PSHE, Citizenship, RE, SMSC Lessons + Teaching Resources
Average Rating4.85
(based on 5675 reviews) We are the market leaders in PSHE + RSE resources, with over 14 million downloads of our lessons worldwide and over 5500 five star reviews. Established in 2015, our team of consultants and teachers has written for The Bank of England, The Children's Commissioner, The CCRC, The British Legion and many other UK charities and institutions. We love what we do and we aim to be highest quality and best value for money out there. Find us at We are the market leaders in PSHE + RSE resources, with over 14 million downloads of our lessons worldwide and over 5500 five star reviews. Established in 2015, our team of consultants and teachers has written for The Bank of England, The Children's Commissioner, The CCRC, The British Legion and many other UK charities and institutions. We love what we do and we aim to be highest quality and best value for money out there. Find us at
One hour, fully resourced lesson which introduces the concept of globalisation and the positives and negatives of this world development, through the study of economic, cultural and political globalisation.
This resource pack includes an hour long PowerPoint with accompanying worksheets, case studies, well differentiated activities, literacy focus tasks, clip tasks with three-way differentiated questions and information sheets.
The lesson has been left editable and is filled with engaging, well differentiated and fun activities. Can be used for Geography or PSHCE. As with all our lessons, you don’t need any prior knowledge as all the information is included - you can just pick up and teach it.
You can find many more inexpensive and free PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources at my shop: [MORE PSHE RESOURCES](
1 hour, fully resourced KS4 / KS5 PSHE lesson which focuses on how to have good, safe and healthy sex, deciding whether to delay sexual intercourse and also about the myths surrounding masturbation and personal pleasure. The lesson is most suitable for KS4 or KS5 (but has been left editable) and is filled with engaging, well differentiated and fun activities. It is also useful for Life Skills or Tutor Time.
The pack includes a 1 hour long PowerPoint, differentiated challenge activities, worksheets, clips and literacy focus tasks. These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow.
You can find many more inexpensive and free PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources at my shop: MORE PSHE RESOURCES
PSHE / RSE resources: 1 hour PowerPoint, worksheets, clips, well differentiated, KS3/ KS4. A resource focusing on the sometimes overlooked issue of male body image, the issues affecting boys as their bodies change through puberty and the pressure to appear macho.
These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow. All our resources are editable (so easy to adapt for your classes) and are designed to last one hour each.
You can find many more inexpensive and free PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources at my shop: EC_Resources
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Or you can check out some of our most popular PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources below:
Mental Health PSHE Bundle
1 Whole Year of PSHE Resources
British Values Citizenship Bundle
Careers, Employment and Enterprise Bundle
Islam Bundle
Sex and Relationships Education
An hour long, fully resourced KS4 PSHE lesson focusing on the benefits and cost-effectiveness of further education and the university and college application process. This pack includes a Powerpoint, worksheets, clips and activities and literacy focus plenary - all well differentiated. These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow. All our resources are editable (so easy to adapt for your classes). This lesson could be used for PSHE, Tutor Time or Life Skills.
You can find many more inexpensive and free PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources at my shop: EC_Resources
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Fully resourced lesson Hinduism lesson all about Ganesh and Ganesh Charturthi. Includes: 1hour PowerPoint, clip, worksheets, differentiated fully, different level tasks for MA,LA or Core .
Designed to fit Ofsted criteria for’ Good’ or above .
Many more inexpensive and free resources at my shop:
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Suitable for KS3 or KS2
Updated to include ‘upskirting’. 1 hour, fully resourced PSHE lesson which investigates Revenge Porn - what we can do to prevent it, how to report it and the legal consequences. The lesson includes an hour long PowerPoint with accompanying worksheets, well differentiated activities, literacy focus tasks, clip tasks with three-way differentiated questions and information sheets.
The lesson has been left editable and is filled with engaging, well differentiated and fun activities. It is useful for PSHE / Internet Safety / ICT / Citizenship or Tutor Time. As with all our lessons, you don’t need any prior knowledge as all the information is included - you can just pick up and teach it.
If you review this resource you can choose any other lesson for free. Just email me at
You can find many more inexpensive and free PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources at my shop: MORE PSHE RESOURCES
PSHE Lesson Resources - Emotional Literacy - Self Awareness - 1 - 2 hours PP, worksheets, clips, well differentiated. Useful for PSHE or Life Skills, tutor time or intervention pastoral sessions. These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow. All our resources are editable (so easy to adapt for your classes) and are designed to last one hour each. Created by a PSHE / RSE teacher for the 2020-24 PSHE curriculum.
NEW 2 HOUR PSHE lesson all about the meaning of equity and equality, the differences between the two concepts and how each of them is used to promote fairness in society. Throughout the lesson students will evaluate the pros and cons of both of these ideas (equality of opportunity vs using equity to reach equality of outcome). This lesson is best suited to KS4 (or possibly KS5).
