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Dream Scheme

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Dream Scheme creates Interactive Primary PowerPoints to really bring learning to life! All proceeds from these resources are currently being used to support the welfare of dogs in Spain. Follow us on Instagram for regular updates!




Dream Scheme creates Interactive Primary PowerPoints to really bring learning to life! All proceeds from these resources are currently being used to support the welfare of dogs in Spain. Follow us on Instagram for regular updates!
Recognising Formal and Informal Language

Recognising Formal and Informal Language

This presentation has been created to teach and revise the differences between formal and informal language. Children can use whiteboards to complete various activities throughout this PowerPoint.
Year 2: Familiar Settings (Week 2 of 2)

Year 2: Familiar Settings (Week 2 of 2)

No additional resources needed This interactive PowerPoint and 5 lesson plans conclude this unit about stories with Familiar Settings based on the Year 2 National Curriculum scheme of work. This week, children will continue to focus on ‘Gorilla’ by Anthony Browne, ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’ by Judith Kerr as well as the well-known story ‘There’s No Such Thing As A Dragon’ by Jack Kent. Using these stories, they will begin to develop ideas, plan and write their own stories using the character that they created at the end of week 1. During lesson 3, they will also have fun playing a board game with a partner as they practise reading and spelling words containing the /j/ phoneme! Lesson 1: To create an interesting problem for my story Lesson 2: To plan my own story Lesson 3: To read and spell words with the phoneme /j/ Lesson 4: To create a good story opening Lesson 5: To use my ‘writing toolbox’ to complete my story Total Number of Slides: 32 Resources included? Yes Lesson Plans Included? Yes If necessary, this PowerPoint can be easily adapted to meet the specific needs of your class. Physical copies of the books would be beneficial, but links are provided. #stressfreeteaching_dreamscheme Week 1: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-2-fiction-familiar-settings-week-1-of-2-12192909
Year 6: Recounts (Week 2 of 2)

Year 6: Recounts (Week 2 of 2)

Required Text: ‘Hurricane’ by David Wiesner This interactive PowerPoint includes the final 5 lessons relating to Recounts based on the Year 6 National Curriculum scheme of work. During this final week, children will enjoy reading the story ‘Hurricane’ by David Wiesner whilst continuing to further develop their knowledge of recounts. Pupils will be reminded how to use commas correctly and will have the opportunity to apply these rules to their own writing. In addition to this, they will develop their cooperation skills by working in small groups to act out the continuation of the story before applying their knowledge and skills to a final fictional recount (to be teacher and self assessed). This presentation is Week 2 of 2. Lesson 1: To write a short recount of a story Lesson 2: To read and identify the features of a recount Lesson 3: To use role play to continue a story Lesson 4: To understand and apply my knowledge of commas Lesson 5: To make edits to a fictional recount Total Number of Slides: 34 Worksheets Included? Yes #stressfreeteaching_dreamscheme
Year 3: Poetry - Creating Images (Week 2 of 2)

Year 3: Poetry - Creating Images (Week 2 of 2)

No additional resources needed This presentation includes 5 whole lessons relating to Creating Images based on the Year 3 National Curriculum scheme of work. During this second week, children will continue to identify and use adjectives, nouns and verbs as well as begin to explore adverbs of manner. They will focus on two main poems: ‘The Lone Dog’ by Irene Rutherford McLeod and ‘Slowly’ by James Reeves. Throughout the week they will analyse their structure whilst learning the importance of carefully selecting powerful verbs and adjectives. Pupils will enjoy working together to create new poems (based on these two examples) and will end lessons by giving and receiving positive feedback with other members of the class. Week 2 of 2. Lesson 1: To use a dictionary to explore the meaning of unfamiliar words Lesson 2: To create a character profile Lesson 3: To write a poem about my character Lesson 4: To create sentences using adverbs of manner Lesson 5: To use powerful verbs Total Number of Slides: 27 Success Criteria Included? Yes Differentiated Activities and Resources? Yes Resources Included? Yes #stressfreeteaching_dreamscheme
Year 1: Stories With Familiar Settings (Week 2 of 2)

Year 1: Stories With Familiar Settings (Week 2 of 2)

No additional resources needed. This bundle includes an interactive PowerPoint and 5 lesson plans relating to Stories With Familiar Settings based on the Year 1 National Curriculum scheme of work. During this second week, children will practise reading and spelling words using the /oi/ phoneme before planning their very own ‘lost toy’ story inspired by the book ‘Knuffle Bunny’ by Mo Willems. After writing the beginning, middle and end of their story, the included worksheets are designed to be cut out and stapled together to create their very own book! (ideal for display!) Lesson 1: To read and spell words containing the /oi/ phoneme Lesson 2: To plan my own ‘lost toy’ story Lesson 3: To begin writing my story Lesson 4: To write the middle part of my story Lesson 5: To write the ending of my story Total Number of Slides: 33 Activity Resources Included? Yes Detailed Lesson Plan Included? Yes Each lesson contains a starter activity, displayed success criteria, main teaching and plenary. #stressfreeteaching_dreamscheme Week 1: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-1-stories-with-familiar-settings-week-1-of-2-12192546
Year 3: Poetry - Creating Images (Week 1 of 2)

