Member since 2024
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Based in
United Kingdom
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Primary/Elementary/Childhood Education,English,Mathematics
Back in the yesteryear of 2007, I started university on the path to become a primary school teacher on an Education Studies course. During my time there, however, my elective modules in Creative Writing inspired me to opt for me to make it a joint Creative Writing & Education Studies degree. After graduating and subsequently completing my teacher training, I fell into work as the Training Manager of a research company and started a family. As time went by, my goal to become a teacher seemed less needful - I had a purpose, and the demands that modern teaching place on our educators, I feel, wouldn't align with the work/life balance I require. Over the years, I've worked in various roles and been blessed to send my child to some excellent local schools, speak with parents and teachers, and also see what primary-age children of today are expected to learn. I have a close working relationship with those schools still and this helps inform me of where they further support could be provided.
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