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Classroom Solutions provides high quality, affordable resources for teachers in the primary sector. Our resources have been designed, tried and tested by a trained, practising KS2 teacher. Specialties include educational songs and videos that are guaranteed to engage pupils.




Classroom Solutions provides high quality, affordable resources for teachers in the primary sector. Our resources have been designed, tried and tested by a trained, practising KS2 teacher. Specialties include educational songs and videos that are guaranteed to engage pupils.
Music (KS1 / KS2) - links to geography (Africa)

Music (KS1 / KS2) - links to geography (Africa)

A simple yet highly effective lesson and resources to teach children about 'call and response' and traditions in Ghanaian music. Strong cross curricular links to geography. Includes: 1) x2 PowerPoint presentations 2) x1 Activity sheet/prompt Looking to impress an observer? Look no further!
Adjectives, Verbs and Adverbs - songs and word banks

Adjectives, Verbs and Adverbs - songs and word banks

6 Resources
This resources includes some of Songs for Teaching UK's best known songs as well as a selection of our much loved word banks: 1) Verb Vibrations (song) 2) Verbs word bank 3) Amazing Adjectives Song 4) Adjectives word bank 5) Adverb Anthem (song) 6) Adverb word bank
KS2 Literacy - Creative Writing - Poetry to Prose

KS2 Literacy - Creative Writing - Poetry to Prose

A fabulous pack of resources centered around the animated movie, 'El Caminante'. Through this exciting stimulus, children compose poems based around the senses and convert these poems into descriptive prose. This short but effective unit of work will make an observable impact on children's writing. Resources include: 1) Detailed yet easy to follow one week plan 2) Scenes from thef ilm in picture format displayed via PowerPoint 3) An engaging presentation demonstrating the skills required in this unit of work including children's work. 4) Video of the El Caminante movie (VHS converted to MP4) to play via interactive whiteboards.
KS2 English - Connectives and explanation texts

KS2 English - Connectives and explanation texts

A 1 hour lesson that was graded outstanding in 2015. Resources include: 1) Detailed yet easy to follow lesson plan 2) PowerPoint presentation including clear and concise objectives and success criteria 3) Networking grids activity to promote collaborative learning (differentiated 3 ways) 4) Explanation writing stimulus that children will love Looking to impress observers? Look no further!
KS2 - History - Romans v Celts (Song)

KS2 - History - Romans v Celts (Song)

Liven up your history topic with this uptempo song about the Roman conquest of Ancient Britain and the Celtic resistance led by Boudicca. Ideal for the KS2 classroom or for a class assembly. Resources includes high quality PowerPoint presentation with embedded audio and lyrics to display on a classroom interactive board. For queries/comments email support@songsforteaching.co.uk songsforteaching.co.uk
KS2 Maths - Square Number Song

KS2 Maths - Square Number Song

Liven up your maths lessons with this rocking song about square numbers. Ideal for the KS2 classroom. Resources includes high quality PowerPoint presentation with embedded audio and lyrics to display on a classroom interactive board. For queries/comments email support@songsforteaching.co.uk songsforteaching.co.uk
English - SPAG - The Homophones Song

English - SPAG - The Homophones Song

Classroom Solutions is proud to present Songs for Teaching's 'The Homophones Song'. Enthuse your class about literacy using this melodic educational song. Resource includes: 1) PowerPoint to display song lyrics 2) Embedded audio so you're guaranteed the song will play Follow this link to check out a preview clip of the song: https://soundcloud.com/songs-for-teaching-uk/the-homophones-song-preview For queries and more: Visit songsforteaching.co.uk Email support@songsforteaching.co.uk USE MUSIC. MAKE LEARNING FUN.
KS2 English - Grammar - Pronoun Hoedown

KS2 English - Grammar - Pronoun Hoedown

A catchy country and western style song to make grammar groovy! Children will love it and they will be able to identify pronouns without problem after listening to this. For previews and more visit songsforteaching.co.uk or follow the link below: https://soundcloud.com/songs-for-teaching-uk/pronoun-hoedown-preview For inquiries email: support@songsforteaching.co.uk
KS2 Science - Animals including humans- The Skeleton Song

KS2 Science - Animals including humans- The Skeleton Song

AMENDED 23.9.18 PLEASE REPORT ANY ISSUES TO support@songsforteaching.co.uk This catchy song teaches children about the function of the skeleton in humans and the names of some of the bones. With this resource, you’re sure to engage and enthuse your class and enable them to remember key facts about the skeletal system. Copy and paste this link into your browser for a preview of the song: https://soundcloud.com/songs-for-teaching-uk/the-skeleton-song-preview This resource includes: A high quality PowerPoint presentation to display lyrics on screen via an interactive board High quality audio embedded within the PowerPoint. Guaranteed to play automatically after title slide. Permission to use in one class only For enquiries and more, visit songsforteaching.co.uk USE MUSIC. MAKE LEARNING FUN.
KS2 Literacy - Grammar - Adverb Anthem

