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PSHE, Citizenship, RE, SMSC Lessons + Teaching Resources

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www.ecpublishing.co.uk We are the market leaders in PSHE + RSE resources, with over 14 million downloads of our lessons worldwide and over 5500 five star reviews. Established in 2015, our team of consultants and teachers has written for The Bank of England, The Children's Commissioner, The CCRC, The British Legion and many other UK charities and institutions. We love what we do and we aim to be highest quality and best value for money out there. Find us at www.ecpublishing.co.uk.




www.ecpublishing.co.uk We are the market leaders in PSHE + RSE resources, with over 14 million downloads of our lessons worldwide and over 5500 five star reviews. Established in 2015, our team of consultants and teachers has written for The Bank of England, The Children's Commissioner, The CCRC, The British Legion and many other UK charities and institutions. We love what we do and we aim to be highest quality and best value for money out there. Find us at www.ecpublishing.co.uk.
Year 10 Living in the Wider World PSHE Scheme of Work

Year 10 Living in the Wider World PSHE Scheme of Work

NEW 2024 EC Publishing PSHE Scheme of Work for Year 10 Term 2 - Living in the Wider World. Fits both the 2020 DfE and PSHE Association guidelines and accommodates the draft 2024 guidance too, created for the all-new EC Publishing 2024 Complete PSHE Package. This scheme of work includes: PSHE DfE / PSHE Association statutory content mapping British Values mapping Protected Characteristics mapping Detailed explanation of all lessons in the scheme, including scaffolding and assessment opportunities, additional challenge opportunities, learning intentions and objectives, approximate timings, key terminology and opportunities to build upon prior knowledge. This scheme is taken from the new EC Publishing Complete PSHE Package which can be found at the EC Publishing website. Everything is editable and easy to pick up and run with and includes future DfE updates too. This has been written to cover the 2020-25 PSHE guidance from the DfE and PSHE Association for RSE, including all of the draft 2024 updates. You can contact us at info@ecpublishing.co.uk Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, The British Legion, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. Please visit our Tes store https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EC_Resources for everything PSHE, RSE, RE and Citizenship. We still offer a free lesson of your choice for each time you leave a review! Just email info@ecpublishing.co.uk Check out our PSHE Packages on Tes here: Complete KS3 PSHE and RSE Complete KS4 PSHE and RSE Complete KS5 PSHE and RSE One Year of Citizenship and British Values Complete KS3 RE Complete Careers and Employability AQA Citizenship GCSE Mega Pack Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 12,000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.
Equity and Equality

Equity and Equality

NEW 2 HOUR PSHE lesson all about the meaning of equity and equality, the differences between the two concepts and how each of them is used to promote fairness in society. Throughout the lesson students will evaluate the pros and cons of both of these ideas (equality of opportunity vs using equity to reach equality of outcome). This lesson is best suited to KS4 (or possibly KS5). The lesson includes card sorts, literacy-based tasks, analysis tasks, clip and discussion tasks and much more. This has been written to cover the 2020-25 PSHE guidance on the importance of equality and fits in nicely with any unit about prejudice and discrimination in society. Everything is editable and ready to go. Detailed lesson plan included. This lesson is taken from the new EC Publishing 2024 Complete Secondary Package. Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, The British Legion, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. Please visit our Tes store https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EC_Resources for everything PSHE, RSE, RE and Citizenship. We still offer a free lesson of your choice for each time you leave a review! Just email info@ecpublishing.co.uk Check out our PSHE Packages on Tes here: Complete KS3 PSHE and RSE Complete KS4 PSHE and RSE Complete KS5 PSHE and RSE One Year of Citizenship and British Values Complete KS3 RE Complete Careers and Employability AQA Citizenship GCSE Mega Pack x68x Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 12,000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.
Year 8 PSHE Schemes of Work

