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A few years ago, I retired from my position as head of Modern Languages, a bit fearful of the "R" word. But to date, it has been nothing but fun! Canadian law requires school-aged actors to study with a qualified teacher when they’re off-camera. Many of our young actors are in immersion French so I've found a happy little niche, teaching a few days a week as an on-set tutor and moving in inspiring and creative circles! Furthermore, I get to share resources here! Vive la retraite!




A few years ago, I retired from my position as head of Modern Languages, a bit fearful of the "R" word. But to date, it has been nothing but fun! Canadian law requires school-aged actors to study with a qualified teacher when they’re off-camera. Many of our young actors are in immersion French so I've found a happy little niche, teaching a few days a week as an on-set tutor and moving in inspiring and creative circles! Furthermore, I get to share resources here! Vive la retraite!
Celui-ci ou celui-là? Celle-ci ou celle-là?

Celui-ci ou celui-là? Celle-ci ou celle-là?

A simple, visual introduction to these demonstrative pronouns wrapped in gentle humour. The lesson ends with a challenge to students to create similar visual comparisons for ‘ceux-ci ou ceux-là’ and ‘celles-ci ou celles-là’. I’d enjoy hearing about what your students produce.
FRENCH: Où sont les trésors cachés (verbes ER)

FRENCH: Où sont les trésors cachés (verbes ER)

Où sont les trésors cachés? (les verbes ER) works well as a full-class, teacher-directed game or as a small group activity. After the fun of the oral treasure hunt, you can also assign coordinates to create an instant written assignment to reinforce the correct conjugation of the verbs. You’ll find that even reluctant learners will be motivated to listen carefully and the promise of “treasure” tends to generate enthusiastic oral participation as well. My answer key is for “le présent” and “le passé composé” but the game works for virtually every verb tense and even the subjunctive mood. I’m proud to say that, globally, this game has been downloaded over 6000 times. OÙ SONT LES TRÉSORS game sheets also are available for the following verbs and themes: Les verbes IR Les verbes RE Les verbes ER, IR and RE ÊTRE et AVOIR Les expressions AVOIR (3 game sheets) DEVOIR, VOULOIR et POUVOIR FAIRE, PRENDRE, METTRE OUVRIR, DÉCOUVRIR, SORTIR, PARTIR SAVOIR, CONNAÎTRE et RECONNAÎTRE Les verbes conjugués avec ÊTRE Les verbes PRONOMINAUX) The 10 premium games bundled. Enter “Où sont” in the search window of my shop to find them: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Carlav
Poussin piou,a ridiculously infectious little song

Poussin piou,a ridiculously infectious little song

Thanks to MFL Resources, I discovered this clip last night. It has been going round in my head ever since so I thought I'd share the insanity. A bit like a pop version of 'Old MacDonald had a farm', it will work with young children and teenagers. (Even K4s or maybe, especially K4s who need a laugh.) Included are preteaching / presinging visuals and links to the karaoke and Gangnam (!) versions as well as to a bare bones parody that might inspire older students to make a clip of their own. Please, if they do, let me know. This is an updated version of the file as two of the original links had become unresponsive.
Quelles qualités cherches-tu chez ton ami(e)?

Quelles qualités cherches-tu chez ton ami(e)?

I've updated this PDF and have incorporated the how to play guide. A few years ago, I had to cover a Family Studies’ class. The students had been studying healthy relationships and my job was to run a Values’ Auction. The kids were so taken by the activity that I took home a copy to rework for a unit on Les amis et la vie sociale. I hope your students enjoy it as much as mine do.
Des fleurs et des bougies (Les attentats du 13 novembre 2015 à Paris)

Des fleurs et des bougies (Les attentats du 13 novembre 2015 à Paris)

After the Paris attacks, this video interview with a frightened little boy went viral. The child articulated everyone’s fear and confusion but his gentle and wise father managed to find just the right words to comfort his son . . . and the rest of us. One sane, calm voice for peace on earth in a dark time. This file includes a link to the French-only clip, a full transcript and the French FB page with reactions to the interview from around the world and a message from Angel Le, the child’s father.
A word game for tired teachers

A word game for tired teachers

Scribblescrabbles are a portable hybrid of Scrabble and crossword puzzles. I’ve made this one for teachers of English, French and Spanish who are desperate for meaningful but fun work at the end of the school year. You’ll discover that it is flexible enough to work well for all levels of ability. Happy holidays to all!
Le futur simple (a triangle puzzle)

Le futur simple (a triangle puzzle)

This triangle puzzle can be used as a co-operative activity or as an enrichment puzzle for individuals. Students have to match the edges of the triangles that ask and answer questions or begin and finish sentences. If possible, laminate the puzzle sheets. Then cut up one puzzle for every two or three students. Put the 12 triangles into an envelope. Et à vos jeux. If you ask your students to make sure that the 12 triangles are returned to their respective envelopes after the activity, you should be able to reuse the same game pieces with many future groups.
Trouvé (à la maison)