KS2 Literacy - Grammar - Adverb Anthem

This catchy rock song teaches children about adverbs and their functions. With this resource, you're sure to engage your class and enable them to remember key facts about adverbs and guide them towards exam success at key stage 2 and beyond! Copy and paste this link into your browser to hear a preview of the song: https://soundcloud.com/songs-for-teaching-uk/adverb-anthem-1 This resource includes: 1) A high quality PowerPoint presentation to display lyrics on screen via an interactive board 2) High quality audio embedded within the PowerPoint. Guaranteed to play automatically after title slide. 3) Permission to use in one class only For enquiries and more, visit songsforteaching.co.uk USE MUSIC. MAKE LEARNING FUN.
KS1 & KS2 Geography - Location Knowledge - The United Kingdom Song

KS1 & KS2 Geography - Location Knowledge - The United Kingdom Song

This catchy punk rock style song teaches children about the nations which constitute the United Kingdom. It gives historical facts about the union and enables children to remember the names of significant UK cities. With this resource, you're sure to engage and enthuse your class and enable them to remember key facts about the United Kingdom. Copy and paste this link into your browser to hear a preview of the song: https://soundcloud.com/songs-for-teaching-uk/the-united-kingdom-song-preview This resource includes: 1) A high quality PowerPoint presentation to display lyrics on screen via an interactive board 2) High quality audio embedded within the PowerPoint. Guaranteed to play automatically after title slide. 3) Permission to use in one class only For enquiries and more, visit songsforteaching.co.uk USE MUSIC. MAKE LEARNING FUN.
KS2 Literacy - Grammar - Preposition Party (song)

KS2 Literacy - Grammar - Preposition Party (song)

This catchy song teaches children about prepositions and how they are used. With this resource, you're sure to engage and enthuse your class and enable them to remember key facts about prepositions. Copy and paste this link into your browser to hear a preview of the song: https://soundcloud.com/songs-for-teaching-uk/preposition-party-preview This resource includes: 1) A high quality PowerPoint presentation to display lyrics on screen via an interactive board 2) High quality audio embedded within the PowerPoint. Guaranteed to play automatically after title slide. 3) Permission to use in one class only For enquiries and more, visit songsforteaching.co.uk USE MUSIC. MAKE LEARNING FUN.
KS1 Maths - Number Bonds - Number Bond Zoo (Song)

KS1 Maths - Number Bonds - Number Bond Zoo (Song)

This lively song teaches children about the pairs of multiples of ten that produce a sum of 100. With this resource, you're sure to engage and enthuse your class and enable them to remember key number facts. Copy and paste this link into your browser to hear a preview of the song: https://soundcloud.com/songs-for-teaching-uk/number-bond-zoo-preview This resource includes: 1) A high quality PowerPoint presentation to display lyrics on screen via an interactive board 2) High quality audio embedded within the PowerPoint. Guaranteed to play automatically after title slide. 3) Permission to use in one class only For enquiries and more, visit songsforteaching.co.uk USE MUSIC. MAKE LEARNING FUN.
KS2 English - Grammar - Verb Vibrations (Song)

KS2 English - Grammar - Verb Vibrations (Song)

This jazzy song teaches children about the verbs and their functions. With this resource, you're sure to engage and enthuse your class and enable them to remember key facts about verbs. Copy and paste this link into your browser to hear a preview of the song: https://soundcloud.com/songs-for-teaching-uk/verb-vibrations-preview This resource includes: 1) A high quality PowerPoint presentation to display lyrics on screen via an interactive board 2) High quality audio embedded within the PowerPoint. Guaranteed to play automatically after title slide. 3) Permission to use in one class only For enquiries and more, visit songsforteaching.co.uk USE MUSIC. MAKE LEARNING FUN.
KS2 Maths - Fractions, Decimals, Percentages (Song)

KS2 Maths - Fractions, Decimals, Percentages (Song)

This catchy song teaches children about equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages. With this resource, you're sure to engage and enthuse your class and enable them to remember key facts about this tricky maths topic. Copy and paste this link into your browser to hear a preview of the song: https://soundcloud.com/songs-for-teaching-uk/fractions-decimals-percentages-preview This resource includes: 1) A high quality PowerPoint presentation to display lyrics on screen via an interactive board 2) High quality audio embedded within the PowerPoint. Guaranteed to play automatically after title slide. 3) Permission to use in one class only For enquiries and more, visit songsforteaching.co.uk USE MUSIC. MAKE LEARNING FUN.
Geography - Location Knowledge - 7 Continents

Geography - Location Knowledge - 7 Continents

A simple, catchy song that will help your pupils to remember the names of the 7 continents in no time. Resource features: 1) High quality PowerPoint with lyrics 2) Audio embedded within the PowerPoint For queries/comments contact: support@songsforteaching.co.uk Website: songsforteaching.co.uk
Science - Three States of Matter

Science - Three States of Matter

A unique song for teaching children about the three states of matter and their properties. Join our 'mad scientist' for a good, old scientific sing song! Resource includes: 1) High quality PowerPoint with lyrics to display 2) Audio embedded within the PowerPoint For queries and more contact: support@songsforteaching.co.uk