Year 3: Poetry - Creating Images (Week 1 of 2)

No additional resources needed This presentation includes 5 whole lessons relating to Creating Images based on the Year 3 National Curriculum scheme of work. Within this unit children will revise and practise using adjectives, nouns and verbs. They will enjoy working together in small groups to memorise and perform small parts of a poem before performing together as a whole class. To end the week they spend time writing their own chant with a partner whilst applying the same structure and rhythm as ‘The Bug Chant’ by Tony Mitton. Week 1 of 2. Lesson 1: To create noun phrases Lesson 2: To understand abstract nouns Lesson 3: To write a prose description Lesson 4: To memorise part of a poem Lesson 5: To use adjectives and verbs to write my own chant Total Number of Slides: 33 Success Criteria Included? Yes Differentiated Activities and Resources? Yes Resources Included? Yes #stressfreeteaching_dreamscheme
Year 5: Recounts (Complete 2-Week Unit)

Year 5: Recounts (Complete 2-Week Unit)

2 Resources
No additional resources needed During this two-week unit pupils will learn about the style, structure and features of recount texts as well as when/why they are used. They will take an in depth look into fronted adverbials and the use of paragraphs in order to develop their understanding of how these are used to create cohesion within a piece of writing. To conclude the unit, children will enjoy working in small groups as they plan a ‘hoax’ UFO sighting within school. They will then apply their knowledge of recount texts as they independently draft and write their own News Reports. Number of Slides: 72 Worksheets Included? Yes #stressfreeteaching_dreamscheme
Year 3: Stories From Other Cultures (Week 3 of 3)

Year 3: Stories From Other Cultures (Week 3 of 3)

No additional resources needed. All lessons include an easy-to-follow lesson plan, interactive PowerPoint, starter activity, main teaching, lesson activity and plenary. This bundle contains the final 5 lessons relating to Stories From Other Cultures based on the Year 3 National Curriculum scheme of work. During this third and final week, children will be applying their knowledge of traditional Indian Tales by planning and writing their own in a similar style. They will choose a well-known fairy tale and replace some of these characters with the characters from the Indian Tales which have been covered during this unit. They will be aiming to apply their knowledge of prepositional phrases, adverbs of manner and powerful language. Lesson 1: To use a dictionary to check the meaning of new words Lesson 2: To ‘magpie’ powerful language to use within my own writing Lesson 3: To convert a Fairy Tale into a Traditional Indian Tale Lesson 4: To write a story in the style of a Traditional Indian Tale Lesson 5: To edit and improve my writing Total Number of Slides: 30 Lesson Plans Included? Yes Resources Included? Yes
Year 5: Observational Poetry (Week 2 of 2)

Year 5: Observational Poetry (Week 2 of 2)

This interactive PowerPoint concludes this two-week Observational Poetry unit. During this second week, children will explore the use of imagery within poems by learning how to create powerful images using all 5 senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell). They will have fun imagining themselves as ‘the classroom’ as they consider these senses. What would a classroom see and hear? They will then use their plans to create a poem called ‘I am a Classroom’ based on the poem ‘I am a Writer’ by Joseph Coelho. Poetic Devices/GPS covered throughout these lessons include similes, metaphors, personification, imagery and relative clauses. Related Poems: ‘Sky-Artist´ and ‘Don’t be Scared’ by Grace Nichols ’I am a Writer’ by Joseph Coelho ’Sunlight’ by David Windle Lesson 1: To explore the impact of vocabulary within a poem Lessons 2: To write a poem using metaphors and similes Lesson 3: To plan a poem using descriptive language Lesson 4: To write a poem about a given topic Lesson 5: To revise and perform my poem Total Number of Slides: 31 Lesson Plan Included? Yes Resources Included? Yes Differentiation? Yes No additional resources needed #stressfreeteaching_dreamscheme
Year 3: Instructions and Explanations (Week 2 of 2)

Year 3: Instructions and Explanations (Week 2 of 2)

No additional resources needed #stressfreeteaching This presentation includes 5 project based lessons relating to Instructions and Explanations based on the Year 3 National Curriculum scheme of work. Children will begin by watching short clips of ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire?’ before answering 15 questions in a similar format to help understand the rules. To develop their understanding further pupils will then spend time working in groups to create their own questions (with the help of non fiction books) before writing their own instruction and explanation texts to support their game. To finish the week, children will have fun presenting and answering their questions! Week 2 of 2. Lesson 1: To watch and understand the rules of a game show Lesson 2: To plan my own game show questions Lesson 3: To write a set of instructions to explain a game Lesson 4: To write in the third person and in the present tense Lesson 5: To play a class game Total Number of Slides: 121 (includes the ‘Who Wants to Be a Millionaire quiz’) Resources Included? Yes
Year 2: Non-Fiction - Postcards and Letters (Week 2 of 2)