The lesson includes card sorts, literacy-based tasks, analysis tasks, clip and discussion tasks and much more.
This has been written to cover the 2020-24 PSHE guidance on the importance of equality and fits in nicely with any unit about prejudice and discrimination in society. Everything is editable and ready to go.
This lesson is taken from the new EC Publishing 2024 Complete Secondary Package.
Who are EC Resources?
EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, The British Legion, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK.
Please visit our Tes store for everything PSHE, RSE, RE and Citizenship.
We still offer a free lesson of your choice for each time you leave a review! Just email
Check out our PSHE Packages on Tes here:
Complete KS3 PSHE and RSE
Complete KS4 PSHE and RSE
Complete KS5 PSHE and RSE
One Year of Citizenship and British Values
Complete KS3 RE
Complete Careers and Employability
AQA Citizenship GCSE Mega Pack
Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 12,000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.
Suitable for KS3 or KS4 and created by a PSHE / RSE teacher. A two-hour knife crime lesson, fully resourced, PSHE lesson with Powerpoint Presentation and worksheets. These PSHE Knife Crime resources include: a one/hour Powerpoint, differentiated worksheets, clips and case study activities and literacy focus plenary - all well differentiated. These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow.
Please follow me for more free resources and updates.
A fun and creative RE project lesson for students in the last week of term. Could be used for activities week in Humanities or just as a reward lesson the last time you see your class for the summer.
Very easy to set up - you will just need a few balloons, string, sellotape, cereal packets, felt tips and a any other boxes/construction materials you can find (just things that would usually be thrown in the recycling). The students work in small groups to research and recreate a famous religious landmark (info sheets and clip tasks included - all instructions on Powerpoint). The lesson can last as long as you want it to, and I gave prizes of sweets at the end for the best one - but that’s optional! My students really enjoyed it and we took pictures at the end for the school website.
Hopefully yours will love it too.
I’m going to be adding lots more free RE lessons over the coming months. Follow me to see when they’re uploaded! :)
One hour, fully resourced lesson (PowerPoint, worksheets, clip tasks, activities, all differentiated three ways) all about the importance of happiness and positivity to our health and well-being. The lesson focuses on all the ways we can help ourselves and others when we feel a little low - focusing on healthy activities and their long and short term benefits to our well-being and mental health.
The lesson is adaptable, easy to follow and fully differentiated. It could be used by a Citizenship, PSHE or Tutor group. It is suitable for KS3 or KS4.
This resource pack includes an hour long PowerPoint with accompanying worksheets, templates, well differentiated activities, literacy focus tasks, clip tasks with three-way differentiated questions and information sheets.
The lesson has been left editable and is filled with engaging, well differentiated and fun activities. As with all our lessons, you don’t need any prior knowledge as all the information is included - you can just pick up and teach it.
You can find many more inexpensive and free RE, RSE, Citizenship and PSHE resources at my shop: MORE RE RESOURCES
Mental Health PSHE lesson to fit the new DfE guidelines. Resources include a 1 hour PowerPoint, worksheets, clips, well differentiated, KS3/ KS4. A lesson focusing on depression and how we can change our lifestyles to help us keep a good level of mental health.
These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow. All our resources are editable (so easy to adapt for your classes) and are designed to last one hour each.
You can find many more inexpensive and free PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources at my shop: EC_Resources
Leave me a review and pick any other resource for free :)
Or you can check out some of our most popular PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources below:
Mental Health PSHE Bundle
1 Whole Year of PSHE Resources
British Values Citizenship Bundle
Careers, Employment and Enterprise Bundle
Islam Bundle
Sex and Relationships Education
A fully-resourced PSHE lesson all about both the dangers of smoking and of second-hand smoking (passive smoking). This has been created to fit with the new PSHE Association guidelines for 2020/24. It lasts roughly 1 hour - 90 minutes if all tasks completed.
The lesson includes a detailed PowerPoint, detailed information sheets, differentiated challenge activities and worksheets and clips tasks. These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow.
The lesson has been left editable and is filled with engaging, well differentiated and challenging activities. The PowerPoint is in the ZIP file as it is large. The images have been uploaded to show what is in the lesson :)
You can find many more inexpensive and free PSHE, Citizenship, Tutor Time and RE resources at my shop: MORE PSHE RESOURCES
Detailed careers lesson about the skills and qualities of entrepreneurs - also useful for Citizenship PSHE. Includes a 1 hour PowerPoint, worksheets, clips, well differentiated, KS3/ KS4.
You will need computers for this lesson, which can run over a couple of hours if completed fully with the presentations being shown to the rest of the class.
