny facts that are true or false. Ideal for form time/fun lesson.

This is a powerpoint with 100 statements. Students decide whether the statement is True or False. Can be used as a form quiz or group activity. Each statement has it's own slide and the correct answer highlights itself upon the click of a button. There are further explanatory statements on some slides. Due to the size of the resource it can be completed over a period of time or in one big session. A variant that I have used is dividing the room into two sides ( True/False ) and have students move to the side they think is correct. Those who get it wrong are out. Last man standing wins. All feedback, good or bad, is gratefully received.
Revision bundle for GCSE PE. Ready to use, including AQA test on 'Lucy.'

Revision bundle for GCSE PE. Ready to use, including AQA test on 'Lucy.'

Question sheets 1-7 are best printed out on A3. I always kept a few of these in my classroom as extension tasks or homework. They are designed to encourage students to plan an answer before writing. Q1: Other subjects relevance to PE Q2: Qualities of a successful first aider Q3: Funding an athlete Q4: Unsuitable sponsorship Q5: Effects of fatigue Q6: How exercise affects the c/v system Q7: How correct technique prevents injury Quiz, quiz, trade is a starter and plenary activity where every student has a slip of paper with a questions and its answer on it. They go around the room and ask someone their question. Once they have answered it, the correct answer is given. Then they swap roles. Once the second question has been answered, they trade questions and find someone new. This can continue as long as you wish but allows for lots of people to ask and be asked questions. The plenary at the end is simply the teacher asking the questions again. Everyone should be able to provide an answer! I like to have the class all stand up, they can sit down when they've answered a question correctly. The revision loop is a series of answers with an unrelated question on the bottom. Each student gets one of these slips and has to use their answer to answer someone else's question. Next, two Tarsia jigsaw puzzles. Simply cut out and muddle up and then re-arrange. Lots of ambiguity to promote discussion and problem solving. Finally, a 17 question, exam style test on topics directly linked to Lucy. These come from past papers from 2010-12 and so are due to be dusted down for this exam! All q's are 2-8 marks and the test is out of 64. This bundle will save hours of prep. and can be used repeatedly as part of your revision. Any feedback, positive or negative, please let me know.
Ready to use series of fun quizzes ideal for end-of-term or form times. 125 Questions!

Ready to use series of fun quizzes ideal for end-of-term or form times. 125 Questions!

Five quizzes where each one has five categories with answers all beginning with the letter of that quiz. Each question has a different points value based upon it's difficulty. Students select the category and the points value on the powerpoint and are then presented with a question. Navigating using the arrows will reveal the answer and allow you to return to the opening page. Questions cover a variety of topics from science to celebrity. There are 25 series of questions based on the letters of the alphabet ( I missed out 'X'). That equates to 125 questions in total. Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated.
Diff'd lesson on aerobic/anaerobic respiration.  Ready for immediate use, ideal for revision/recap.

Diff'd lesson on aerobic/anaerobic respiration. Ready for immediate use, ideal for revision/recap.

This is a complete lesson that needs no preparation other than printing the two activity sheets above for some of your students to use. I used this lesson as a recap for my GCSE PE class after they returned from half term holidays thinking they'd struggle to remember the difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. I was right, but this lesson lulled them into remembering and applying their notes in a fun and enjoyable way. I was genuinely surprised by how well the lesson went and how much they learned. Lesson starter is a crossword with all the key terms of the lesson. There are two corsswords, one with a word bank of correct answers and one without to aid differentiation. The power point contains a youtube link to an old Merrie Melodies cartoon of the fable of the Tortoise and the Hare. It's 8 and a half minutes long and makes for an interesting start to the lesson. My students were surprisingly attentive throughout! We then had a debate about how we can link this story to demonstrate respiration and it's effects. Once students start to see the link we can begin with the main activity. Students have to retell the story but using some specific terms that relate to respiration. This task is differentiated in three ways. For the more able students they should write their story in continuous prose. For intermediate students there is the attached short version of the story to remind them or to stick in their book. For low ability students there is a comic strip for them to annotate or add dialogue. Any feedback, good or bad is gratefully received.
Rugby World Cup 2015 form activity book.

Rugby World Cup 2015 form activity book.

There are two resources here. The first is an activity book featuring a wide range of activities that encompass geography, history, literacy and numeracy. It's activities include art based tasks as well as creative writing and researching facts. One of the sheets looks like a duplicate but it isn't, it is a higher level sheet for the more able. You can hand out the sheets individually, compiling them at the end of the project or put them all together at the start to create a resource that students work through at their own pace. Included is a team generator on powerpoint which is operated by pressing play and then stopped and started with the 'S' key. This has been adapted from my previous resource on the FIFA World CUP which was downloaded 2703 times, had a 5 star rating and was selected by the TES team for their Secondary newsletter.
PE GCSE Revision, 18 hole golf game. Ready for use. Fun way to revise.

PE GCSE Revision, 18 hole golf game. Ready for use. Fun way to revise.

