Hi and welcome to my Maths Shop!
Here you will find all sorts of maths goodies for all levels.
I am very happy to announce that I am a TES recommended author.
Please email me at elsie99999-maths@yahoo.com with any questions or comments.
Let me know if you would like several items, as I can discount them in a bundle for you.
Hi and welcome to my Maths Shop!
Here you will find all sorts of maths goodies for all levels.
I am very happy to announce that I am a TES recommended author.
Please email me at elsie99999-maths@yahoo.com with any questions or comments.
Let me know if you would like several items, as I can discount them in a bundle for you.
Express one quantity as a fraction of another
Two worksheets to express one amount as a fraction of another amount.
Some questions need the students to consider units.
(e.g. Express 2 minutes as a fraction of 1 hour)
All answers are included.
These are non-calculator questions.
All measurements are metric.
These worksheet can be used as practice questions, tests or homework.
The document is 7 page in total, with 2 pages to print for students.
It can be printed in black and white or colour.
Please visit Maths Shop to see more of my products.
Percent Word Problems
(proportion, equations, increase, decrease)
This is a set of four no-prep printable worksheets.
All answers are included.
For the UK version of this resource with pounds £, please click here
It includes questions on 4 types of percent question: -
• Percent proportion and percent equation questions (can be done without a calculator)
• Finding the sale price (percent decrease)
• Finding the original price given the percent increase and the actual amount of the increase.
• Finding the sale price given the percent decrease and the actual amount reduced.
.This resource also includes one model solution for each type of question, which can be used as a handout for students, or used by the teacher to demonstrate on the board.
There are both non-calculator and calculator questions.
Money is in $ dollars.
The document is 13 pages in total.
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KS2 Maths SATS
Practice Exam Questions
150 mixed word questions for Key Stage 2 SATS.
All answers are included.
There are 10 worksheets, each with 15 questions per worksheet.
There is a front sheet for recording scores out of 15 for each worksheet.
The questions are mixed and include:
Units are in UK pounds and pence and metric measurements.
The worksheets can be used as a pack of 150 questions or as individual worksheets.
They can be used as practice questions, tests or homework.
These questions can also be used for key stage 3.
The document is 16 pages in total, with 10 pages to print for students.
It can be printed in colour or black and white.
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KS2 SATS Maths Practice Arithmetic Exam Questions for Paper 1
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Expanding Brackets, Algebra, Simplifying expressions with one bracket.
Expanding algebraic expressions with a single bracket.
Students will learn to expand brackets to generate equivalent expressions.
For example, 3(2 + x) = 6 + 3x.
There are 13 pages of worksheets with more than 175 questions.
All answers are included.
✎ Contents:
This resource includes:
• a basic algebra simplifying worksheet to multiply terms
• 2 practice expanding brackets worksheets
• 2 homework sheets
• a matching equivalent expressions worksheet
• an algebra multiplication grid worksheet
• a worksheet to find the area of rectangles with algebra
• a harder extension worksheet
• 2 mixed tests
• 2 sheets with a tarsia puzzle of 12 equilateral triangles with algebra expressions on each side. Students have to fit the triangles together to make 2 hexagons.
• All answers are included.
✦ Objectives:
This resource has been designed to practice:
• Expanding algebraic expressions with a single bracket
• Simplifying expressions
• Collecting like terms
• Finding areas using algebra
✽ Directions:
Just print and go! Print out a set of 13 worksheets for each student.
Students will need glue and scissors for the last 2 worksheets.
Students will need to cut out the 2 pages of triangles and then try to match them to make 2 hexagon shapes.
✦ Notes:
All answers are included, so you can easily mark students work.
These questions should take at least an hour for students to complete.
The hexagons can be glued into workbooks or onto a sheet of paper.
✷ Suggestions:
Create a classroom display with the completed hexagon puzzles and worksheets.
Get the students to glue coloured string for the matching worksheet instead of drawing lines.
As an extension task, ask the students to make their own matching worksheet for a classmate to complete.