Year 8 PSHE Schemes of Work

NEW 2025 EC Publishing PSHE Schemes of Work for all Year 8 PSHE. Fits both the 2020 DfE and PSHE Association guidelines and accommodates the draft 2024 guidance too, created for the all-new EC Publishing 2024 Complete PSHE Package. You can also find all of these lessons together on Tes, in the bundle these schemes are a part of, here: COMPLETE YEAR 8 PSHE PACKAGE - NEW 2025. This scheme of work includes: PSHE DfE / PSHE Association statutory content mapping British Values mapping Protected Characteristics mapping Detailed explanation of all lessons in the scheme, including scaffolding and assessment opportunities, additional challenge opportunities, learning intentions and objectives, approximate timings, key terminology and opportunities to build upon prior knowledge. This scheme is taken from the new EC Publishing Complete PSHE Package which can be found at the EC Publishing website. Everything is editable and easy to pick up and run with and includes future DfE updates too. This has been written to cover the 2020-24 PSHE guidance from the DfE and PSHE Association for RSE, including all of the draft 2024 updates. You can contact us at info@ecpublishing.co.uk Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, The British Legion, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. Please visit our Tes store https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EC_Resources for everything PSHE, RSE, RE and Citizenship. We still offer a free lesson of your choice for each time you leave a review! Just email info@ecpublishing.co.uk Check out our PSHE Packages on Tes here: Complete KS3 PSHE and RSE Complete KS4 PSHE and RSE Complete KS5 PSHE and RSE One Year of Citizenship and British Values Complete KS3 RE Complete Careers and Employability AQA Citizenship GCSE Mega Pack Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 12,000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.
Post-16 Options

Post-16 Options

A new KS4 lesson covering all of the different options available for UK students for Post-16 education and training. Students will examine their options, explore top tips for making the correct decisions for their futures and explore the pros and cons of each option before creating their own plan for KS5. All editable for your setting, lesson will last around one hour. Includes detailed lesson plan. This lesson is taken from the new EC Publishing Complete 2024 PSHE Package which can be found at the EC Publishing website. Everything is editable and easy to pick up and run with and includes future DfE updates too. This has been written to cover the 2020-25 PSHE guidance from the DfE and PSHE Association for RSE. You can contact us at info@ecpublishing.co.uk Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, The British Legion, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. Please visit our Tes store https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EC_Resources for everything PSHE, RSE, RE and Citizenship. We still offer a free lesson of your choice for each time you leave a review! Just email info@ecpublishing.co.uk Check out our PSHE Packages on Tes here: Complete KS3 PSHE and RSE Complete KS4 PSHE and RSE Complete KS5 PSHE and RSE One Year of Citizenship and British Values Complete KS3 RE Complete Careers and Employability AQA Citizenship GCSE Mega Pack Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 12,000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.
Prejudice and Discrimination

Prejudice and Discrimination

Prejudice and Discrimination. A one-two hour, very detailed, fully resourced PSHE lesson suitable for KS2 introducing the concept of prejudice and discrimination. Students will delve into case studies, card-sort activities, video clips, literacy and creative tasks and much more. Created to fit the new DfE and PSHE Association statutory 2020 /21 guidelines, If you like this, you’ll love the EC Complete Primary Package, which you can find on the EC Publishing PSHE website (we can’t link it here but it’s easy to Google). It’s the cheapest on the market - and feedback is from hundreds of schools that it’s the best too! The lesson has been left editable and is filled with engaging, well differentiated and fun activities. It is designed to be ‘no prep’, so you can just pick it up and use it, although it is still adaptable should you wish to. Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. You can contact us at info@ecpublishing.co.uk Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 8000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.
Careers - Applications

Careers - Applications

An hour long employability skills / careers lesson which was focuses on the best ways we can present ourselves to potential new employers, both in the interview and on paper. It also goes through how to write a cover letter for a job application. This pack includes a detailed PowerPoint, information pack, differentiated activities, clips tasks with questions and a literacy / debate focus task. These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow. The lesson is in the ZIP file as it is large. The images have been uploaded to show a few examples of the slides in the lesson :) Hundreds more free and inexpensive PSHE 2020, Tutor Time, RE, Citizenship GCSE, RSE and Careers + Finance resources at our store: EC RESOURCES Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 5000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing. You can contact us at info@ecpublishing.co.uk More PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources are available at my store: EC Resources
Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day

