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Remembrance Poppy CVC pictures
Poppies with CVC pictures in the middle
CVC word writing - firework themed
What can you see in the picture.
CVC items hidden in firework themed picture - promote CVC word work
Diwali mark making patterns
Cards used to support make making patterns during Diwali celebrations
CVC word writing Autumn themed
Find and write what’s hiding in the autumn tree
Autumn fine motor pattern activities
to use with white board pens or loose parts.
Pete the cat scissor skills
can be used to develop scissor skills or pencil control.
Pete the Cat numbers to 10
can be used to order numbers to 10 or to add the correct amount of buttons.
Train fine motor patterns
train themed fine motor activity
children to trace over the pattern in one carriage and then have a go independently in the next carriage.
Train CVC pictures
4 sets of CVC frame trains - children to write the CVC word in the frame after each train.
2 sets 6 trains with pictures of CVC words to be printed and used to support the segmenting and writing of phase 2 CVC words. I cut them up and got the children to cut out and build their own train coaches and wrote the CVC words in each coach.
These can also be used to support early oral blending skills, for example find the train that has a h-a-t on it.
Construction vehicle counting
A printable using construction vehicles and numbers. Children are to recognise the numbers and count out loose parts to match
Counting car park
A car park printable, each space has a dot formation to count. This is to be used with plastic numbered cars.
Design, make and then evaluate a car
Design a car sheet to support children in the resources available to them.
J sound activities
A sheet with two j sound activities
how many j sounds can you fit in the jar (encouraging letter formation)
how many j words can you write (segmening words)
CVC writing rocket tops
rocket tops with pictures of CVC items in them. children to use squared paper to form the CVC word and create a rocket.
Early Years Medium Term Plan
Our EYFS Meduim Term formate that puts the end point first.
Pete the Cat mark making patterns
Pete the cat mark making pattern cards.
Pete the Cat unpicking key vocabulary PowerPoint
A Pete the Cat PowerPoint made to highlight and discuss key vocabulary to support children’s understanding.
I used it with Reception, but can be used with other year groups.
Whole School (Infant) overview
A table with key heading to help plan out key dates for the whole school.
Reception Jack and the Beanstalk ideas and 6 week overview
Jack and the Beanstalk Talk 4 Writing ideas and overview of Growth and change topic.
These are just ideas to support our weekly planning.
Next step Reading PDF Pre-cursive formate
Next step reading activities.
In pre-cursive formate
PDF version
Starts with letters, words and then sentences.
Phase 2 and 3 sounds
Where possible two sets of activities for each sounds.