This is a great way to revise and my students have always got a great deal of value from it. The powerpoint goes through the rules and scoring system but, for those unfamiliar with golf, it may need a little more explanation. Basically, each hole/question has a par value attached to it (3-5). This how many answers are needed to score par. If they answer too few, this would be represented by a score over par (+) and if they answer over the par score it's represented by a score under par (-). As in golf, the lowest score wins. Example: Hole 1, par 4. How many football teams have won the Premier League? Giving 3 correct answers would score +1 Giving 4 correct answers would score par, 0 Giving 5 answers would score -1 This comes with a teacher's answer sheet to assist with arguments at the end of the game! I have done this in teams, pairs and individually and it works so well. Hope you enjoy. Any feedback, positive or negative is greatly appreciated.
AQA Spec. Powerpoint lesson on Role Models

AQA Spec. Powerpoint lesson on Role Models

Powerpoint begins with a Do Now activity, answering questions linked to previous lesson on sponsorship. Lesson goes on to question characteristics of a role model and the pressures upon them ending in some GCSE exam style questions. Accompanying the lesson are some differentiated worksheets to assist the less able.
Introductory quiz for German lessons, interesting and fun, ready for immediate use.

Introductory quiz for German lessons, interesting and fun, ready for immediate use.

This is a quiz with may rounds and varieties of questions including: *True or False - Celebrities born in Germany *Pet translations *English TV in Germany *German Football Teams plus many other questions about the history, culture, geography and other contextual, interesting facts about Germany. The quiz takes on bell model, starting with easier questions moving on to more challenging questions before finishing with easier ones again so that all students are able to participate and maintain interest until the end. Many questions have additional information attached to explain and provide further reference points. Some questions are asked in English with English answers, some are asked in German with English answers and some asked in German with German answers. This would be ideal as an introduction to German , as a starter for a lesson or for a fun lesson at the end of term. Any and all feedback, positive or developmental is greatly appreciated.
AQA Spec. Applying the principles of training

AQA Spec. Applying the principles of training

Putting the principles of training into action (Specificity, Progression, Overload, Reversibility and Tedium). Students requested to put knowledge from previous lesson into action and construct a training plan in written form. The layout of their task is explained and scaffolded including a model answer. End task is differentiated with different groups given different sports to create a plan for. Each group is named after a famous sportsperson beginning with the first 5 letters of the alphabet. E.g. A - Adams - top group, B - Brownlee - 2nd to top group etc.
Fairy Tale creative writing frame. Can be used in part or as a whole. Ready to use in lesson.

Fairy Tale creative writing frame. Can be used in part or as a whole. Ready to use in lesson.

This is a series of four worksheets that guide a student through the creation of a character, description, planning and eventually crafting a fairy tale. I would suggest that this is ideal for KS2-KS3 and for low ability students in KS4. Each sheet has tasks to complete with opportunities provided for peer review and teachers feedback. As stated, this can be used immediately as it is self-explanatory, engaging and fun. Students are encouraged to draw a scene from a fairy tale on the first sheet, so drawing equipment should be available. Other than this, all that is required is a pen and a modicum of creativity. I've attached two versions that are identical with the exception that one is saved on publisher and the other is a pdf. You can use this resource over a series of lessons and as part of a whole unit on fairy tales. It has been suggested that a unit could start with some drama, re-enacting fairy tales, creating new ones and use this as the foundation for the work contained herein. Any feedback, good or bad is gratefully received.
Recreation p-point with differentiated questions

Recreation p-point with differentiated questions

Continuing the theme from previous powerpoint, covering recreation (both physical and outdoor), intrinsic/extrinsic motivation and lifelong sports. First slide is a 'Do now,' activity. I have no idea who it is but it should spark some interest! Please feel free to comment, I'd appreciate some feedback.
It's the  Euros 2016!  6 round,  ready to use, 60 question quiz on powerpoint. Enjoy!

It's the Euros 2016! 6 round, ready to use, 60 question quiz on powerpoint. Enjoy!

There are six rounds to this quiz with the vast majority of questions being of a nature where the football mad kids who know all the stats will get as many correct as those who rely on guesswork therefore making it very inclusive. Round 1 : Multiple choice . 10 Questions about previous tournaments and this years tournament. Round 2 : The Picture Round. 5 pictures of celebrities who were half-decent at football in their day followed by 5 pictures of mapped countries that students have to name. Round 3 : Trivia. 10 Questions on some of the more interesting and unusual aspects of the Euros. Each answer also brings up some additional information to add context to the answer. Round 4 : Say what you see. 10 Dingbats related to players and places to do with the tournament. Round 5 : Whose strip? Students have 10 representations of the football kits of some of the teams playing and they have to work out the correct country. Round 6 : Where was I born? (Sorry, couldn't think of a better title) 10 players who play for a country that they weren't born in. You've got to name the country they were born in. Tie-breaker about Michel Platini (his playing days not his, alleged, mis-deeds in UEFA). After every question the answer is immediately revealed or is written in the accompanying notes so that students interest is maintained. Any feedback, negative or positive is greatly appreciated. Enjoy the Euros!
13 Form time quizzes on a variety of topics. Always be prepared for those awkward form time moments!

13 Form time quizzes on a variety of topics. Always be prepared for those awkward form time moments!

Updated in 2017! 13 quizzes in total, perfect for a regular quiz day in form time or as a filler activity during those moments with little to occupy the kids. Form quiz has 30 questions, 10 each on the following topics: Transport, Apples and Karate. I know, a bit random! The punctuality quiz is an attempt to get students to understand that an excuse, no matter how good or bad, is still an excuse. There are 10 excuses that are either True or False. Quiz 1 - 11 all consist of 10 questions and generally focus on a particular topic. These topics are as diverse as Animals, Science, Superheroes, Literature and Shoes! All quiz questions are a mixture of multiple choice, T or F and regular questions. They are designed to be fun and informative and should sometimes spark debate. Feedback, good or bad, appreciated. Thanks.