♥ You may also like:
Factorising with a single bracket
Expanding and Factorising Algebra
Algebra Puzzles
☞ Please visit Maths Shop to view my other resources.
Decimals Bundle
This is a mega pack of decimal worksheets.
All answers are included.
Included in this bundle are:
Maths – Dividing by Powers of Ten – Revision
Dividing whole numbers and decimals by 10, 100 and 1000.
Fractions Decimals Percentages Conversions
Questions to find the shaded part of a stick in fractions, decimals and percentages.
This worksheet contains a visual representation for each question using a stick cut into equal sections with part shaded.
There are 12 questions asking for the fraction that the shaded part represents and then the equivalent decimal and percentage.
Contains all the important fraction/decimal/percentage equivalents to be learnt off by heart.
Multiplying and Dividing Decimals
30 questions on multiplying and dividing with decimals.
Three worksheets on multiplying decimals, dividing decimals and mixed questions.
Includes one worked example question of each type which can be given to students as a handout, or used to demonstrate on the blackboard.
Multiplying by Powers of Ten – Maths Revision – Place Value
Multiplying whole numbers and decimals by 10, 100 and 1000.
Includes a mixed worksheet which can be used as a test to show progress.
To buy these items individually, please go to
Maths Shop
GCSE Maths Revision Mats Exam Practice Questions for Foundation Levels 3 and 4.
✎ Contents:
This pack includes three 20 question diagnostic tests covering 20 different topics at GCSE 9-1 Foundation Levels 3 and 4.
The 3 tests have very similar questions. Pupils can take the first test, identify areas to work on and complete further work. They can then take the second and third tests to see if their score has improved.
Full answer keys are included for all three tests and can be used for pupils to self-mark.
A checklist is included for pupils to see where they need to focus their revision.
Encourage pupils to fill in the checklist and complete further questions on the topics they need to work on before taking the second and third tests.
✦ Objectives:
To practice: -
Percentages of amounts
Lowest Common Multiple (LCM)
Proportion with money
Simplifying Algebra
Unit Conversions
Solving linear equations
Squares and square roots
Fractions of amounts
Expanding a single bracket
Prime Numbers
Fraction, decimal, percentage conversions
Linear nth term
Algebra substitution
✦ Notes:
These are non-calculator questions.
These worksheets can be used as practice questions, tests or homework.
They are suitable for foundation students but may also be useful for higher GCSE students for revision and some key stage 3 classes.
✽ Directions:
The tests can be printed and used as single sheets.
They can be printed in black and white or colour.
♥ You may also like:
Algebra Revision GCSE 9-1 Foundation
Revision homework
GCSE Revision for Levels 2-3
GCSE Revision for Levels 4-5
GCSE Higher Non-Calculator Revision
GCSE Higher Calculator Revision
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GCSE Higher Calculator Questions Maths Revision
The tests are made up of difficult questions and are aimed at GCSE 9-1 Higher Levels 7, 8 and 9 pupils, but may also be useful for Year 10.
✎ Contents:
This resource includes:
• Two 10-question diagnostic tests covering 20 different topics for the higher calculator paper.
• A checklist is included for pupils to see where they need to focus their revision
• Answers to all questions.
✦ Objectives:
To practice:
Sine Rule
Quadratic Formula
3D Pythagoras
Trigonometry in Right-Angled Triangles
Area of Segment
Volume of Cylinder (Hard)
Polygon Angles & Trigonometry
Upper & Lower Bounds with Speed
Reverse Mean of a Grouped Frequency Table
Proportion (Hard)
Density with Ratio
Volume of Pyramid
Reverse Percentage (Hard)
Exchange Rates & Unit Conversions
Cosine Rule
Simultaneous Equations with an Exponential Graph
Inverse Functions
Volume with Rates of Change
✷ Suggestions:
A checklist is included for pupils to see where they need to focus their revision.
Encourage pupils to fill in the checklist and complete further questions on the topics they need to work on.
✦ Notes:
The tests should be done with a calculator.
