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Embermaths's Shop

I strive to create worksheets that stretch and challenge your KS3 students' knowledge. All of my worksheets are designed to take 30-60 minutes, and so are perfect for use in class or as homework/home-learning. I am working hard to release more high quality worksheets in Maths, Physics and Biology! Please leave a review, as feedback is always welcome. For questions, please direct message me on Instagram, @embermathsmemes

I strive to create worksheets that stretch and challenge your KS3 students' knowledge. All of my worksheets are designed to take 30-60 minutes, and so are perfect for use in class or as homework/home-learning. I am working hard to release more high quality worksheets in Maths, Physics and Biology! Please leave a review, as feedback is always welcome. For questions, please direct message me on Instagram, @embermathsmemes
Year 7 Maths Worksheet - Formulae and Expressions (Answers Included)

Year 7 Maths Worksheet - Formulae and Expressions (Answers Included)

This worksheet is aimed at Year 7 students and introduces students to using basic formulae with simple algebraic notation, and highlighting the difference between formulae and expressions. This sheet includes abstract and contextual questions to show students how these concepts may be used in the real world, with a full answer sheet provided. Designed to take approximately 30-40 minutes. The Embermaths Year 7 and 8 Complete Bundles are out now!
Year 8 Maths Worksheet - Using a Calculator (Answers Included)

Year 8 Maths Worksheet - Using a Calculator (Answers Included)

This KS3 worksheet is aimed at Year 7-8 students and introduces students to using a scientific calculator. The sheet contains exercises involving sin, cos, tan, e, powers and roots as well as stressing the importance of brackets using a ‘spot the error’ style question. Designed to take approximately 30-40 minutes, this worksheet is perfect for revision, homework, or for use in class! The Embermaths Year 7 and 8 Complete Bundles are out now!
Year 8 Maths Worksheet - Rounding and Estimation (Answers Included)

Year 8 Maths Worksheet - Rounding and Estimation (Answers Included)

This worksheet is aimed at Year 7-8 students and covers simple rounding and estimation, involving rounding to decimal places and significant figures, and introduces students to estimating values without detailed calculation. A full answer sheet is provided. Designed to take approximately 40 minutes, so this worksheet is perfect for homework, or for use in class! The Embermaths Year 7 and 8 Complete Bundles are out now!
Year 8 Maths Worksheets - Complete Bundle (Answers Included)

Year 8 Maths Worksheets - Complete Bundle (Answers Included)

13 Resources
This bundle contains all of the Embermaths Year 8 worksheets range, (aimed at Year 8 but can be used for Years 7-9), with a range of topics including: Solving linear equations, and using algebra in contextual situations 2D and 3D shapes, involving perimeter, area, volume, density and angles rules Straight line graphs Arithmetic sequences Ratio Proportionality Basic statistics Using a calculator Percentages and interest Rounding and estimation The worksheets are designed to take between 30-60 minutes depending on sheet, making them perfect for work in-class, home learning or for homework! All sheets come with answers included, and are designed to challenge your students through maths in a range of question types and contexts, to really test their understanding. Consider leaving a review, and don’t hesitate to contact me on Instagram with any queries!
Year 7 Maths Worksheet - Fractions (Answers Included)

Year 7 Maths Worksheet - Fractions (Answers Included)

This worksheet is aimed at Year 7 students and covers fractions, including simplifying and fraction arithmetic. This sheet contains many quick-fire questions in different formats, with a full answer sheet provided. Designed to take approximately 60 minutes. The Embermaths Year 7 and 8 Complete Bundles are out now!
Year 7 Maths Worksheet - Ratio and Probability (Answers Included)

Year 7 Maths Worksheet - Ratio and Probability (Answers Included)

This worksheet is aimed at Year 7 students and covers entry level ratio and probability contextual questions to introduce students to different question types in maths, with a full answer sheet provided. Designed to take approximately 40 minutes. The Embermaths Year 7 and 8 Complete Bundles are out now!
Year 7 Maths Worksheet - Simplifying Expressions (Answers Included)

Year 7 Maths Worksheet - Simplifying Expressions (Answers Included)

This worksheet is aimed at Year 7 students and introduces them to simple algebraic notation, such as 2x instead of 2 times x, and simplifying algebraic expressions, with a full answer sheet provided. Designed to take approximately 45 minutes. The Embermaths Year 7 and 8 Complete Bundles are out now!
Year 8 Maths Worksheet - Circles (Answers Included)

Year 8 Maths Worksheet - Circles (Answers Included)

This worksheet is aimed at Year 7-8 students and introduces questions involving circles, such as drawing and labeling the parts of the circle, finding the circumference and area of whole and partial circles, with a challenge final activity to find the length of a race track. Designed to take approximately 40-50 minutes, so this worksheet is perfect for homework, or for use in class! The Embermaths Year 7 and 8 Complete Bundles are out now!
KS3 Biology Revision Worksheet - Cells and Organisation (Answers Included)

KS3 Biology Revision Worksheet - Cells and Organisation (Answers Included)

This revision worksheet is based on the Key Stage 3 Biology curriculum section ‘Structure and Functions of Living Organisms - Cells and Organisation’, involving interpreting drawings from microscopy, distinguishing the differences between plant and animal cells, diffusion and osmosis and the organisation of multi-cellular organisms. This sheet is designed to take 45-60 minutes, and so is perfect for revision in class or for homework! Consider visiting the Embermaths shop for more KS3 resources!
Year 8 Maths Worksheet - Angles (Answers included)