Year 2: Non-Fiction - Postcards and Letters (Week 2 of 2)

No additional resources #StressFreeTeaching This presentation includes 5 whole lessons relating to Postcards and Letters based on the Year 2 National Curriculum scheme of work. Within this unit you will find lessons relating to the story ‘Dear Greenpeace’ by Simon James (which can be listened to on YouTube using the provided link). This PowerPoint can be easily adapted to meet the specific needs of an individual class. Week 2 of 2. Lesson 1: To correctly sequence the events of a story Lesson 2: To practise spelling words with the /ul/ phoneme Lesson 3: To plan the continuation of a story Lesson 4: To write the first draft of my letter Lesson 5: To create a final copy of my letter for display Total Number of Slides: 32 Resources included? Yes
Year 1: Traditional Tales (Weeks 1-2)

Year 1: Traditional Tales (Weeks 1-2)

2 Resources
Closely following the Hamilton Trust scheme of work, we have produced these presentations to support the learning of the Traditional Tales unit for Year 1. The required text for this unit is ‘Anancy and Mr Dry-Bone’ by Fiona French. Total Number of Slides: 56 Resources Included? Yes
Year 1: Traditional Tales. Week 2 of 2.

Year 1: Traditional Tales. Week 2 of 2.

This presentation includes 5 whole lessons relating to Traditional Tales based on the Year 1 National Curriculum scheme of work. Within this unit you will find lessons based on the the tale ‘Anancy and Mr Dry-Bones’. Week 2 of 2. Lesson 1: To write simple sentences using pronouns Lesson 2: To act out a traditional tale Lesson 3: To plan my own story based on a traditional tale Lesson 4: To write my own story based on a traditional tale Lesson 5: To create my own artwork based on a familiar tale Total Number of Slides: 29
Year 4: Instructions and Explanations - Art Techniques (Complete 2-Week Unit)

Year 4: Instructions and Explanations - Art Techniques (Complete 2-Week Unit)

2 Resources
No additional resources needed Throughout this two week unit children will embark on various activities as they revise, learn and further explore the features of Instruction and Explanation Texts. They will enjoy giving commands to a partner (to draw various given pictures) as they learn to identify and use imperative verbs. Once they have learned to identify various features of both types of texts, they will be given the opportunity to plan and write their very own. Grammar Focus: Imperative Verbs & Personal, Possessive and Relative Pronouns Total Number of Slides: 85 Duration: 10 lessons Worksheets Included? Yes (with answers) #stressfreeteaching_dreamscheme
Year 5: Classic Fiction 5 Lessons - Just So Stories (Week 3 of 3)

Year 5: Classic Fiction 5 Lessons - Just So Stories (Week 3 of 3)

No additional resources needed #stressfreeteaching This presentation includes 5 whole lessons relating to Just So Stories based on the Year 5 National Curriculum scheme of work. Within this unit you will find lessons linked to different extracts which can be sourced using the provided links. Week 3 of 3. Lesson 1: To plan a 'Just So Story’ Lesson 2: To begin writing my first draft Lesson 3: To complete writing my first draft Lesson 4: To edit and proofread my own work Lesson 5: To prepare and perform my own writing Total Number of Slides: 35
Year 1: Traditional Tales. Week 1 of 2.

Year 1: Traditional Tales. Week 1 of 2.

This presentation includes 5 whole lessons relating to Traditional Tales based on the Year 1 National Curriculum scheme of work. Within this unit you will find lessons based on the two stories ‘Dragon Dinosaur’ as well as ‘The House that Jack Built’. This presentation is Week 1 of 2. Lesson 1: To read and discuss a familiar story Lesson 2: To form my handwriting correctly Lesson 3: To discuss my favourite story Lesson 4: To write a well punctuated sentence Lesson 5: To identify keywords Total Number of Slides: 27
Year 2 -Traditional Tales (Week 2 of 3)

Year 2 -Traditional Tales (Week 2 of 3)

This presentation includes 5 whole lessons relating to Traditional Tales based on the Year 2 National Curriculum scheme of work. Within this unit you will find lessons linked to the tale ‘The Ugly Duckling’ by Hans Christian Andersen. Week 2 of 3. Lesson 1: To discuss both sides of a dilemma Lesson 2: To explore dialogue through drama Lesson 3: To write a dialogue based on a dilemma Lesson 4: To revise and apply different punctuation rules Lesson 5: To write an alternate ending Total Number of Slides: 34
Irregular Verbs Worksheet (LKS2)

Irregular Verbs Worksheet (LKS2)

Have children practice the correct spellings of irregular verbs with this 20-question activity sheet. Questions can be either copied and answered directly into books or answered on the sheet. #stressfreeteaching_dreamscheme