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CVC gingerbread map writing
Follow the gingerbread mans footprints and write what animals he saw on his run.

Gingerbread Man Subitising to 5
baking trays containing Gingerbread men to subitise and match the correct numeral.

CVC word writing - firework themed
What can you see in the picture.
CVC items hidden in firework themed picture - promote CVC word work

ai, ee, igh and oa activites
10 pages of phonic activities to support letter formation, blending and segmenting.

Reception Jack and the Beanstalk ideas and 6 week overview
Jack and the Beanstalk Talk 4 Writing ideas and overview of Growth and change topic.
These are just ideas to support our weekly planning.

Chinese New Year Resources
Chinese new year printables including
Phase 2 and 3 CVC word writing
Chinese dragon Subitising to 5 game
Loose parts/playdough mats - make a chinese dragon head or body
mark making patterns and chinese numbers to 10

Valentines - What can you see CVC writing activity - Phase 2 and 3
what can you see in the valentines theme writing
2 pages - one Phase 2 and a phase 3 page

Christmas eyfs bundle
subitising christnas trees
read and stick cvc - santas sack
cvc writing crowns
cvc writing stars
cvc snowmen and trees
cvc santas hat read and add the pompom picture
star and angel fine motor patterns
loose part star fine motor

OO, oo, ar, or phase 3 activities
a range of activites to support the sounds oo, oo, ar and or.
Reading, writing, letter formation and fine motor themed

Print read, trace and build phase 2 and 3 tricky words
Print version of the read, trace, write and build tricky words
Phase 2 and 3 tricky words.

Counting car park
A car park printable, each space has a dot formation to count. This is to be used with plastic numbered cars.