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Welcome to ExamSolutions1. One place to find detailed Maths paper solutions for Independent schools for 11+ and 13+

Welcome to ExamSolutions1. One place to find detailed Maths paper solutions for Independent schools for 11+ and 13+
7+ and 8+ English and Maths entrance examinations

7+ and 8+ English and Maths entrance examinations

A great resource pack for students who are in summer vacation and need practise with Maths and English for entrance examinations for 7+ and 8+. It covers the necessary topics and curriculum for year 2 English and Maths along with recommended readings.
7+ Entrance Papers English Pack with detailed solutions

7+ Entrance Papers English Pack with detailed solutions

7+ Entrance Papers English Pack with detailed solutions. The pack has 4 exam papers (Comprehension and Composition). Each papers are 50 minutes long. The papers are perfect to get your children ready for 7+ Entrance exams Independent schools. Also, it can be use for parents to home school children and use it as a benchmark for assessment.
Sutton Grammar 2024 style papers English and Maths

Sutton Grammar 2024 style papers English and Maths

Sutton Grammar 2024 style papers English and Maths papers with solutions. 44 questions realistic papers set for Sutton Grammar. Perfect for students who are preparing for Sutton Grammar. A cost effective way to check progress of your children’s performance for 11+ exams.
7+ Entrance Exams English Paper Pack

7+ Entrance Exams English Paper Pack

Get your son / daughter to practise 7+ Entrance Exams English Papers. There are four Comprehension and Composition papers with detailed solutions. The papers are perfect for getting the students ready for Independent schools such as St.Pauls, Westminster Under and Kings College.