All answers are included, so you can easily mark students work or they can be used for pupils to self-mark…
These questions should take at least an hour for students to complete.
✽ Directions:
Print out a set of worksheets for each student.
This resource can be printed in black and white or colour.
♥ You may also like:
Earth Day Maths Algebra
Earth Day Maths Statistics
Earth Day Maths Animals
Time Word Problems
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Basic Operations Bundle
All answers are included.
If bought independently, these 3 resources would cost £9.00, but I am offering them in this bundle for £6.50, a saving of 28%.
To view items individually, please go to Maths Shop
Colour by Number City
This is great for end of term fun!
The numbers 1 to 12 are used.
The matching colours can then be used to colour the city picture in a colour by number activity.
It is suitable for Key Stage 1 and pre-school.
The resource is printed in black and white and the students can colour it in.
The document is 3 pages in total, but you only need to print out 1 page for the students.
You may also like Colour by Number Fish
Please visit Maths Shop to see more of my resources.
Keywords: fun, summer, end of term, colour by number.
Algebra GCSE Revision Bundle
This is a double pack of algebra worksheets covering the whole algebra syllabus for GCSE foundation and higher.
All answers are included.
Included in this bundle are:
Algebra Revision – GCSE Foundation
There are 141 questions on 22 worksheets.
This pack includes:
Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
Factorising Algebraic Expressions
Expanding Algebraic Expressions
Algebra Substitution
Solving Linear Equations
Solving Quadratic Equations
Changing the Subject of the Formula
Sequences - the nth term
Linear Inequalities
Linear Simultaneous Equations
Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
Problem Solving with Algebra
Mixed Test 1
Mixed Test 2
Algebra Revision – GCSE Higher
Please note that this resource is still being added to and is not yet complete. Buy now and get free updates.
Currently there are 100 questions on 10 worksheets.
This pack includes:
Harder Expanding and Factorising
Harder Solving and the Quadratic Formula
Indices with Algebraic Expressions
Linear and Quadratic Simultaneous Equations
Quadratic Inequalities
Harder Changing the Subject of the Formula
Algebraic Fractions
Harder Sequences
To buy these items individually, please go to Maths Shop
Maths Logic Puzzles 100 Themed Logic Problems Fun printable puzzles. The puzzles can be solved by trial and error, or can be used to introduce algebraic methods.
✎ Contents:
This resource includes:
• 5 fun maths puzzles on 5 printable worksheets.
There are 2 versions included, so that you can print in black and white or colour.
• Teachers notes.
• All answers.
The puzzles included are:
Puzzle 1 - A fun pre-algebra puzzle to find the number that each picture represents.
Puzzle 2 – Another pre-algebra puzzle to find the number that each picture represents.
Puzzle 3 – Fill in the missing whole numbers so that every row, column and diagonal add up to 100.
Puzzle 4 - Fill in the missing decimal numbers so that every row, column and diagonal add up to 100.
Puzzle 5 – An order of operations problem to find how many of the numbers 1-100 you can make with 4 one hundred related numbers.
The puzzles can be solved by trial and error or can be used to introduce algebraic methods.
✦ Objectives:
This resource has been designed to practice:
• Operations with numbers.
• Solving word problems.
• Developing logic skills.
• Developing problem solving skills.
• Order of operations with numbers.
• Writing and evaluating expressions with numbers.
• Pre-algebra skills.
• Mental Maths.
✽ Directions:
Print out a set of 5 worksheets for each student.
You can print in colour or use the black and white version.
Alternatively, laminate one set of worksheets for students to share.
Or display for your class on a smartboard.
✦ Notes:
All answers are included, so you can easily mark students work.
These questions should take at around an hour for students to complete.
✷ Suggestions:
When finished, students could try making up their own puzzles.
♥ You may also like:
Maths Logic Problems Red White and Blue Themed
Valentines Day Puzzles
Christmas Maths Logic Puzzles
☞ To view my other resources, please go to Maths Shop
Valentines Day Maths Simplifying Algebra Expanding Brackets GCSE
Expanding Brackets and Combining Like Terms Equivalent Expressions Maths Colouring Activity. This is great for Valentines Day fun!
