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Dewchyma88's Shop

Drama teacher and expressive arts enthusiast planning for the new curriculum in wales 3-16! Also love a bit of BTEC!

Drama teacher and expressive arts enthusiast planning for the new curriculum in wales 3-16! Also love a bit of BTEC!
Two Welsh Comedy Scripts - Perfect for Eisteddfod or Cross Curricular Project

Two Welsh Comedy Scripts - Perfect for Eisteddfod or Cross Curricular Project

Script one - Now After A posh English school child moves to Wales and tries to learn the local sayings said by pupils at the local secondary school! Script 2 - Mam Bach! Kiddo enters – they have obviously had a rough day at school. Mam walks on and off in the background throughout this scene – their “housework” tasks should get more and more comical as the scene goes on i.e. polishing a rubber chicken, or hoovering in a wig. The character of Mam can be played by a boy or girl but should dress as a stereotypical Welsh Mam. English Script with elements of Welsh language! Please note that these are schort script extracts of original script written by me.
Teen - Short TIE Play Extracts

Teen - Short TIE Play Extracts

Original TIE play written by myself as a method to show pupils at Key Stage 4 what was effective when writing a piece of TIE for performance. Please note some strong language and themes.
Town Bach Drama Based on Undermilk Wood

Town Bach Drama Based on Undermilk Wood

Here is a short scheme of work focussing on the play Undermilk Wood by Dylan Thomas. Formed the Drama section of a larger cross-curricular project for the new curriculum in Wales focussing on the theme of “What is home?” Two lesson powerpoints and booklet work as well as some short script bites to explore practically. Very well received by pupils and non-specialist staff alike!