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Perfect Revision Notes meticulously handcrafted for GCSE subjects and subsection topics. Some notes are free to provide a sample of notes to see what we are all about!!!




Perfect Revision Notes meticulously handcrafted for GCSE subjects and subsection topics. Some notes are free to provide a sample of notes to see what we are all about!!!
Unit 1.7, Death and Burial - Notes OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE Revision

Unit 1.7, Death and Burial - Notes OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE Revision

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to Death and Burial in Greece + Rome and the traditions and rituals carried out required for the OCR Myth and Religion paper 1. This revision resource contains almost 1,300 words in order to provide you with maximum handcrafted revision resource to achieve a level 9. This resource explains and outlines in great detail; Preparation of the body in Greece covered in great details and explanations, The funeral procession in Greece in detail, The burial of the Body in Greece, Festivals for the dead in Greece and details of how ancestors honoured and participated including the traditions that were carried out, *Anthesteria festival, Genesia festival, Wealth and Status in Rome and how this affected Roman burials and deaths, Funeral clubs, Preparations of the body in Rome, Funeral procession in Rome, Burial of the Body in Rome, Festivals for the dead in Rome in detail, The Parentalia, The Lemuria All of these points are covered in extensive detail and provide you with immense knowledge of this topic section
Unit 1.6, Myth and Symbols of Power - Notes OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE Revision

Unit 1.6, Myth and Symbols of Power - Notes OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE Revision

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to Festivals in Greece and Rome on the OCR Myth and Religion paper 1. This revision resource contains almost 1,400 words in order to provide you with maximum handcrafted revision resource to achieve a level 9. This resource explains and outlines in great detail; The Centauromachy in great details and explanation, The portrayal of the Centauromachy in Greece on the Parthenon, The Amazonomachy battle and depiction at Bassae in Great detail, Analysis of a section of the Frieze at Bassae, Creating realism, easily recognisable scene and filling the space, Rome and Augustus covered in great detail, background and explanations around Augustus’ life and achievements, required for the exam, Augustus’ aims regarding architecture and promoting him and his family’s image, Augustus at Prima Porta, Augustus and the Ara Pacis in Rome on the Campus Martius All of these points are covered in extensive detail and provide you with immense knowledge of this topic section
Unit 3.3 Culture Roman Society (Roman City life) - Notes Classical Civilisation OCR GCSE Revision

Unit 3.3 Culture Roman Society (Roman City life) - Notes Classical Civilisation OCR GCSE Revision

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to Roman Society in Rome on the OCR Unit 3 Culture Roman City Life paper 2. This revision resource contains over 800 words in order to provide you with maximum handcrafted revision resource to achieve a level 9. This resource explains and outlines in great detail; Details, explanations of rights and liberties held by Roman citizens. Roman citizenship, Senators covered in detail and explanations, Cursus Honorum, Equites in detail, Slaves in Rome, How to become a slave, Types of slaves in Rome, Freedmen, rights and difference from citizenship, examples of Freedmen, Tomb of Naevoleia Tyche and literary analysis of examples of freedmen campaigning for their former masters. All of these points are covered in extensive detail and provide you with immense knowledge of this topic section
Germany 1880-1919 – Democracy and Dictatorship 1 - Notes History AQA Higher GCSE

Germany 1880-1919 – Democracy and Dictatorship 1 - Notes History AQA Higher GCSE

This revision resource provides an extremely detailed and perfect explanation of everything required for the exam between the years 1880-1919. In total it equates to over 1,000 words and forms a collection of detailed revisions notes in a series to achieve level 9 in GCSE. These revision notes include very detailed knowledge and explanations of; What Germany was like before WW1, The Growth of Industrialisation under the Kaiser, problems faced by the Kaiser before 1914, Introduction of Parliamentary Government and growth of Socialism, Germany, Impacts and Endings of WW1, Singing of the Armistice and Treaty of Versailles- details and explanation, November Criminals, Social Democratic Government,
Physical and River Landscapes in the UK - Geography AQA Revision Notes GCSE

