Great Fire of London Key Stage 1 Science
What’s included?
A PDF and editable PPT recording format for a waterproof or non-waterproof materials investigation, differentiated to include one version with a table for recording results and one with simply squared paper. My Year 2 children created their own tables on this section or a Venn dagram with wood in the overlapping section, following observations and discussions.
A PDF and editable PPT recording sheet for describing the properties of materials relating to Great Fire artefacts (metal water squirter and leather fire bucket).
Two page recording sheets, all about castle defences with pictures and lines to write information on. Ideas include armour, battering rams, catapults and more.
A postcard template for children to write from the point of view of Amelia, or as a historian reporting back their findings to the museum.
2 A4 pdfs (front and back of postcard)
A ready to fold pdf where one image is upside down. It then will just need to be folded in half and glued
2 of the same images to make your own size