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EngageinEnglish's Shop

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(based on 82 reviews)

Providing engaging and exciting resources for memorable lessons!




Providing engaging and exciting resources for memorable lessons!
KS4/3 Literacy, PEE, SPAG and Writing to Argue and Persuade Bundle

KS4/3 Literacy, PEE, SPAG and Writing to Argue and Persuade Bundle

3 Resources
Literacy, PEE, SPAG and Writing to Argue and Persuade Bundle A fantastic value download bundle consisting of: * Literacy Health Check * Karl Pilkington SPAG and PEE starters * The Sugar Tax Click on the previews for more details For more great resources and lessons, visit my page here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish
English Handy Pack Bundle

English Handy Pack Bundle

4 Resources
Fantastic, all purpose handy pack for English teachers. Lots of material for an easy life! Click on the links for further details. For more great resources and complete lessons, visit my page here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish
Karl Pilkington's SPAG and PEE Starters

Karl Pilkington's SPAG and PEE Starters

Engaging SPAG and PEE starter pack and Power Point slides taken from extracts of Karl Pilkington's hilarious travel diaries, The Idiot Abroad. Each starter features a short extract, with a short SPAG and an extended PEE or comprehension starter, together with an image of Karl Pilkington. Starters are ideal for KS4 students or later KS3 and suitable for a variety of different exam boards e.g. WJEC or AQA as they involve the same core skills. Also included for free is a bumper word puzzles Power Point which is normally £2: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/word-quizzes-11195792 Please rate and visit my shop store for more great resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish Thank you. (Credits: images royalty free, taken from Wikicommons and pininterest.com)
The Relax Bundle - Premium Lesson Collection KS2-KS4

The Relax Bundle - Premium Lesson Collection KS2-KS4

4 Resources
The Relax Bundle - Premium Lesson Collection KS2-KS4 Give yourself a break and download these complete one-off lessons, available at a special price! Something to suit everybody. Pack includes: * A complete reading assessment lesson (suitable for 2 lessons, KS2-3) * A fun chocolate bar design lesson (suitable for most key stages) * Everest a complete descriptive writing lesson (suitable for most key stages) * Sugar Tax - writing to argue and persuade (suitable for KS3-KS4) £11.50 worth of quality material for less than a fiver! Lessons sorted. Visit my page for more great lessons and resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish
A Christmas Murder Mystery 2, Death on the Train - Full Lesson

A Christmas Murder Mystery 2, Death on the Train - Full Lesson

A Christmas journey on the Trans-Siberian Express turns to murder as one-by-one passengers are found dead. But who is doing it and why? And who will be next? Visually attractive Christmas murder mystery story lesson complete with all resources needed for a fun engaging lesson or series of lessons. (At least two lessons will be required to complete the story.) Power point includes: * Attractive title page. * Complete lesson objectives and outcomes (WALT and WILF) - with the focus on higher attaining students to use descriptive language for effect and to build up tension and drama within the story. * Interesting suspect list with hints about their characters. * Lesson starter – character discussion. * Story scenario – dramatic scenario (as above). * Planning sheet giving students a structured method in which to write an effective story. * A review prompt to discuss writing so far. * A review peer-assessment prompt which should set students up to continue the story next lesson. * All resources included at the end of the Power Point. If you liked this resource, you will also enjoy – A Spooky Christmas Story: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/spooky-christmas-story-full-lesson-11177327 And also the first Christmas Murder Mystery, available here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/a-christmas-murder-mystery-full-lesson-11179016 (Train image from 56parallel.com and bookish.com. Characters from Jacketflap.com, the artofmurde.com.)
Everest Descriptive Writing and Chocolate Bar Design + Literacy Bingo

Everest Descriptive Writing and Chocolate Bar Design + Literacy Bingo

3 Resources
Climbing Mount Everest Descriptive Writing - Complete Lesson Complete one-off descriptive writing lesson with all the resources included, easy to teach! Everest Descriptive Writing and Chocolate Bar Design + Literacy Bingo Two great one-off lessons, easy to teach + literacy bingo. See each page for more details! For more great lessons and resources, visit my page here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish
EU Referendum - Class Vote!

EU Referendum - Class Vote!

A topical debate lesson on the EU referendum. Visually attractive lesson, guaranteed to promote debate! Students have to decide if they are for or against Britain leaving the EU. Debate and real poll cards included in the lesson Power Point. BBC article also included. To use the TES recommended writing to argue and persuade version of this lesson see here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/eu-referendum-writing-to-argue-and-persuade-11301309 Visit my page for more great lessons and resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish (Credits, BBC and Youtube.)
Venice – Descriptive Writing, Complete Lesson

Venice – Descriptive Writing, Complete Lesson

Venice – Descriptive Writing, Complete Lesson A sophisticated descriptive writing lesson based on images from Venice! Complete, visually attractive lesson includes a 10 question Venice quiz, a senses hunt, a video clip and prompts throughout. For a range of other interesting lessons and great resources visit my page here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish (Credits:Taketours, Monarch, Wikipedia, cooltext.com.)
Teacher Chill Out Pack - Lessons for an easy life