A 1-2-hour, PSHE online safety lesson suitable for KS2, or possibly younger students in KS3 (Year 7). The students will identify the issues explore the best safety rules to use as well as why they need to use them. This is all editable. The lesson includes an information sheet, a key term matching activity, a video clip activity, a set of fake news case files, and a plenary task. Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. You can contact us at info@ecpublishing.co.uk Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 8000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.
Peer Assessment Template

Peer Assessment Template

A simple lesson peer assessment template for students, which can be used in any literacy-based subject. Contains word version (fully editable) and PDF version. Check out loads more free or inexpensive resources for a range of subjects here.
Body Image: Male Body Image PSHE

Body Image: Male Body Image PSHE

PSHE / RSE resources: 1 hour PowerPoint, worksheets, clips, well differentiated, KS3/ KS4. A resource focusing on the sometimes overlooked issue of male body image, the issues affecting boys as their bodies change through puberty and the pressure to appear macho. These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow. All our resources are editable (so easy to adapt for your classes) and are designed to last one hour each. You can find many more inexpensive and free PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources at my shop: EC_Resources Leave me a review and pick any other resource for free :) Or you can check out some of our most popular PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources below: Mental Health PSHE Bundle 1 Whole Year of PSHE Resources British Values Citizenship Bundle Careers, Employment and Enterprise Bundle Islam Bundle Sex and Relationships Education
Mob mentality,  Southport riots PSHE

Mob mentality, Southport riots PSHE

2 HOURS - Best suited to UKS3 or KS4 (could also be used for KS5 if wished). A brand new lesson created for students to digest and evaluate the horrific events we saw in the UK in summer 2024. Students will investigate how misinformation over social media caused riots across the UK, how the memory of a tragedy was hijacked by thugs who looted and attacked cities, and if there’s anything we can do to help stop such events in future, through critical thinking and awareness of mob mentality. Students will also explore the harsh penalties given by the government to deter would-be-rioters in future and how counter-protesters took to the streets to protect communities, mosques and other public buildings. The lesson includes statement-card sorts, clip tasks, literacy-based tasks, an information reading pack, a detailed PowerPoint, a political horse-shoe aid, a debate task, creative task and much more. It is ed This lesson is taken from the new EC Publishing Complete 2024 PSHE Package which can be found at the EC Publishing website. Everything is editable and easy to pick up and run with and includes future DfE updates too. This has been written to cover the 2020-24 PSHE guidance from the DfE and PSHE Association for RSE. You can contact us at info@ecpublishing.co.uk Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, The British Legion, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. Please visit our Tes store https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EC_Resources for everything PSHE, RSE, RE and Citizenship. We still offer a free lesson of your choice for each time you leave a review! Just email info@ecpublishing.co.uk Check out our PSHE Packages on Tes here: Complete KS3 PSHE and RSE Complete KS4 PSHE and RSE Complete KS5 PSHE and RSE One Year of Citizenship and British Values Complete KS3 RE Complete Careers and Employability AQA Citizenship GCSE Mega Pack Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 12,000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.
Money and the Cost of Living

Money and the Cost of Living

Money and the Cost of Living Newly updated for 2022. A detailed, differentiated and editable 1 hour lesson all about the cost of living crisis and the effect it is having on the lives of UK citizens. In this lesson, the students will learn about the various outgoings that contribute to a person’s cost if living. We will investigate the relationship between demand and rising prices and navigate the events that have led to the current crisis. The lesson is ideally suited to students in UKS2 or younger students in KS3. The resources are fully editable, and therefore easy to amend should you wish to use the resources with other year groups. The lesson is well-differentiated with three-level challenges for each task, contains a variety of activities, an hour long PowerPoint, clips with differentiated questions, clear measurable LOs, new key-term introductions and other activities. Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. You can contact us at info@ecpublishing.co.uk Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 8000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.
The Mormons

The Mormons

1 hour, fully resourced lesson which provides an overview and introduction to Mormonism , The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, as an alternative religious movement. It compares the validity of Mormon beliefs to non-Mormon Christian ones and investigates the story of Joseph Smith, the founder. It examines Mormonism today and criticisms as well as the Church in the words of believers. The lesson has been left editable and is filled with engaging, well differentiated and fun activities. It is useful for RE or History, or could be used as a standalone lesson as something different for a drop-down-day. As with all our lessons, you don’t need any prior knowledge as all the information is included - you can just pick up and teach it. The pack includes a 1 hour long PowerPoint, differentiated challenge activities, worksheets, clips and literacy focus tasks. These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow. You can find many more inexpensive and free PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources at my shop: MORE RE RESOURCES
Amish : Introduction