Students will expand and simplify to generate equivalent algebraic expressions. For example, simplifying 2(v + 3t) - 3(4v - t)
✦ Notes:
There are 28 questions. Each answer occurs twice, once with a number and once with a colour.
The matching colour can then be used to colour the picture in a fun colour by number activity.
This activity should take around an hour to complete.
All answers are included, so you can easily mark students work.
The resource is printed in black and white for the students to colour in.
✎ Contents:
This resource includes:
• One worksheet with 28 questions on simplifying algebraic expressions by expanding single brackets and combining like terms.
• One answer key sheet for students to fill in.
• One colour by number picture for students to colour in.
• Teachers notes.
• All answers.
✦ Objectives:
This resource has been designed to practice:
• Expanding single brackets.
• Combining like terms.
• Simplifying algebraic expressions.
• Adding and subtracting the terms of linear expressions.
• Identifying when two expressions are equivalent by simplifying.
• Adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers.
✽ Directions:
Print out the 3 pages for each student:
• the sheet of questions
• the colouring answer key sheet
• the colouring picture – (print in landscape mode)
Save paper by having the students share the question sheet.
✷ Suggestions:
Students can cut out their completed picture and use it to glue onto a Valentine’s Day card. Or use them to make a classroom display.
♥ You may also like:
Valentines Day Maths Simplifying Algebraic Expressions Algebra
Chinese New Year Maths
Simplifying Algebra Colouring Activity
New Year Maths Secret Codes
Christmas Maths Logic Puzzle
☞ To view my other resources, please go to Maths Shop
Valentines Day Maths GCSE Algebra and Logic Problems Simplifying Expressions Expanding Brackets
All answers are included.
This is a discounted bundle of maths worksheets.
☞ To view my other resources, please go to Maths Shop
GCSE Higher Revision Edexcel
All answers are included.
This is a discounted bundle of maths worksheets.
☞ To view my other resources, please go to Maths Shop
GCSE Maths Foundation Revision Exam Style Questions.
These questions are perfect for all your higher and foundation maths lessons.
All answers are included.
This is a discounted bundle of maths worksheets.
☞ To view my other resources, please go to Maths Shop
Maths GCSE 9-1 Revision Higher
This is a discounted pack of maths resources.
All answers are included.
To view these items individually, please go to Maths Shop
Get ready for Summer with these Summer Maths Logic Problems, perfect for end of term fun! These logic puzzles can be solved by trial and error or can be used to introduce algebraic methods. There are 2 versions so that you can print in black and white or colour. All answers are included
✎ Contents:
This resource includes:
• 4 fun maths puzzles on 4 printable worksheets.
• Teachers notes.
• All answers.
The puzzles included are:
• Puzzle 1 - A fun pre-algebra puzzle with 4 pictures to find the number that each picture represents.
• Puzzle 2 – A fun pre-algebra puzzle with bigger numbers and 5 pictures to find the number that each picture represents.
• Puzzle 3 – A harder puzzle with 4 pictures to find the number that each picture represents.
• Puzzle 4 – A harder puzzle with 4 pictures to find the number that each picture represents.
✦ Objectives:
This resource has been designed to practice:
• Basic operations with integers.
• Developing logic skills.
• Developing problem solving skills.
• Writing and evaluating expressions.
• Pre-algebra skills.
• Mental maths.
• Order of operations.
✽ Directions:
Print out a set of 4 worksheets for each student.
There are 2 versions so that you can print in black and white or colour.
✦ Notes:
All answers are included, so you can easily mark students work.
These questions should take around half an hour for students to complete.
♥ You may also like:
Maths Logic Problems Red White and Blue Themed
May 4th Maths Simplifying Expressions Collecting Like Terms
☞ To view my other resources, please go to Maths Shop
A Level Maths Pure Year 12 Trig and Quadratics Bundle.
This is a discounted Bundle. All answers are included.
To view items individually, please go to Maths Shop