Physical and River Landscapes in the UK - Geography AQA Revision Notes GCSE

2 Resources
This is a bundle containing revision notes 1 and revision notes 2 as the topic was too big to condense into 1 set of revision notes. These revision resources covers everything outlines in the single documents and can be read in the descriptions of the single documents that are uploaded on my page. In total there is 2,600 words worth of revision material here, providing you will all the knowledge to easily achieve a level 9 condensed in revision resources relating to the physical environment and rivers. Enjoy!!!
WW1 Western Front and Trench Warfare - Notes History AQA GCSE

WW1 Western Front and Trench Warfare - Notes History AQA GCSE

This Revision Resource contains detailed revision notes providing all information and explanations required for the GCSE AQA History WW1 paper and spec. This Revision resource contains meticulously created notes and over 2,000 words providing an abundance of perfect explanations and outlining everything required to achieve a Grade Level 9 at GCSE. This Revision Resource outlines and explains in detail; Detailed explanations surrounding the failure of the Schlieffen Plan and how this lead to Stalemate, Detailed table of Germany, Britain, Belgium and France and how their actions lead to stalemate, Superiority of defensive weapons and strategies, Living and Fighting in the Trenches, Wepons Developments in WW1 and how this helped break the stalemate, Key battles in WW1, Battle of Verdun, Battle of the Somme, Reasons for the failure of the Somme offensive including detailed table and explanations, Blame for the failure of the Somme eg. Haig, Battle of Passchendaele,
Condensed Combined Science Paper 2  notes - Topics and Explanations from Spec

Condensed Combined Science Paper 2 notes - Topics and Explanations from Spec

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to most if not all knowledge required for the AQA Combined Science specification for Paper 2, written including the higher spec points. This resource explains and outlines; Nervous System, Endocrine System, Control of Blood Glucose Concentration, Hormones in Reproduction, Negative Feedback, Sexual and Asexual Reproduction, Mitosis, DNA and the Genome, Genetic Inheritance, Inherited Disorders, Sex Determination, Variation and Evolution, Resistant Bacteria, Biodiversity and Waste Management, Ecology
1994-1918 Causes of WW1 + Outbreak of War - Notes History AQA GCSE

1994-1918 Causes of WW1 + Outbreak of War - Notes History AQA GCSE

This Revision Resource contains extremely detailed revision notes on everything required in relating to the Long and Short term causes of WW1 and the outbreak of war required for the AQA GCSE History Spec This Revision resource contains over 2,700 words and has been handcrafted meticulously to create perfect revision notes to achieve a grade level 9. This Revision resource outlines and explains in detail; Background to the causes of WW1, The Mains Causes of WW1: Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism, Formation of alliances in huge detail, How did Alliance system cause war to break out in detail, Kaiser’s foreign policy, Naval and Arms races, 1st and 2nd Moroccan crisis laid out in extreme detail, Bosnian Crisis, Balkan Wars, Assassination of Arch Duke, Schlieffen plan and Invasion of Belgium in great detail and explanation, Falure of the Schlieffen Plan, Why? How?
WW1 at Sea, Other Fronts, Ending of WW1 - Notes History AQA GCSE Revision

WW1 at Sea, Other Fronts, Ending of WW1 - Notes History AQA GCSE Revision

This Revision resource contains detailed knowledge and explanations of key events required relating to the war at sea and war on other fronts. It also provides all knowledge required for the ending of the war. All of the information has been meticulously created for the AQA History GCSE syllabus. This Revision resource contains over 1,700 words providing excellent knowledge, outlines and explanations providing with the information required to achieve a Grade Level 9. These revision notes include details and explanations of; Key Events during WW1 at sea, The British blockade in great detail, The German U-Boat Campaign, Battle of Jutland, Ending of the War, America joining the allies and their effects in detail and explanations, Russian Revolution, Ending of the war, Defeat of Germany effects after WW1, Situation in 1918 and military developments, Spring Offensive 1918, The Hundred day campaign.
Physical and River landscapes 2 - Notes Geography AQA GCSE Revision