Trouvé (à la maison)

"Trouvé" is a game inspired by Spot it™ or Dobble™. There is one matching expression between any two cards. "Trouvé" encourages students to concentrate, to read attentively and to pronounce the thematic vocabulary carefully. Included are a "how to play" guide and a deck of 54 cards to be printed on card stock, laminated and cut out. "Trouvé" est un jeu inspiré par Spot it™ou Dobble™. Il y a toujours une expression identique entre deux cartes. "Trouvé' encouragera vos étudiants à se concentrer, à lire attentivement et à bien prononcer le vocabulaire thématique. The grade levels will vary depending on whether your programme is in core, immersion or first-language French.
Annaleise, 14 ans, traverse le lac Ontario

Annaleise, 14 ans, traverse le lac Ontario

Annaleise, une adolescente de 14 ans, vient de traverser le lac Ontario à la nage. Not sure how much general interest there would be in a story like this on your side of the pond but it will work for teachers looking for 'girl power' affirmation stories for the French classroom. BTW, Annaleise covered 52 kilometres so this is comparable to a Channel swim. I am curious to know if you and / or your students find this interesting so would appreciate any feedback. Joyeuse rentrée.
Exprime-toi! (Les vêtements)

Exprime-toi! (Les vêtements)

In this small-group activity, Fate (the dice) will determine which garment your students must describe. Exprime-toi is a relaxed way to reinforce lessons on adjectives and to encourage your students to speak in full sentences. If you’d like to extend the lesson to written work, just assign some dice co-ordinates (ie: •• x •••• or •••• x •)
Glorious Autumn! ( Thematic Boggle + solutions )

Glorious Autumn! ( Thematic Boggle + solutions )

Another five minute filler for teachers. Embedded in this puzzle are ten words associated with Autumn and 100 other general vocabulary words. Full instructions, templates in colour and in black and white, a thematic vocabulary and an answer key are included. If you were one of the first 8 people to download this puzzle, you'll notice that the answer key was for another puzzle. Mea culpa. The correct key is included now.
Joyeux Noël ('C'est touchant' is like Boggle.)

Joyeux Noël ('C'est touchant' is like Boggle.)

A five minute filler for French teachers. If your classes enjoy my Christmas puzzles, please let me know and I'll post some of my others . . . les verbes ER, la Saint-Valentin, Hanukkah, au cinéma, etcetera.
Hippity, Hoppity, Easter's on its Way (2019)

Hippity, Hoppity, Easter's on its Way (2019)

This Easter “How Touching” puzzle is a bit like Boggle. This is a five-minute filler for English teachers. I’ve included mini B & W puzzle grids for teachers who are trying to cut back on photocopy costs.
La journée de Lady Gaga, BTS ou . . .

La journée de Lady Gaga, BTS ou . . .

This is a guided writing activity in which students assume the identity of Lady Gaga or a member of BTS and describe her/his day. The focus is the use of pronominal verbs. There are separate handouts for le présent and le passé composé for both the Lady and BTS. Of course, the same sheets will work for Drake, Adele, Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande, Calvin, Hobbes, the principal of your school, and so forth. (It was high time to update this file. Lady Gaga has stood the test of time. One Direction, not so much!)
An illustrated crossword puzzle to complement "Trouvé (Les vêtements)”

An illustrated crossword puzzle to complement "Trouvé (Les vêtements)”

This little crossword puzzle complements my “Trouvé (Les vêtements)” card game. The puzzle uses the same symbols found in the "Trouvé" game, which focusses on oral practice, to provide a simple, written element to further the lesson. It also works as a quick, stand-alone activity for anyone presenting a unit on “les vêtements". The vocabulary includes des baskets (f.) des bottes (f.) un chandail de hockey un chandail un chapeau des chaussettes (f.) des chaussures (f.) une chemise une cravate des gants (m.) un imperméable un jean une jupe des mitaines (f.) un pantalon une robe un sac à dos des sous-vêtements (m.) un survêtement un sweat à capuche un tee-shirt Trouvé (Les vêtements), a game like Spot It™, is available here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/trouv-les-v-tements-11232726
Let's get to the bottom of LES EXPRESSIONS AVOIR

Let's get to the bottom of LES EXPRESSIONS AVOIR

"Let's get to the bottom (or top) of 'LES EXPRESSIONS AVOIR "is a competitive, repetitive game that will help your students to listen 'actively' and to master the expressions through the process of osmosis. It tends to generate very enthusiastic participation!
A Valentine 'Boggle' + solutions

A Valentine 'Boggle' + solutions

This is a five-minute filler for English teachers. Because I live in Canada, I'm guessing about the proper curriculum level and would appreciate your feedback. A B & W version for teachers who&'d like to photocopy a handout has just been added. P.S. I've listed a number of possible answers but (prudishly? wisely?) I've avoided possibilities like 'lover' and 'loins'!