Classroom Secrets is a growing educational resource company based in Halifax. We pride ourselves in offering a wide range of exciting, engaging and high-quality resources for all early-years and primary year-groups. All of our resources are carefully created by qualified teachers, so you have more time to enjoy a #LIFEworkbalance.
We offer both great value annual and month-by-month subscriptions, or you can download our resources individually on our TES shop.
Classroom Secrets is a growing educational resource company based in Halifax. We pride ourselves in offering a wide range of exciting, engaging and high-quality resources for all early-years and primary year-groups. All of our resources are carefully created by qualified teachers, so you have more time to enjoy a #LIFEworkbalance.
We offer both great value annual and month-by-month subscriptions, or you can download our resources individually on our TES shop.
Maths Fractions Year 5 & 6 Display Pack
This Fractions Year 5 & 6 Display Pack Display Pack includes a range of printable resources linked to fractions that can be used on displays or working walls to support teaching and learning as a point of reference, or as supporting materials for use on tables within lessons or activities. This pack is suitable for an upper key stage two classroom and enables you to select what is needed for your class.
What’s included in the pack?
Fractions vocabulary
Fractions wall
Display guides for adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions
Display guide for finding equivalent fractions
Display guide for simplifying fractions
Number lines including quarters and fifths
Year 4 Baseline Maths Assessment
This Classroom Secrets resource (zip) is designed to test pupils’ knowledge at the start of the year (Autumn term). Each question is linked to one objective from the National Curriculum Year 3 Mathematics Objectives and can be used to identify gaps in prior knowledge to inform next steps/planning.
This pack includes:
Baseline Maths Assessments for Year 4.
Tracking spreadsheet to help identify gaps in knowledge.
Answers included.
Year 5 Baseline Maths Assessment
This Classroom Secrets resource (zip) is for the start of Year 5 to assess gaps in prior knowledge. It has a question for each of the Mathematics objectives from the New National Curriculum for Year 4.
This pack includes:
Baseline Maths Assessments for Year 5. Answers included.
Tracking spreadsheet to help identify gaps in knowledge.
Maths Shape KS1 Display Pack
This Shape Year 1 & 2 Display Pack includes a range of printable resources linked to shape that can be used on displays or working walls to support teaching and learning as a point of reference, or as supporting materials for use on tables within lessons or activities. This pack is suitable for a key stage one classroom and enables you to select what is needed for your class.
What’s included in the pack?
Shape posters
Shape information displays
Symmetry in shapes poster
Lines of symmetry poster
Finding vertical lines of symmetry
This resource is for Year 4 and covers the arithmetic objectives from the 2014 National Curriculum. It is differentiated in 6 levels and builds on skills from the whole of Year 3 and Year 4 Autumn Term 1.
Year 5 Multiplying and Dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 Tarsia Game
Multiplying and Dividing by 10 100 and 1000 Tarsia Tri-Jigsaw for Year 5 in six differentiated levels. Children can cut out the tiles themselves and match pairs of synonyms.
This pack includes:
Year 5 Multiplying and Dividing by 10 100 and 1000 Tarsia Game Tri-Jigsaw with tiles mixed up for children to cut out themselves. Placemat for children to use as a scaffold. Answers for teachers included.
This Classroom Secrets Mixed Maths Mat Year 6 resource contains a sheet of short questions focused on a variety of mathematical skills covered in the Year 6 mathematics curriculum.
You can find more Year 6 Maths resources here.
Year 6 Baseline Maths Assessment
This Classroom Secrets Year 6 Baseline Maths Assessmen (zip) includes a back-to-school assessment with 60 questions linked to each of the previous year group objectives (grouped by strand) and a tracking spreadsheet to help identify gaps in knowledge.
This pack includes:
Baseline Maths Assessments for Year 6.
Tracking spreadsheet to help identify gaps in knowledge.
Answers included.
Maths Number and Place Value Year 3 & 4 Display Pack
This Number and Place Value Years 3 & 4 Display Pack includes a range of printable resources linked to number and place value that can be used on displays or working walls to give a classroom a new look, or as supporting materials in lessons or activities. This pack is suitable for a key stage two classroom and enables you to select what is needed for your class.
What’s included in the pack?
Display Title
Place Value Chart and Headings
Comparison Symbols
Number lines
Roman Numeral Cards
Part-Whole Models - 2, 3 and 4 Parts
End of Year 4 Maths Test Assessment
This Year 4 End of Year Maths Assessment (zip) helps identify progress by assessing against each of the Year 4 National Curriculum Mathematics objectives. The questions are grouped by strands so you can assess each area of the Mathematics curriculum separately, or as one assessment.
This pack includes:
End of Year Maths Assessment for Year 4. Answers included.
Tracking spreadsheet to help identify gaps in knowledge.