Physical and River landscapes 2 - Notes Geography AQA GCSE Revision

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to the physical environment and river management strategies including case studies required for the AQA Geography Specification. This revision resource contains over 1,300 words meticulously hand crafted in order to achieve grade level 9. This resource explains and outlines in great detail; What causes flooding, What factors affect flood risk and detailed explanations, Hydrographs in detail, Flood management strategies, Hard Engineering strategies, Soft Engineering strategies in detail, Case Study: Boscastle, Effects of flood and background to Boscastle flood, Management strategies employed after Boscastle flood (flood management scheme), Issues and benefits with the flood managements scheme and facts and figures relating to the Boscastle flood
Germany Democracy and Dictatorship 2 1919-1929 - GCSE AQA History Higher Revision Notes

Germany Democracy and Dictatorship 2 1919-1929 - GCSE AQA History Higher Revision Notes

This Revision Resource includes extremely detailed explanations and notes relating to Democracy and Dictatorship in Germany between 1919-1929, perfectly tailored for the AQA History GCSE spec. This resource equates in total to over 1600 words, producing very detailed explanations and knowledge surrounding everything required to achieve a Grade level 9. This revision resource includes; Weimar Constitution, strengths and weaknesses after establishment, Freikorps explanation and background knowledge, Communist Uprisings 1919-1923, Right Wing Uprisings 1919-1923, Kapp Putsch 1920, Munich Putsch 1923, Crisis’ of 1923, Economic Problems, Occupation of the Ruhr and impacts, Hyperinflation, explanation and detailed impacts, Stresemann era, explanation of how he restored stability, Everything Stresemann accomplished, Underlying social prblems in the 1920s, The Weimar “Golden age” of architecture and entertainment.
Physics Paper 1 Topics Revision Notes - Combined Science AQA GCSE Physics

Physics Paper 1 Topics Revision Notes - Combined Science AQA GCSE Physics

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to most if not all knowledge required for the AQA Combined Science specification for Paper 1 Physics, written including the higher spec points. This resource explains and outlines; Wiring a plug and mains electricity, Energy Transfers in Everyday appliances, How length of wire affects resistance practical experiment, All Electrical equations and explanations, Atoms and Isotopes, Mass Number, Atomic Notation and Isotopes, Atoms and Nuclear Radiation, Radioactive Decay and Half life, Renewable and Non-Renewable fuels + Environmental Effects, Changes in Energy, Energy stores and Systems, Energy Changes in Systems and Internal Energy, Thermal Conductivity and Insulators , Gravity and Gravitational potential energy, Elasticity and Elastic Potential Energy,
Physical and River Landscapes - Notes Geography AQA GCSE Revision

Physical and River Landscapes - Notes Geography AQA GCSE Revision

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to physical landscapes in the UK and river landscapes required for the AQA Geography Specification Physical Paper 1. This revision resource contains almost 1,400 words meticulously hand crafted in order to achieve grade level 9. This resource explains and outlines in great detail; Distribution of upland and lowland areas in the UK and map of Rivers in GB, Global hydrological cycle details and explanations detail, Time line and ordering of how water travels through soil from rainwater and into rivers, How do rivers become flatter and wider as they go downstream, Explanation and great detail of fluvial processes eg. Hydraulic action, Abrasion, Solution, Attrition, River transportation processes explained and outlines in detail, Formation of meanders explained and diagrams in detail, River transportation processes fully explained + definitions, Deposition definitions and reasons why deposition occurs, Floodplains explanation and formation of levees, Oxbow lake formation and processes of formation in detail and explained, Interlocking spurs in upper course of river explained and outlined, Waterfalls fully explained with accompanying detailed diagrams +retreating gorge
Glacial Landscapes in UK - Notes Geography AQA GCSE