Amish : Introduction

1 hour, fully resourced lesson which provides an overview and introduction to the Amish, as an alternative religious movement. It compares the validity of Amish beliefs to more mainstream Christian ones and investigates what it’s like to live in the Amish community today. It examines criticisms as well as the Church in the words of believers. This lesson is the fifth in my ‘Alternative Religions and New Movements’ Unit - originally created for year 9, but easily amended for any KS3 / KS4 group. The lesson can easily be used in isolation, however. The lesson has been left editable and is filled with engaging, well differentiated and fun activities. It is useful for RE or History, or could be used as a standalone lesson as something different for a drop-down-day. The pack includes a 1 hour long PowerPoint, differentiated challenge activities, worksheets, clips and literacy focus tasks. These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow. You can find many more inexpensive and free PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources at my shop: MORE RE RESOURCES
Complete PSHE + RSE Schemes of Work KS3 KS4 KS5

Complete PSHE + RSE Schemes of Work KS3 KS4 KS5

UPDATED FOR NEW FEB 2020 PSHE ASSOCIATION CODES. KS3 + KS4 + KS5. Complete Secondary PSHE half-termly schemes of work for Year 7, Year 8, Year 9, Year 10 and Year 11, 12, 13 for the new PSHE + RSE 2020 statutory guidelines. Also includes an PSHE audit tool to go with the EC Resources Complete KS3 PSHE Pack. All mapped to PSHE Association latest codesfor statutory 2020 PSHE teaching and the SMSC / British Values grid (see PDF document included) for schools going for the Quality Mark. Planning covered for PSHE, RSE, Health, British Values and Careers for all year groups. Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. Check out our PSHE Packages here: Complete KS3 PSHE and RSE Complete KS4 PSHE and RSE One Year of KS5 PSHE and RSE One Year of Citizenship and British Values Complete Year 7 and 8 RE Complete Careers and Employability AQA Citizenship GCSE Mega Pack Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 8000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.
Year 6 Primary PSHE Scheme of Work

Year 6 Primary PSHE Scheme of Work

Year 6 Primary PSHE Scheme of Work This brand new year-long scheme of work is taken from the EC Publishing Primary PSHE scheme. Our progressive curriculum builds sequentially year-on-year, culminating in this brand new Year 6 scheme of work. It consists of 36 lessons taught over six half terms, following the PSHE Association’s suggested themes: Health and Wellbeing, Relationships Education, and Living in the Wider World. You can find the associated lesson bundles and resources here: Autumn 1 - Year 6 Drugs and Alcohol Lesson Bundle Autumn 2 Year 6 Digital Resilience Lesson Bundle Spring 1- Year 6 Identity, Diversity and Equality Lesson Bundle Spring 1- Year 6 Money in the Past, Present and Future Lesson Bundle Spring 2- Year 6 Puberty and Conception Lesson Bundle Summer 1- Year 6 Transition and Loss Lesson Bundle Summer 1- Year 6 First Aid and Summer Safety Lesson Bundle Summer 2- Year 6 Sex and Relationships Lesson Bundle You can also find the associated lesson bundles here: Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. You can contact us at info@ecpublishing.co.uk Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 8000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.
Year 6 - Primary PSHE Roadmap

Year 6 - Primary PSHE Roadmap

Year 6 - Primary PSHE Roadmap This brand new year-long scheme of work is taken from the EC Publishing Primary PSHE scheme. It consists of 36 lessons taught over six half terms, following the PSHE Association’s suggested themes: Health and Wellbeing, Relationships Education, and Living in the Wider World. Free schemes of work and assessments are available to download here: Autumn 1 - Year 6 Drugs and Alcohol Scheme of Work Autumn 2 Year 6 Digital Resilience Scheme of Work Spring 1- Year 6 Identity, Diversity and Equality Scheme of Work Spring 1- Year 6 Money in the Past, Present and Future Scheme of Work Spring 2- Year 6 Puberty and Conception Summer 1- Year 6 Transition and Loss Summer 1- Year 6 First Aid and Summer Safety Summer 2- Year 6 Sex and Relationships
Year 6 - First Aid and Summer Safety Scheme of Work