Converting Length Tarsia Game for KS2
This game has six differentiated levels and covers the following mathematics objectives:
Year 4: Convert between different units of measure [for example, kilometre to metre; hour to minute]
Year 5: Convert between different units of metric measure (for example, kilometre and metre; centimetre and metre; centimetre and millimetre; gram and kilogram; litre and millilitre)
Year 6: Use, read, write and convert between standard units, converting measurements of length, mass, volume and time from a smaller unit of measure to a larger unit, and vice versa, using decimal notation to up to three decimal places
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 3 & 4 Display Pack
This Multiplication and Division Year 3 & 4 Display Pack includes a range of printable resources linked to multiplication and division that can be used on displays or working walls to support teaching and learning as a point of reference, or as supporting materials for use on tables within lessons or activities. This pack is suitable for a lower key stage two classroom and enables you to select what is needed for your class.
What’s included in the pack?
Multiplication and Division vocabulary
Multiplication square
Multiplying by 10, 100 and 1,000 poster
Factors and multiples poster
End of Year 5 Maths Test Assessment
This Year 5 End of Year Maths Assessment (zip) helps identify progress by assessing against each of the Year 5 National Curriculum Mathematics objectives. The questions are grouped by strands so you can assess each area of the Mathematics curriculum separately, or as one assessment.
This pack includes:
End of Year Maths Assessment for Year 5. Answers included.
Tracking spreadsheet to help identify gaps in knowledge.
Year 3 Baseline Maths Assessment
This Classroom Secrets resource (zip) includes an assessment with questions linked to each of the previous year group objectives and a tracking spreadsheet to help identify gaps in knowledge.
This pack includes:
Maths Assessments for Year 3.
Tracking spreadsheet to help identify gaps in knowledge.
Answers included.
Year 4 Converting Time Tarsia Game Tri-Jigsaw Puzzle
Year 4 Converting Time Tarsia Puzzle game in five differentiated levels. Children can cut out their own tiles and place them on the grid if needed.
This resource is aimed at the Year 4 Mathematics objective: Read, write and convert time between analogue and digital 12- and 24-hour clocks.
This pack includes:
Year 4 Converting Time Tri-Jigsaw in five differentiated levels with a scaffolding grid and answers for teachers
The 3, 6 and 9 Times Tables Activities
The 3, 6 and 9 Times Tables - Discussion Problem
This worksheet includes one discussion problem that can be used in pairs or in small groups to enable pupils to further their understanding of the concepts linked to using the 3, 6 and 9 times tables.
The 3, 6 and 9 Times Tables - Extension
This worksheet includes a range of varied fluency and reasoning and problem solving questions for pupils to further extend and practise the main skill of using the 3, 6 and 9 times tables
The 3, 6 and 9 Times Tables - Reasoning and Problem Solving
This worksheet includes a range of reasoning and problem solving questions for pupils to practise the main skill of using the 3, 6 and 9 Times Tables.
The 3, 6 and 9 Times Tables - Varied Fluency
This worksheet includes a range of varied fluency questions for pupils to practise the main skill of using the 3, 6 and 9 Times Tables.
Included in the pack:
The 3, 6 and 9 Times Tables - Discussion Problem
The 3, 6 and 9 Times Tables - Extension
The 3, 6 and 9 Times Tables - Reasoning and Problem Solving
The 3, 6 and 9 Times Tables - Varied Fluency
This Multiplication and Division Year 5 Display Pack includes a range of printable resources linked to multiplication and division that can be used on displays or working walls to support teaching and learning as a point of reference, or as supporting materials for use on tables within lessons or activities. This pack is suitable for an upper key stage two classroom and enables you to select what is needed for your class.
What’s included in the pack?
Multiplication square
Zero as a placeholder poster
Factors and multiples poster
Cubed numbers posters
Square numbers posters
Prime numbers poster
Multiplying a decimal number by 10, 100 and 1,000 posters
Place value chart showing tenths and hundredths
This EYFS Maths Number pack includes planning guidance and nine themed resources for ordering items by height. The planning guidance includes suggested uses for these resources, question prompts and an observation sheet which includes suggested links to other statements. The nine themed resources allow you to hand-pick a version which will interest all of the children in your class.
The themes include:
People Who Help Us
Superheroes & Fairy Tales
This EYFS Positional Language pack includes planning guidance and nine themed resources for observing positional language. The planning guidance includes suggested uses for these resources, question prompts and an observation sheet which includes suggested links to other statements. The nine themed resources allow you to hand-pick a version which will interest all of the children in your class.
The themes include:
People Who Help Us
Superheroes & Fairy Tales
This EYFS Maths Number pack includes planning guidance and nine themed resources for matching numerals and quantities 1 to 10. The planning guidance includes suggested uses for these resources, question prompts and an observation sheet which includes suggested links to other statements. The nine themed resources allow you to hand-pick a version which will interest all of the children in your class.
The themes include:
People Who Help Us
Superheroes & Fairy Tales