Interactive and adaptable PowerPoint presentations; Word and PDF resources useful for group tutorials; assemblies; Citizenship and special days.
Created by experienced teacher in:
Learning Difficulties/SEN
Entry Level provision
Graduate/post graduate qualifications in History; Politics; Law; Education and SEN.
Interactive and adaptable PowerPoint presentations; Word and PDF resources useful for group tutorials; assemblies; Citizenship and special days.
Created by experienced teacher in:
Learning Difficulties/SEN
Entry Level provision
Graduate/post graduate qualifications in History; Politics; Law; Education and SEN.
Citizenship: British Values: The European Union – Brexit So Far…
Bundle of PowerPoint presentations and quizzes aon the EU, it’s history and institutions and Britain’s exit from it.
1. Brexit so far, after the High Court decision.
2. European Union: Brexit: What Now? Work Book
Five tasks to reflect on the Brexit decision.
3. PowerPoint Brexit EU quiz
4. An introduction to the EU.
5. !975 Referendum
Bonfire Night
Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot
1. PowerPoint presentation about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot
2. Bonfire Night: Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot workbook
Task 1 and 2; Reading; comprehending and writing task about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot.
Task 3:
Task 3(a): Watch a video about the Bonfire Night celebrations in the UK. Put the numbers in order as you hear them.
Task 3(b): Watch the video again and write more information about each of the number in Task 3(a).
Task 4: Write a mini biography about the people associated with the Gunpowder Plot and Bonfire Night:
• James 1st
• Guy Fawkes
• The plot conspirators
• Robert Catesby
3. Bonfire Night PowerPoint Quiz
Citizenship: British Values: The European Union – Brexit So Far…
Bundle of PowerPoint presentations; quizzes and Word activities on the EU, it’s history and institutions and Britain’s exit from it.
1. Brexit So Far…PowerPoint presentation
2. European Union: Brexit: What Now? Work Book
Five tasks to reflect on the Brexit decision.
3. PowerPoint presentation on the process of leaving the EU and a reflection of what the press in Europe see Brexit.
4. EU History and Institutions: PowerPoint presentation and quiz about the history and institutions of the European Union.
Editable workbook on the history and institutions of the European Union.
5 PowerPoint presentation looking back at the last referendum in 1975 and comparing it with the 2016 campaign.
6. PowerPoint EU quiz.
7. European Union Deal No Deal; Based on the TV game show, this in an interactive PowerPoint based quiz with 20 multiple choice questions
8. Bringo! Two sets of 10 Editable bingo cards showing the member states of the EU. One set are already labelled; the other set is not.
British Values: Tolerance and Respect: People; skills and community
PowerPoint presentation and work book that covers:
Understand that we are all unique, we share some similarities but we are also different
Understand that different personalities and skills are important to help us work together as a team and community
Learning outcomes:
Define and match key words
Identify and tally people’s differences and similarities
Identify features or people and community
Match people and skills
Work together to make and play a game
Evaluate the game you made and played
The European Union
PowerPoint Quiz
UK Brexited Quiz: What do you know about Brexit and the European Union?
• 32 slides
• 30 Multiple choice questions following the referendum on June 23.
Citizenship: British Values: Diversity: Famous people with disabilities
PowerPoint presentation and quiz covering:
• What types of disability can you think of?
Who are the disabled?
• What problems do they face
Name famous people with disabilities
Citizenship: British Values: The European Union – Brexit: The Supreme Court Ruling (January 2107)
Citizenship: British Values: The European Union – Brexit So Far…
Bundle of PowerPoint presentations; quizzes and Word activities on the EU, it’s history and institutions and Britain’s exit from it.
1. PowerPoint presentations: Brexit so far, after the High Court and Supreme Court rulings
2. European Union: Brexit: What Now? Work Books.
Two work books with tasks to reflect on the Brexit decision and the legal rulings.
4. PowerPoint Brexit EU quiz.
5. PowerPoint presentation: An introduction to the EU.
6. PowerPoint presentation: Leaving the EU.
Chinese New Year 2017: The Chinese Zodiac
PowerPoint presentation on the Chinese Zodiac, including information about each of the 12 zodiac years: animals; lucky numbers; lucky colours and lucky flowers.
Employability/Work Skills: Money: Payment Methods
PowerPoint presentation and quiz (25 questions) to introduce or recap money management; methods of payments.
Methods of paying for goods and services
• Cash
• Cheques
• Debit and credit cards
• Direct debits and standing orders
• Online and phone banking
Would be useful for entry level students studying for any employability qualifications involving money management and personal finance.
British Values: St. George’s Day
PowerPoint presentation and quiz, with task sheets on where in the world St. George’s Day is celebrated and the annual event in Manchester that marks the day, with George portrayed as a Black British icon; St. George and how he became popular in England; the Tomb of St George and his links to Al Khader in Palestine.
British values: Tolerance; respect; diversity and inclusivity.
Citizenship: General Election 2017: Quiz (People; Parties and Logos)
PowerPoint quiz with 30 questions/multiple choice answers on the people; parties and logos we’ll see so often over the next few weeks.
Citizenship: General Election 2017: EU: Britain 1975
PowerPoint presentation that revisits the 1975 referendum on membership of the EU and looks at how the result and Brexit could link to still ongoing debate and the upcoming general election.
Could be useful in the run up to the upcoming general election.
Citizenship: General Election 2017: The Brexit Bundle
PowerPoint presentations and quizzes:
Recap the 1975 and 2016 referendums on membership of the EU and looks at how the results and Brexit could affect the upcoming general election.
Introduces the EU: who’s in it; what’s it for and what it does, as well as looking at the some of the countries in Europe.
Could be useful in the run up to the upcoming general election, and as the continent marks Europe Day in May.
Citizenship/PSHE: British Values: Key Words and Concepts
PowerPoint presentation and task sheets covering the key words and concepts of British Values:
Individual liberty
• Rule of law
• Democracy
• Mutual respect
• Tolerance of others
• Prevent
• Extremism
Citizenship: General Election 2017: The European Union
PowerPoint presentation and quiz that introduces the EU: who’s in it; what’s it for and what it does.
Could be useful in the run up to the upcoming general election, and as the continent marks Europe Day in May.
Citizenship: General Election 2017: The Brexit Effect
EU: Britain 2016
PowerPoint presentation that recaps the 2016 referendum on membership of the EU and looks at how the result and Brexit could affect the upcoming general election.
EU: Britain 1975
PowerPoint presentation that revisits the 1975 referendum on membership of the EU and looks at how the result and Brexit could link to still ongoing debate and the upcoming general election.
Citizenship: General Election 2017: Where the parties stand
PowerPoint presentation on where the parties stand in the run up to General Election in June. (Updated to include a review of the local elections in May.)
PowerPoint quiz (30 questions) on where the parties stand in the run up to General Election in June.
PowerPoint presentation that recaps the 2016 referendum on membership of the EU and looks at how the result and Brexit could affect the upcoming general election.
Could be useful in the run up to the upcoming general election.
Citizenship: Elections: Frequently Asked Questions
PowerPoint presentation and quiz.
1. PowerPoint presentation about some of the questions asked about elections.
2. PowerPoint quiz (25 questions) about some of the questions asked about elections.