Year 6 - First Aid and Summer Safety Scheme of Work

Primary PSHE - Year 6 - First Aid and Summer Safety Scheme of Work This 4-week scheme of work is taken from the EC Publishing Primary PSHE scheme. Our progressive curriculum builds sequentially year-on-year, culminating in the Year 6 First Aid and Summer Safety unit, which deepens students’ understanding of risk awareness, injury prevention, and emergency response. Students will explore key concepts such as sun safety, identifying and managing hazards in their local environment, and providing basic first aid for common injuries. They will develop the confidence to assess emergency situations, respond appropriately, and understand the importance of seeking help when needed. You can find the bundle here: Year 6 First Aid and Summer Safety Lesson Bundle The unit includes the following lessons: Sun Safety Personal Safety and Hazardsl First Aid - Part 4 - Common Injuries First Aid - Part 5 - Life Support Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. You can contact us at info@ecpublishing.co.uk Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 8000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.
Year 6 PSHE - Conception and Puberty Scheme of Work

Year 6 PSHE - Conception and Puberty Scheme of Work

Primary PSHE - Year 6 Conception and Puberty Scheme of Work This free scheme of work is taken from the EC Publishing Primary PSHE scheme. Our progressive curriculum builds sequentially year-on-year, culminating in this Year 6 unit that builds on students’ prior learning to deepen their understanding of puberty, conception, and reproduction within the context of the human life cycle. Please note that this lesson bundle does not include teaching about sexual intercourse. This lesson is part of our relationships unit, which is taught at the end of the year. The bundle to accompany this resource can be found here: Year 6/7 Puberty and Conception Bundle The unit includes the following lessons: * Puberty and our genes * Boys’ puberty * Puberty, periods and the human life cycle * Conception and reproduction (DOES NOT INCLUDE SEXUAL INTERCOURSE) * Hormones and emotions * Mental health - symptoms of illness Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. You can contact us at info@ecpublishing.co.uk Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 8000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.
Year 6 PSHE - Identity, Diversity, & Equality Scheme of Work

Year 6 PSHE - Identity, Diversity, & Equality Scheme of Work

Primary PSHE - Year 6 Identity, Diversity, & Equality Scheme of Work This 6-week scheme of work is taken from the EC Publishing Primary PSHE scheme. Our progressive curriculum builds sequentially year-on-year, culminating in this Year 6 unit that builds on students’ prior learning to deepen their understanding of identity, citizenship, diversity, and equality in the context of modern Britain. Students will explore key concepts such as multiculturalism, the Equality Act, equity, and discrimination, and reflect on the importance of protecting individual rights and promoting inclusion. You can find the bundle here: Year 6 Identity, Diversity and Equality Bundle The unit includes the following lessons: British Values - Identity and Community Celebrating Difference in Multicultural Britain Discrimination, the Equality Act and Protected Characterisitics Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. You can contact us at info@ecpublishing.co.uk Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 8000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.
Year 6 - Transition and Loss Scheme of Work

Year 6 - Transition and Loss Scheme of Work

Primary PSHE - Year 6 -Transition and Loss Mini Unit This 2-week scheme of work is taken from the EC Publishing Primary PSHE scheme. Our progressive curriculum builds sequentially year-on-year, culminating in the Year 6 Transition and Loss mini-unit, which deepens students’ understanding of change, relationships, and emotional resilience. Students will explore key concepts such as managing transitions, coping with loss, and the evolving nature of relationships and family life. They will reflect on how personal and social connections shift over time and learn to navigate these changes with respect, empathy, and confidence. You can find the bundle here: Year 6 Transition and Loss Mini Unit The unit includes the following lessons: Grief, change and Loss Transition to Secondary School Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. You can contact us at info@ecpublishing.co.uk Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 8000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.