Year 8 Maths Worksheet - Angles (Answers included)

This KS3 worksheet is aimed at Year 7-8 students and tests student’s ability to use simple geometric properties to find angles without using a protractor. The sheet encourages students to notice the relationship between internal polygon angles and the number of sides the polygon has, as well as a series of questions involving using lines and shapes to work out unknown angles. Designed to take approximately 30-40 minutes, this worksheet is perfect for revision, homework, or for use in class! The Embermaths Year 7 and 8 Complete Bundles are out now!
Kinetic Energy and GPE - KS3 Physics Worksheet (Answers Included)

Kinetic Energy and GPE - KS3 Physics Worksheet (Answers Included)

This worksheet is aimed at KS3 students, and covers the concept of mechanical energy. The worksheet allows students to get a feel for how the concepts of kinetic energy and GPE may be used in exams and in real life, such as finding the mass of a car, the total energy of a flying bird, the maximum height of a cannon ball and more. It is designed to take around 40 minutes, so is perfect for use in class or for homework!
The Universe - KS3 Physics Worksheet (Answers Included)

The Universe - KS3 Physics Worksheet (Answers Included)

This worksheet is aimed at KS3 students, and covers the outer space topic. The worksheet covers questions about the structure of the Solar System and our place within the Milky Way, the planets, light-years, gravity (F = mg) and seasons. The sheet is designed to take around 45 minutes, so is perfect for use in class or for homework!
Year 8 Maths Worksheet - Statistical Measures (Answers Included)

Year 8 Maths Worksheet - Statistical Measures (Answers Included)

This worksheet is aimed at Year 8-9 students and covers range, mean, median and mode for simple data sets, as well as bar charts, pie charts and tally tables. Questions include finding the mean, median, mode and range of different data sets with a variety of real-life contexts, interpreting a bar chart, and plotting a bar chart and pie chart from a tally table. This worksheet is designed to take approximately 40-60 minutes, and so is perfect for homework, or for use in class! The Embermaths Year 7 and 8 Complete Bundles are out now!
Year 7 Maths Worksheet - Fractions, Decimals and Percentages (Answers Included)

Year 7 Maths Worksheet - Fractions, Decimals and Percentages (Answers Included)

This worksheet is aimed at Year 7 students and covers converting between and ordering fractions, decimals and percentages, as well as some contextual questions introducing students to simple problems involving percentages of an amount, with a full answer sheet provided. Designed to take approximately 30-40 minutes. The Embermaths Year 7 and 8 Complete Bundles are out now!
Year 7 Maths Worksheet - Multiples, Factors and Exponents (Answers Included)

Year 7 Maths Worksheet - Multiples, Factors and Exponents (Answers Included)

This worksheet is aimed at Year 7 students and covers questions relating to finding multiples, factors, prime factors of different numbers and introduces students to integer exponents, and powers. This sheet contains many quick-fire questions in different formats, with a full answer sheet provided. Designed to take approximately 45 minutes. The Embermaths Year 7 and 8 Complete Bundles are out now!
Year 7 Maths Worksheet - Arithmetic with Integers (Answers Included)

Year 7 Maths Worksheet - Arithmetic with Integers (Answers Included)

This worksheet is aimed at Year 7 students and covers non-calculator arithmetic in the form of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This sheet contains lots of quick-fire questions, with some contextual questions to test student’s ability to apply their skills to real scenarios, with a full answer sheet provided. Designed to take approximately 40-60 minutes. The Embermaths Year 7 and 8 Complete Bundles are out now!
Year 7 Maths Worksheet - Coordinates (Answers Included)

Year 7 Maths Worksheet - Coordinates (Answers Included)

This worksheet is aimed at Year 7 students and introduces them to coordinates through a treasure hunt, identifying shapes made with points on a grid, answering true or false statements and even introduces students to the concept of a gradient or rate of change of a straight line by finding the difference in y over the difference in x - with a full answer sheet provided. Designed to take approximately 30-40 minutes. The Embermaths Year 7 and 8 Complete Bundles are out now!
Year 7 Maths Worksheet - Shapes, Perimeter and Area (Answers Included)

Year 7 Maths Worksheet - Shapes, Perimeter and Area (Answers Included)

This worksheet is aimed at Year 7 students and tests their ability to identify shapes, as well as to find simple perimeters and areas of a variety of shapes through a range of question formats, with a full answer sheet provided. Designed to take approximately 40-50 minutes. The Embermaths Year 7 and 8 Complete Bundles are out now!
Year 7 Maths Worksheet - Simplifying Brackets and Binomials

Year 7 Maths Worksheet - Simplifying Brackets and Binomials

This worksheet is aimed at Year 7 students and introduces students to algebra involving brackets, as well as expanding simple binomials, with emphasis on students simplifying their answers. The sheet starts with shorter, quick-fire questions and finishes with a contextual-style question to show students how these maths skills can be used in the real world, with a full answer sheet provided. Designed to take approximately 40-50 minutes. The Embermaths Year 7 and 8 Complete Bundles are out now!
KS3 Maths Notation Dictionary - FREE Resource

KS3 Maths Notation Dictionary - FREE Resource

This resource is aimed at Key Stage 3 students, introducing, explaining and giving examples of the use of many common and uncommon mathematical notations they may encounter in maths lessons! KS4 students may also find this useful, as it covers some more advanced symbols such as factorial, proportionality, and the shorthand ‘therefore’ and ‘because’ symbols to neaten their workings. Consider supporting Embermaths by leaving a review, and purchasing any of our worksheets!