Many more inexpensive and free resources at my shop: EC_Resources
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PSHE/ Citizenship Financial Education Resources: 1 hour PowerPoint, worksheets, clips, well differentiated, KS3/ KS4. Created by a PSHE / RSE teacher. These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow. All our resources are editable (so easy to adapt for your classes) and are designed to last one hour each.
You can find many more inexpensive and free PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources at my shop: EC_Resources
Leave me a review and pick any other resource for free :)
Or you can check out some of our most popular PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources below:
Mental Health PSHE Bundle
1 Whole Year of PSHE Resources
British Values Citizenship Bundle
Careers, Employment and Enterprise Bundle
Islam Bundle
Sex and Relationships Education
A one hour lesson focusing on the status and treatment of women in religion. This was used in for GCSE RS Thematic Studies AQA (9-1) Component 2. It is fully editable and includes essay preparation, quote analysis tasks, a variety of activities, a 12 mark practice question, clips and questions and is fully differentiated. It is mostly about Christianity with a focus on Islam as the religion of comparison.
This pack includes a Powerpoint, worksheets, clips, all well differentiated. These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow. All our resources are editable (so easy to adapt for your classes).
You can find many more inexpensive and free PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources at my shop: EC_Resources
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1 hour, fully resourced lesson which provides an overview and introduction to the Amish, as an alternative religious movement. It compares the validity of Amish beliefs to more mainstream Christian ones and investigates what it’s like to live in the Amish community today. It examines criticisms as well as the Church in the words of believers. This lesson is the fifth in my ‘Alternative Religions and New Movements’ Unit - originally created for year 9, but easily amended for any KS3 / KS4 group. The lesson can easily be used in isolation, however.
The lesson has been left editable and is filled with engaging, well differentiated and fun activities. It is useful for RE or History, or could be used as a standalone lesson as something different for a drop-down-day.
The pack includes a 1 hour long PowerPoint, differentiated challenge activities, worksheets, clips and literacy focus tasks. These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow.
You can find many more inexpensive and free PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources at my shop: MORE RE RESOURCES
KS5 PSHE or KS4 PSHE - 1 hour fully-resourced PSHE lesson all about Class C and precription drugs and drug abuse (steroids, benzodiazepines, tramadol, khat, GHB / GBL and more). The lesson investigates why these can be so harmful in both the long and short term and how people often become addicted to them without even realising it’s happening. The pack includes a detailed PowerPoint, 5 page drug information pack, differentiated challenge activities, worksheets, clips and debate focus tasks. These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow.
The lesson has been left editable and is filled with engaging, well differentiated and fun activities. The slides in the preview are just a sample and don’t show the whole lesson. This has been created for KS4/5 but could easily be used with KS3 - there’s nothing unsuitable.
You can find many more inexpensive and free PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources at my shop: MORE PSHE RESOURCES
A fully-resourced PSHE lesson all about what cancer is, how it develops, why it can spread, the preventative measures we can take to lower the risks and where we can go for help and further information if affected by cancer.
The lesson includes one 1hour - 90 minute detailed PowerPoint, information sheets, differentiated challenge activities and worksheets, clips tasks with questions, debate focus task and a creative task. These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow.
The lesson has been left editable and is filled with engaging, well differentiated and challenging activities. The PowerPoint is in the ZIP file as it is large. The images have been uploaded to show what is in the lesson :)
You can find many more inexpensive and free PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources at my shop: MORE PSHE RESOURCES
New edition, all new content. A detailed, differentiated and editable PSHE lesson all about the best qualities and traits of masculinity and masculine men. The message basically is ‘in a world of Andrew Tates, be a Marcus Rashford’. Students will explore some great male case studies and investigate the positive qualities of masculinity (courage, mastery, strength and honour). This lesson took quite a while to put together, a lot of thought has gone into it and it is aimed at the kind of boys who may feel a little lost at the moment, with talk of toxic masculinity and ‘the future is female.’
Includes detailed lesson plan and also the scheme of work this lesson is taken from,
All answers included. This meets all the latest 2020-2024 PSHE guidelines and will last you one hour. You need no previous knowledge to teach this as it comes with all information needed.
Activities are scaffolded, there is a detailed and colourful PowerPoint, worksheets, creative task, match-up tasks, signposting to further help agencies and charities, clear outcomes and also literacy and partnered activities.
It is fully editable, engaging and very easy to follow.
Who are EC Resources?
EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, The British Legion, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK.
You can visit our website at EC Publishing for further discounts, complete school packages, everything you could need for PSHE, RE, Citizenship and much more, and can email us at
Check out our PSHE Packages on Tes here:
Complete KS3 PSHE and RSE
Complete KS4 PSHE and RSE
Complete KS5 PSHE and RSE
One Year of Citizenship and British Values
Complete KS3 RE
Complete Careers and Employability
AQA Citizenship GCSE Mega Pack
We still offer a free lesson of your choice for each time you leave a review! Just email
Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 10,000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.