Teacher Chill Out Pack - Lessons for an easy life

7 Resources
Teacher Chill Out Pack - Lessons for an easy life A collection of cool and simple lessons for an easy life. Just download and teach. Job done. £25.50 of quality material for £5.25! For a range of other interesting lessons and great resources visit my page here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish
Wonders of the World

Wonders of the World

A nice visual starter. Wonders of the world. Students simply have to try and identify each of the seven wonders. A good starter to use with travel writing or descriptive writing or just trying to broaden students horizons.
Double Lesson Pack - Descriptive and Non-Fiction One-Off Lessons

Double Lesson Pack - Descriptive and Non-Fiction One-Off Lessons

3 Resources
Double Lesson Pack - Descriptive and Non-Fiction One-Off Lessons Two very simple but effective lessons. * Climbing Everest Descriptive Writing * Crocodile Non-Fiction Comparison Also included is a 20 creative classroom ideas Power Point. Click on the links for further Visit my shop for more great lessons and resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish
Karl Pilkington's SPAG and PEE Starters - Funny

Karl Pilkington's SPAG and PEE Starters - Funny

Engaging SPAG and PEE starter pack and Power Point slides taken from extracts of Karl Pilkington's hilarious travel diaries, The Idiot Abroad. Each starter features a short extract, with a short SPAG and an extended PEE or comprehension starter, together with an image of Karl Pilkington. Starters are ideal for KS4 students or later KS3 and suitable for a variety of different exam boards e.g. WJEC or AQA as they involve the same core skills. Also included for free is a bumper word puzzles Power Point which is normally £2: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/word-quizzes-11195792 Please rate and visit my shop store for more great resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish Thank you. (Credits: images royalty free, taken from Wikicommons and pininterest.com)
Flags of the World - Olympics Quiz

Flags of the World - Olympics Quiz

Guess the country quiz! Round 1 – name the country from the flag – 30 flags with answers. Round 2 – remember the country from round 1 and try to guess and order the population size. 3 sets of 5 puzzles with answers. See my home page for more great lessons, bundles and resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish
Quiz Triple Pack – Great Value Download

Quiz Triple Pack – Great Value Download

Quiz Triple Pack – Great Value Download Quiz triple pack – great value download, ideal for form time, time passing activities or part of a lesson featuring: Word Quizzes £2: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/word-quizzes-11195792 Flags of the World Quiz £2: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/flags-of-the-world-quiz-11313597 Euro 2016Guess the Player Quiz 2: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/euro-2016-guess-the-player-quiz-2-11304882 For more great resources and lessons visit my shop here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish (Credits given in each page.)
End of Term Triple Pack - Fantastic Value

End of Term Triple Pack - Fantastic Value

Quiz Triple Pack – Great Value Download Quiz triple pack – great value download, ideal for form time, time passing activities or part of a lesson featuring: Word Quizzes £2: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/word-quizzes-11195792 Flags of the World Quiz £2: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/flags-of-the-world-quiz-11313597 Euro 2016Guess the Player Quiz 2: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/euro-2016-guess-the-player-quiz-2-11304882 For more great resources and lessons visit my shop here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish (Credits given in each page.)
Literacy Games and Christmas Fun Pack

Literacy Games and Christmas Fun Pack

4 Resources
Literacy Games and Christmas Fun Pack A fantastic collection of fun and educational literacy resources, including: * Literacy Bingo * Literacy True or False * Christmas Quiz * Christmas Fun Pack Click on the links for further details. A great value download. For more great resources and lessons, visit my page here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish
Horror, Comedy and Travel Bundle Pack

Horror, Comedy and Travel Bundle Pack

3 Resources
An excellent bundle of horror, comedy and travel featuring: * The Haunting - Complete Lesson * Karl Pilkington's SPAG and PEE starters * Campervan Travels Tried and tested resources. Click on the links for more details, thank you. For more great lessons and resources see my shop here:https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish
Zombie Apocalypse + Christmas Fun

Zombie Apocalypse + Christmas Fun

3 Resources
Zombie Apocalypse + Christmas Fun Gothic zombie apocalypse creative writing lesson plus Christmas quiz and fun pack. Amazing value. For more great resources, visit my shop page here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish
The Horror and Comedy Collection 3

The Horror and Comedy Collection 3

5 Resources
The Horror and Comedy Collection 3 A collection of exciting horror and comedy complete lessons and resources. Fantastic value! See the links for further details. Visit my shop for more great lessons and resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish (Credits: cooltext.com, copyright free image: https://pixabay.com/en/ghosts-gespenter-spooky-horror-572038/)
The Christmas Murder Mystery 2 Bundle Pack

The Christmas Murder Mystery 2 Bundle Pack

3 Resources
The Christmas Murder Mystery 2 Bundle Pack An excellent collection for Christmas, featuring an exciting Christmas lesson, a Christmas fun pack and a quiz pack collection. Click on the links for further details! Also available is the ultimate Christmas bundle which you may prefer instead, featuring three whole Christmas lessons and the Christmas fun pack. Just £5.50. A must download. Download this below: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-ultimate-christmas-bundle-11425592 For more great resources, visit my shop page here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish