All resources are tried and tested in practice, no editing required they're all ready to go!
FiZo prides itself on providing quality, engaging resources with attractive presentation which promotes learning for all.
All resources are tried and tested in practice, no editing required they're all ready to go!
FiZo prides itself on providing quality, engaging resources with attractive presentation which promotes learning for all.
24 slide lesson covering personality types in sports psychology. Content covers.
Definition of personality in sport psychology
Type A and B personalities
Eyesncks view of personality.
Lesson include.
Starter activities
Subject content
Progression learning objectives.
Assessment opportunities
Plenary activities
All required resources
Lessons have been delivered at level 3 BTEC however useable at other levels and programmes.
A sample of a PowerPoint lesson covering the Achievement and Attribution theories of motivation in the field of sport psychology.
My personal favourite lesson to deliver (I have delivered it every year for the last 4 years), based around practical classroom challenges which demonstrate the theories and give students a real-life insight into their own motivations.
An enjoyable, interactive, and engaging lesson which is always popular with students. A dart board is required for the practical elements, although table tennis could also work well.
All FiZo lessons include:
Starter activities
Subject content
Progressive learning objectives.
Assessment opportunities
Interactive activities
Peer feedback opportunities
Sporting examples
Differentiated activities.
Plenary activities
All required resources
Lessons have been delivered at level 3 BTEC however, can be used with other levels and programmes. Lesson is ready to use.
This session has been observed as part of formal observations and received outstanding feedback.
A worksheet to accompany a practical gym based component of fitness lessons.
Students are asked to complete a circuit and identify the components of fitness of each station, an extension task is also included to ensure stretch and challenge throughout the lesson.
33 slides on the structure of the skeletal system.
Lessons include-
• Starter activities
• Progression learning objectives
• Subject content
• Assessment opportunities
• Differentiation
• Plenary activities
Has been used in the delivery of Level 3 BTEC programmes however could be used at other qualification levels and routes.
Student resources backs with required resources and diagrams included.
20 slide lesson covering the Lactic acid and Aerobic Energy Systems
Lessons include.
Starter activities
Subject content
Progression learning objectives.
Assessment opportunities
Plenary activities
All required resources
Lessons have been delivered at level 3 BTEC however useable at other levels and programmes. Lesson ready to use.
An excel template for a performance profile. The spreadsheet is fully set up to create a performance profile on the areas that you choose. All you need to is in input you scores and a performance profile will be created.
A 30 week overview of a Level 1 Maths functional skills teaching program based around 2 lessons a week. Presented on one page for easy use and reference, it covers all the main topics often covered in Maths Level 1 functional skills exams.
17 slide lesson covering energy creation in the body and the Phosphocreatine system
Lessons include.
Starter activities
Subject content
Progression learning objectives.
Assessment opportunities
Plenary activities
All required resources
Lessons have been delivered at level 3 BTEC however useable at other levels and programmes. Lesson ready to use.
**As shown on Instagram. **
A great way of getting students discussing topics and sharing there learning.
Students complete paired research before sharing their findings though speed dating.
This activity is re-useable and can be used for any subject, age group or ability level. A fantastic alternative to students presentations, and always recieves outstanding feedback during lesson observations.
Registrations and tutorials a pain sometimes? Well FiZo can provide a 30 week overview of a tutorial/ registration scheme of work to save you agony.
A 30 week overview of a Key stage 4/ 5 tutorial or registration time scheme of work. Presented on one page for easy use and reference, it covers a range of lifestyle, health, employability and progression topics.
A target setting structure that is effective at keeping students engaged and motivated during both independent learning and online lessons.
Based around SMART targets, students create a series of achievable targets to be achieved over an agreed time period. For example, create 3 half hour targets for student A, meet with student A every half hour to review their targets and set new ones if required.
A 29- Powerpoint slide lesson covering Achievement and Attribution theories of motivation in the field of sport psychology.
My personal favourite lesson to deliver (I have delivered it every year for the last 4 years), based around practical classroom challenges which demonstrate the theories and gives students a real-life insight into their own motivations.
An enjoyable, interactive, and engaging lesson which is always popular with students. A dart board is required for the practical elements, although table tennis could also work well.
All FiZo lessons include:
Starter activities
Subject content
Progressive learning objectives.
Assessment opportunities
Interactive activities
Peer feedback opportunities
Sporting examples
Differentiated activities.
Plenary activities
All required resources
Lessons have been delivered at level 3 BTEC however, these can be used with other levels and programmes. Lesson is ready to use.
This session has been observed as part of formal observations and received outstanding feedback
A 14-Powerpoint slide lesson on Tuckman’s model of group development within the field of sport psychology.
The lesson is very student centered, focusing on student research and collaborative feedback on the topic, leading to a differentiated task looking at the effects of group development on team performance.
A well structured and progressive lesson which ensures high levels of student engagement and differentiation, whilst also promoting wider curricular skills.
All FiZo lessons include:
Starter activities
Subject content
Progressive learning objectives.
Assessment opportunities
Interactive activities
Peer feedback opportunities
Sporting examples
Differentiated activities.
Plenary activities
All required resources
Lessons have been delivered at level 3 BTEC however, these can be used with other levels and programmes. Lesson is ready to use.
This session has been observed as part of formal observations and received outstanding feedback.
A 21-slide full PowerPoint lesson on group processes within the field of sport psychology. The lesson is very student centred, revolving around engaging and active student challenges which get students working in teams to face challenges. Student performance in these challenges the sets the landscape to introduce and relate Steiner’s Model of effectiveness, the Ringleman effect and social loafing.
All FiZo lessons include.
Starter activities
Subject content
Progressive learning objectives.
Assessment opportunities
Interactive activities
Peer feedback opportunities
Sporting examples
Differentiated activities.
Plenary activities
All required resources
Lessons have been delivered at level 3 BTEC however useable at other levels and programmes. Lesson ready to use. This session has been observed as part of formal observations and has received outstanding feedback.
A full Powerpoint lesson focusing on job interview skills. A student centered session which includes interactive tasks that gets students thinking about the required skills to interview successfully, before demonstrating those skills in a practical interview situation.
A really enjoyable and engaging lesson appropriate for a range of age groups and subject backgrounds.
A 24- Powerpoint slide with detailed lessons on the Martens Schematic, Situational and Interactional theories of personality within the field of sport psychology.
The lesson is primarily research based given the theoretical nature of the content, however interactive and engaging tasks encourages students to develop their own views through a guided discovery delivery method.
Lessons covers the following content:
Martens Schematic View of personality
Situational theory of personality
Interactional theory of personality
The effects of personality on performance, looking at the following.
Type A vs Type B
Athletes vs non athletes
Elite vs non elite athletes
Individual vs team sports
All FiZo lessons include:
Starter activities
Subject content
Progressive learning objectives.
Assessment opportunities
Interactive activities
Peer feedback opportunities
Sporting examples
Differentiated activities.
Plenary activities
All required resources
Lessons have been delivered at level 3 BTEC however, these can also be used with other levels and programmes. Lessons are ready to use.
Session has been observed as part of formal observations and received outstanding feedback.
19 slide full PowerPoint lesson covering the stress in the field of sports psychology. Lesson content includes.
• Definition of stress
• Causes of stress.
• Eustress and Distress
• Symptoms of stress
• Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous System
• Effects of stress on performance
Lessons include.
Starter activities
Subject content
Progressive learning objectives.
Assessment opportunities
Interactive activities
Peer feedback opportunities
Sporting examples
Plenary activities
All required resources
Lessons have been delivered at level 3 BTEC however useable at other levels and programmes. Lesson ready to use. This session has been observed as part of formal observations and has received outstanding feedback.
A 19-slide full PowerPoint lesson on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation within the field of sport psychology. an enjoyable lesson to delivery and take part that is highly active and engaging (my year 13 students still debate the outcome of the competition a year on). The lesson is very student centred; students are tasked with taking part in a multi event challenge within teams with each team offered a different motivational award. This set of challenges sets up the discussion on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and the effect that has been demonstrated and how that relates to player/ athlete performance. These activities lead student to complete a differentiated task to finish the lesson.
All FiZo lessons include.
Starter activities
Subject content
Progressive learning objectives.
Assessment opportunities
Interactive activities
Peer feedback opportunities
Sporting examples
Differentiated activities.
Plenary activities
All required resources
Lessons have been delivered at level 3 BTEC however useable at other levels and programmes. Lesson ready to use. This session has been observed as part of formal observations and has received outstanding feedback.
**Lesson has been delivered at level 3 BTEC however useable at other levels and programmes, including VTCT, NCFE, GCSE and A Level sport and PE. **
A great 17 slide PowerPoint lesson covering the effects of acute and long-term exercise on the body’s energy systems. Lesson includes subject content on the difference between aerobic and anaerobic activity, engaged and practical tasks which get students active in there learning.
The lesson includes several student tasks which allows the lesson to be highly interactive and engaging whilst promoting learning. The lesson is very academic in nature, looking to strength the knowledge and understanding of student by providing in depth knowledge of the topic.
Lesson content includes:
• The energy continuum
• Increased aerobic and anaerobic enzymes
• Increased use of fats as energy
All FiZo lessons include.
Starter activities
Subject content
Progressive learning objectives.
Assessment opportunities
Interactive activities
Peer feedback opportunities
Sporting examples
Differentiated activities.
Plenary activities
All required resources
36 slides on the different types of joint in the body and the movements availible,
Lessons include-
• Starter activities
• Progression learning objectives
• Subject content
• Assessment opportunities
• Differentiation
• Plenary activities
Has been used in the delivery of Level 3 BTEC programmes however could be used at other qualification levels and routes.
Student resources backs with required resources and diagrams included.