Glacial Landscapes in UK - Notes Geography AQA GCSE

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to glacial landscapes in the UK required for the AQA Combined Science specification. This revision resource contains over 1,800 words meticulously hand crafted in order to achieve grade level 9. This resource explains and outlines in great detail; Glacial Landscapes in the past, how were they formed, Weathering processes in glacial environments in huge detail in table and diagrams of glacial erosion, How do glaciers move, Transportation and deposition of materials by glaciers, Glacial Landforms outlined and explained in detail eg. Corries, Aretes and Pyramidal Peaks, Truncated Spurs+Glacial Trough, Hanging Valleys, Different Glacial materials and deposition landforms, Drumlins and erratics definitions, Case Study- Lake District, England in great detail including diagrams and tables of facts and figures, Wind-farming in Lake District case study, Tourism management in the Lake District
Unit 3.4 Culture, Leisure+Entertainment (Roman City life) - Notes Classical Civilisation OCR GCSE

Unit 3.4 Culture, Leisure+Entertainment (Roman City life) - Notes Classical Civilisation OCR GCSE

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to Roman Leisure and Entertainment in Rome on the OCR Unit 3 Culture Roman City Life paper 2. These 2 revision resources contain a combined 2,600 words in order to provide you with maximum handcrafted revision resource to achieve a level 9. This resource explains and outlines in great detail; Amphitheatre design in detail and explanations, The Colosseum in Rome in great detail spanning all knowledge required to achieve top grades, Sponsorship of the Games, Types of shows at the Colosseum, Animal shows, gladiatorial events, executions, Gladiatorial background all covered in extensive detail, Different types of gladiators, Chariot Racing, The Races, proceedings in detail and great knowledge, The Theatre, Roman Tragedy, Roman Comedy, Mime and Pantomime, Actors and Audience, The Baths in great detail, Central Baths at Herculaneum, All of these points are covered in extensive detail and provide you with immense knowledge of this topic section
Rise of Nazis, Downfall of Weimar 1923-1934 - History AQA Gcse Revision Notes

Rise of Nazis, Downfall of Weimar 1923-1934 - History AQA Gcse Revision Notes

This revision resources provides extremely detailed knowledge of the Rise of the Nazi Party and the Downfall of the Weimar republic. These notes provided things needed for the Democracy and Dictatorship AQA History GCSE. These notes are part of a series of 4 long documents equating to the entire Democracy and Dictatorship AQA GCSE paper. This Document contains over 2000 words with every points explained fully providing comprehensive knowledge to allow you to achieve a Grade Level 9 This Revision Resources includes detailed knowledge and explanations about; Hitler’s rising publicity after the Munich Putsch Hitler’s trial and impacts, How the Nazi’s changed their tactics between 1924-1929, The SA and Nazi aims, Impact and explanation of the Great Depression 1929 on Germany, How did the Great depression weaken the Weimar Government, how did Germany’s problems lead to Hitler’s increasing influence, Rise of Extremist Parties, unpopular economic policies, rule by Article 48, Hitler’s use of Propaganda to gain votes 1929-1932, How did Hitler become chancellor in 1933, Why and who supported the Nazi’s, Detailed table on how Hitler consolidated his power and removed his opposition.
Weather Hazards and Climate Change- Notes Geography AQA Revision GCSE Physical Paper

Weather Hazards and Climate Change- Notes Geography AQA Revision GCSE Physical Paper

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to weather hazards and climate change required for the AQA Geography Specification. This revision resource contains over 2,100 words meticulously hand crafted in order to achieve grade level 9. This resource explains and outlines in great detail; Global atmospheric circulation, Global circulation and its effects on the world’s weather, Conditions required for tropical storm formation, Climate change effects on tropical storms, Case Study: Typhoon Haiyan 2013, details facts tables, Primary and secondary effects, Immediate and long term responses tables, Reducing the effects of tropical storms strategies, Weather Hazards in the UK, Case Study: Somerset Levels floods 2014, Impacts of the Somerset Levels floods, Immediate and Long term responses, How and why is weather become more extreme in the UK, Global effects of climate change, Natural causes of climate change, Human causes of climate change, Managing climate change explanations and outlines in detailed table,
Plate Tectonics + Natural Hazards - Notes Geography AQA GCSE Revision

Plate Tectonics + Natural Hazards - Notes Geography AQA GCSE Revision

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating plate tectonics and natural hazards required for the AQA Geography Specification. This revision resource contains over 2,000 words meticulously hand crafted in order to achieve grade level 9. This resource explains and outlines in great detail; Structure of the earth, outlines and explanations, Earth’s tectonic plants explanations, Convection currents explanations + diagrams, Different plate boundaries and margins explained in detail, Table relating to why people live near volcanoes, Factors that can effect the severity of natural hazards, Volcanic Hazards effects and management strategies, Case Study:Montserrat Volcano 1997, Effects and responses to this eruption in great detail and explanation+facts, Earthquake key terms and definitions, Effects of earthquakes and description in detail, Case Study: China Earthquake 2008, Immediate and Secondary effects in great detail table, Responses to China earthquake
Living World, Ecosystems and Rainforests - Notes Geography AQA Physical GCSE

Living World, Ecosystems and Rainforests - Notes Geography AQA Physical GCSE

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to the living world topic, ecosystems and rainforests required for the AQA Geography Specification. This revision resource contains over 3,000 words meticulously hand crafted in order to achieve grade level 9. This resource explains and outlines in great detail; Introduction to ecosystems and explanations, Definitions of components in ecosystems, abiotic and biotic factors, Case study of a small Ecosystem: Pugneys Wakefield UK, Plants and animals in a small ecosystem examples, Nutrient cycle in case study, How does change effect an ecosystem, Human changes explanation and great detail, How did change effect Pugneys in 2016, How can change have short and long term effects on an ecosystem, Global ecosystems explanations eg Biomes, Reasons for global biome distribution, CHaracteristics of tropical rainforest climate, Characteristics of tropical rainforest soils and nutrient cycle in TRFs, Rainforest plant and animal adaptations in detail and explanations, Case Study: Human intervention in the Amazon rainforest, Positive impacts of human intervention, Negative impacts of human intervention, Sustainable management strategies in Tropical rainforests detailed explanative table, Case study: Deforestation in Malaysia, Impacts of deforestation in Malaysia, Ecotourism, Sustainable management strategies in rainforests
Life in Nazi Germany 1933-1939 - GCSE History AQA Revision Notes

Life in Nazi Germany 1933-1939 - GCSE History AQA Revision Notes

This Revision resources provides an extremely detailed explanation and description surrounding life in Nazi Germany after the appointment of Hitler as leader. This document strictly provides all the information to achieve level 9 in the AQA GCSE History Democracy and Dictatorship paper This revision resources is one in a series of four that complete the entirety of the Democracy and Dictatorship GCSE AQA spec. This document contains over 3500 words. This Revision Resources includes detailed explanations and details of; Hitler tackling the economic crisis 1933-1939, Dr Schacht and Herman Goering’s economic plans, Exploring how people were or were not better off under Nazi regime, Beauty of labour, Strength through Joy programs, Labour service, public work schemes, rearmament, Impact of WW2 on the Germany people, Nazi policies on women and family, THe Nazi ideal woman, How womens lives were affected by Nazi regime and in what ways were they encouraged to have children, Nazi Youth policies, how children were affected by the Nazi’s, Nazi education, Opposition to the Nazi party 1933-1939, detailed table, How did Hitler run and control Germany, SS, concentration camps, Gestapo, Informers, Propaganda and the role it played in controlling Germany, Persecution of minorities and the Jews, In what ways were the lives of the Jews affected by Nazi regime.